Experienced Large Macaw People, I need your help.


New member
Aug 4, 2013
Long Beach, NY
Lilac Crowned Amazon (Bacci- Forever on my shoulder, forever in my heart.)
Yellow Collared Macaw (Loki the Monkey Bird)
Military Macaw (Wingnut)
Citron Crested Cockatoo
Hi. Our Military Macaw, you know, Wingnut, is 10 months old. I am having some issues with him, and I need your help/advice.

1. He's insanely hyper active. He hardly ever sits still, and I'm wondering if this is a normal baby Macaw thing, or are Militaries like this.

2. The constant gnawing on me. I began teaching Wingnut about acceptable bite pressure, by allowing him to beak me, and then letting him know when he uses too much force. I fear that I have created a monster, because he CONSTANTLY wants to gnaw on me. My hands, my arms, my skin and clothes, and he pinches, and when I try to stop him, he SCREAMS as if I were torturing him. I've triednoffering toys, but I am his favorite flavor.

This weekend, I had the pleasure of sitting next to a friends (14year old) Green Wing, and I was overjoyed by that well behaved, calm bird. She sat on the table while five of us ate lunch, and was a perfect lady. Had Wingnut been present, it would have turned into a shriek Fest.

Can anyone tell me if I am expecting too much too soon? If not, please offer any suggestions as to how I can curb his constant gnawing.

Thank you.


Jun 23, 2013
I have never owned one but had a friend who did and it took Sarge a while to accept me and not to put any piercings in my body. My understanding is that Militaries tend to be nippy and you are best to always have a toy around to shove into that beak in order to put a stop to it.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2013
San Antonio, TX
Presently have six Greenwing Macaw (17 yo), Red Fronted Macaw (12 yo), Red Lored Amazon (17 y.o.), Lilac Crowned Amazon (about 43 y.o.) and a Congo African Grey (11 y.o.)
Panama Amazon (1 Y.O.)
Younger birds are more active, usually than older birds.

I really haven't had those types of problems with any of mine. I've dealt with screamers and one or two pluckers. I've dealt with headstrong and disobedient...

Never really had to deal with hyperactive before. Sorry.


New member
Jun 16, 2014
springfield Illinois
1 via-verda ( hybrid )
I've 7 in the last 10 years, from 1 year to ?. All seamed high strung & nippy. A couple were wild caught. The breeders didn't do as good as greenwing or blue&gold in captivity. Probably why I only have 1 hybrid now. Over all I didn't have good luck as pets.


New member
Feb 26, 2013
Clifton Springs Newyork
macaw,LS2,congo grey,2Blk Hd caiques,Hawkhead,yellowstrk lory,Blue frnt amazon,sun conure ,Yellow sided greencheek ,Goffin ,Rosebreasted Cockatoo,Greenwing Macaw,Blue and Gold Macaw,Nanday conure,Ecle
I almost got a Military [he was a baby and very nippy]. I ended up with my Catalina . What your describing is what I see my younger birds go through. I think your just going to have to be consistent and work through it. I attach toys to the top of my cages. Try when he firsts comes out to play with toys . Then go see him after his energy is out a little. Scratch him on the head , see if he wants to come out on you. If hes being nippy put him back up there. Take a step back and try smaller interactions. I find my macaws like types of toys my smaller birds do. They like different textures . I just got a toy made out of jean material. She likes balled up newspaper too. Try to figure something else [toy wise ] to wear him out a little. I think its a phase [but can be a long one] Good Luck.


New member
Jun 12, 2012
B&G Macaw
My buddies had a B&G. He he was really young he was very outgoing. Had to take him to the vet because he keep falling in broke blood feathers. so on that part yes they can be active like that.if he is biting to hard in screaming. Do a timeout for him. He bites to hard or starts to scream then put him in timeout when he stop get him back out. If he does it right give him a treat. He will get the picture.


New member
Oct 22, 2013
Quinn- Harlequin
Lemon and Blueberry Budgies
How is wingnut for other family members? Does he exhibit the same behaviors/challenges for everyone? My harlequin just turned 18 months, so he is a little older than wingnut. Over the past few months I've noticed, that Quinn has different expectations of each family member.
My son is the one that will slip him a treat, Quinn eagerly expects my son to share his snack with him. Since my so is only four, that is the extent of their interactions.
My wife is the one that gets the chilled out, relaxed bird the most. Quinn will sit on the couch back while my wife works on her lap top all day.
I get the playful bird. Part of the play does included beak games, and yes he does like to gnaw on my fingers. He hardly ever try's to chew on my wife's hands. I have been using old face clothes and turned the gnawing on my fingers into tug of war and chase. The only time he gets to use the face cloth is when we are playing. That way it remains something special and different from the everyday toys he has available.


New member
Aug 4, 2013
Long Beach, NY
Lilac Crowned Amazon (Bacci- Forever on my shoulder, forever in my heart.)
Yellow Collared Macaw (Loki the Monkey Bird)
Military Macaw (Wingnut)
Citron Crested Cockatoo
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Wingnut is sketchy with the other two family members.

He will exhibit the same behavior, ie: chewing, and screeching with my boyfriend. He will grant my mom a kiss, and try to step up on her, but she is timid with him, so she steers clear. He is mainly focused on me, and will seek me out if I am available.

I usually keep a toy handy, but he will only chomp it for a few seconds, if I am available to chew on. I think I just have to forbid him from beaking me at all, to set some sort of ground rule.

Thank you all.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2013
San Antonio, TX
Presently have six Greenwing Macaw (17 yo), Red Fronted Macaw (12 yo), Red Lored Amazon (17 y.o.), Lilac Crowned Amazon (about 43 y.o.) and a Congo African Grey (11 y.o.)
Panama Amazon (1 Y.O.)
Militaries are one of the beakiest macaws out there. I rank them somewhere around third. 1. Scarletts, 2. Buffons, 3. Military.


New member
May 9, 2013
Lucy (B&G Macaw), Phoenix (Camilla Macaw), Gizmo (Goffin Cockatoo),
Rita (Military Macaw),
Mango (Goffin Cockatoo),
We have a B&G, Camilla, and Military. The B&G is the youngest at almost 2 years, the Camilla a little over 3, and the Military 12 years. Lucy our B&G has been psycho hyper since about 8 months old, and as she has gotten closer to 2 it has become more so. Phoenix our Camilla who is a rescue is still mouthy, and nippy but over the past month is getting better and calming down. Rita our Military which is a recent rescue is mouthy when she gets excited for a minute then calms down. She was neglected and abused by a woman so most of the time she will go after my wife if she goes near her, but at times will yell "Laura" to get my wife to come in the room (even though that isn't my wife's name lol) She is a total sweet heart to me, and is pretty good with our oldest son.

I have handled quite a few Military Macaws doing web design for a breeder/store owner. I learned before we even got Rita they are head strong, but not like Scarlets. Militarys are one of the smartest Macaws if not the smartest. They also know how to hold a grudge, and seem to be more emotional then other Macaws IMO. Keep them stimulated, and well socialized. I have seen, and heard stories of some of the sweetest Militarys, but have also seen and heard stores of some of the meanest but that was due to neglect.

Your Macaw is a baby, and they are a very energetic bird (not insane like Cockatoos though) so it is going to act crazy until it gets a little older, but then they only slightly slow down from the ones I've met except for Rita but she is having to be taught how to play with toys because she only had 3 small toys for over 2 years.

Birdman666 is right about them being beaky, but my list would be 1. Scarletts 2. Ruby 3. Military with the Military not being nearly as aggressive in their beaking

This is of course my opinion, and what I have experienced so take it for what it is.

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