Experienced budgie owner getting her first cockatiel! Any advice?


New member
Oct 23, 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
Berry (โ™€ Cockatiel) hatched June 2017
Opal (โ™‚ Budgie) hatched 13 August 2017
Pearl (โ™€ Budgie) hatched 15 August 2017
+ an aviary of 16 other budgies! all hatched 2014-2017
Hi everyone!

I am a bird lover with an aviary of 20 budgies and two tame budgies who are strongly bonded with me. After much consideration and research, I have decided to get a cockatiel, and I have found a reputable breeder with a lovely hand-reared 4 month old baby.

Firstly, since I am new to cockatiels, does anyone have any general advice for me? Whether it is cage set-up, good diet suggestions, etc.

Secondly, the cockatiel will live in its own cage, but I would like him/her to interact with my two budgies out of the cage. So, what is the best way to introduce my cockatiel to my budgies?

Thanks so much!


Mar 20, 2017
Cheyenne, WY
-Jazz, Normal Grey Cockatiel /

-Chessie, Pearl Cockatiel /

-Perry, Black capped Conure /

-JoJo, Pineapple GCC /

3 little busy Budgies
I only have the one tiel but from my experience they do not really like intereacting with other birds but maybe that's just mine. You should get your tiel on a pellet diet with some fruits and veggies too. Stay away from certain things like onions and avocado but do a google search to get a list of all the dangerous foods. you'll need a decent size cage with small cage wire width, some cages have too wide of a space in bars and they can get their head stuck. Stay away from rope perches in their cage, they are ok for supervised play time. I would introduce the other birds by having them in same room, separate cage but in view of each other. maybe after awhile put the cages next to each other. Then let them out to play supervised and see how they do. budgies are be a little bit of bullies to tiels but I bet it really just depends on the personalities of your birds. Good luck send lot of pics our way!

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