Fargo's adventure home alone and my res school!


Active member
Aug 9, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Fargo- Blue and Gold Macaw
Hi guys, I finally have time to share Fargo’s adventure being home alone!

It all started at 3am, Fargo was awake, wondering why I was walking out the door…
The 2 hour trip to the airport rushed by with my lovely singing voice annoying my mum as we blasted Taylor Swift and other pop songs in the car hahaha
We got to the airport, checked in, went through security, and then waited at our gate! That is when it all set in.. Mum said ‘Don’t worry about Fargo, I will take good care of him’
Soooo.. I cried.. haha
The lady at the airport gave me tissues and was like- Do you need the whole box?!?! Haha

Seated on the plane, it was a nice trip, didn’t have any issues with my ears, and just listened to music and looked out the window!
We then arrived at the airport.. And… We met Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or as you all know her- Bundibird- It is amazing meeting someone from the parrot forums! She was incredible! I think it was a 15 minute drive to the campus, so we just talked about birds, and birds, and more birds. Of course haha

If you want to skip all this res school talk, you can just scroll down to see Fargo pictures haha..
Got to campus, met my friend, took my bags to his room, and then we headed over for our first day..

Now I am quite shy in big crowds. So I went, and sat on the table away from everyone else with my friend.. and then we got called into the room!

There was then a role call… Now, our head instructor- Daryl- LOVES Fargo.. Because I did a video assignment last term, and so he knows all about Fargo, and loves his tricks..

So.. My name came around- In front of 35 students + teachers-
‘Andddd, Tabitha… OH MY GOD.. GUYS!!! Tabitha has this beautiful bird.. What kind of bird is he?!?! ‘ :eek:
Haha, he is a macaw!

‘Ohhhh, he is so big, you should see him guys, he does all these incredible tricks that Tabitha taught him’
Yeah, I cried when I left the airport this morning because I am worried about leaving him alone :/
*Everyone says- aawwwwwww * ahahah
We were then split into groups of 7-8.. I had an amazing group, plus our instructor- Caroline, was AWESOME..
She put our primary and secondary assessments on the board, and asked what they meant..

Now, nerdy little tab, likes to remember these things.. So… I went through them all-
O P Q R S T- Onset, provocation, position, quality, radiation, severity, time..
Caroline just beamed at me,… She said, ok, what about SAMPLE!
Signs and symptoms, allergies, medications, prev history, list of lasts, events leading up to..

Well… From then on, my group called me the nerd… If there was a question it was - ‘Tab would have that in her book’ HAHA
That day we just learnt how to do all the vital signs, and taking history from a conscious patient..
Caroline adored me, so of course when it was my turn, she gave me the difficult patient.. Which SHE acted out… An 80 year old lady who lost her memory and wouldn’t let me do anything to her! Haha

So I said, ok Caroline, how about you show us how it is done!
Murray said ok tab, you be the patient, and make it difficult for her.. You are a young girl, who just got abused by her boyfriend..

So Caroline walked in the door… I started crying hysterically ‘OH MY GOD.. WHY WOULD YOU CHEAT ON ME…’
Of course everyone was laughing so much.. Caroline was trying to calm me down and check me over..
Caroline- Oh Tabitha is a much better name!!
Caroline- haha yes you are!! You definitely are hahaha

Caroline finished, got my into the ambulance ;) Murray said- You took drama in school didn’t you? Indeed I did!! Haha

We finished at 4pm.. Daryl had all students back together, and said- Before you go.. Here is a riddle for you.. (Students AND teachers)
Soooooooo… Clever little Tab… Was the only person to figure out the riddle..
I said the answer, Daryl looked over at me and said- It is because of you and that amazing bid!!! Hahaha :eek:

The second day we did unconscious patients using the lifepak and defib machine! So it was all about OP airways, starting CPR, ventilations, and then finding shockable rhythms..
We only studied VT and VF patterns.. Nice and easy
Oh and then we went and learnt about the stryker stretchers and stair chair- they are AWESOME !

This was one of my favourite moments- Caroline asked if we knew what the 4 safety factors are before defib... No one knew... But i did hahahaha..
I told her.. And Caroline said to another instructor 'This is my star student' hehe I am a star!! haha

Wednesday was assessment day! Lucky me, it was alphabetical order with our last names.. So I was FIRST up.. and then for the 2nd assessment, I was LAST up -_-

First was a conscious patient, take their history, and then suddenly they go into cardiac arrest and become unconscious.. We had never been taught the transition, so A LOT of people stuffed up.. It was definitely the hardest one..

During my wait I just helped out with other scenarios and talked to Daryl about Fargo!

Second assessment was an unconscious patient, we had to go in- DRCAB- and then continue whatever needed.. First up was hypoglycemic.
I absolutely ACED that one..
I finished him in 5 minutes, we had 15 minutes.. The assessor said- Wow Tabitha you have done absolutely everything, we don’t even need to continue…
So we sat and talked about diabetes and medications for 10 minutes haha

Straight up next it was another unknown conscious, this guy had no pulse, so we started CPR straight away.. My guy died :’( hahaha They either brought them back to life to trick students, or flatline them to trick us so we don’t shock an unshockable rhythm

And then it was home time!!
Daryl had everyone wait outside the buildings.. So he said thank you to us all..

He then pointed to me and said- Tabitha you look after that bird..

Of course I will! :eek:

I got home very late that night, but I woke Fargo up and he said ‘Hellooo', came out and gave me a kiss..

Now over the three days.. Mum had been taking a picture of Fargo every few hours, and would send them to me on facebook with funny little captions..

Fargo did VERY well with mum, he nipped her a few times. But nothing serious..
He ate veges and nuts, but he wouldn’t touch his pellets..
He lost a little bit of weight, but all in all, he was a good boy!

Now for photos!

Day one:

Eating breakfast

This caption from mum 'Look Mum. Meema let me out. Only bit her once.'

I believe this was day 2:

More photos in the next post!
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Then day 3:
Mum was having difficulties getting him to eat at the end, so I told her to feed him on the gym, and he decided to sit on her head whilst eating!

Looking out the window for me:

This caption was-
To all Tabitha's experience bird friends. How do I get the two year old back in his cage. So I can go and have a coffee.

She got him back in-
I have given him more treats than recommended on his intense diarised feeding notes that i was left, I outwitted him in the end....Fancy having to outsmart a two year old bird,,,,

The caption for this photo was-
Hope you have finished with these notes. I am so tired he is worse than a two year old.

Her final comments-
The next time Tabitha Brown goes to a residential school I will be quite happy to pay for a babysitter for Fargo.

Fargo was never grumpy at me when I came home, at least he doesn't hold grudges!

Daryl wants him to come to next res school hahaha


Oh and a picture of my flight!
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Oh and a picture of Fargo eating his vege mash.. He liked mum holding it for him.. haha
Just a little bit spoilt!

Forgot this one of Fargo playing on the floor with mum-

My room, was lovely.. Everyone was complaining about theirs.. But i got the corner room, which was the biggest..

and i was on the 2nd story, on the far side, meaning i was one of the very few who got a balcony! hahaha :D

It was lovely.. In the trees outside there were ALOT of rainbow lorikeets.. They were so noisy at 5am in the morning..

and there was a cockatoo and he sounded like a dinosaur..

Those who have sulfer crested cockatoos- I take my hat off to you, because i could not stand his screaming after a few minutes :p

My room, I made myself at home as soon as I unpacked ;)

and the funniest story!

Daryl emailed me 2 days ago.. and he said-

Hey Tabitha, can you send me the video of Fargo doing his tricks again?!

So i sent it, it didn't work..

Next thing.. Yesterday.. I got a TEXT MESSAGE.. from Daryl saying- Tabitha the link didn't work, can you send me Fargo's tricks again! :p

I had to call him about assessment yesterday, and i was like why do you want the video so badly!! hahaha

He said, i want to show my friends and my wife (Daryl is about 60 years old)..

Oh boy.. I think Fargo has become the favourite !
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Wow, you're one lucky dame. Your mother looks like she's an ol ' proat handling Fargo! Good luck with your schooling! I think Fargo is in good hands while you're away. You definitely are owned by a beautiful Macaw!:)
As always Fargo is gorgeous! Looks like your mom did a great job with him.

And congrats on being the star pupil! Go Tab!!!!
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I am back home now! ;)

I was only gone for 3 days hahaha

Mum said it felt like years.. But she did a fantastic job with him apart from him not eating fully..

Next year it is a 6 day res school I think.. But might figure out a way that Fargo could come anyway! :)
I smiled through your entire adventure, and I wouldn't have dreamed of skipping to the pics. You lucky girl, you got to meet Amanda, that's so exciting! It sounds like you had a great time in spite of tears for Fargo. I cannot believe after your dramatic performance in class and being a star student, Fargo managed to upstage you from so far away. I think your beautiful boy took advantage of your mum and had a lot of fun manipulating her. Loved her captions and the pics she took of her two year old grandbirdie, she was a wonderful sport.

It's always a treat to read your posts, you have so many wonderful things in your life and the way you pursue them is a real inspiration. Glad your trip went well and you're home with Fargo.
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Haha Thank you Alle :D

Yes meeting Amanda was indeed exciting! Very nice to be able to meet someone you have known for quite a while!

When I got to campus everything was much better.. At the airport it was just sad and I thought I was going to have a terrible time :eek:

But it turned out to be pretty incredible!

Fargo manages to upstage me anywhere!! Fargo is always the star :09: Although, I did get asked out on a few dates :rolleyes:

Had 30+ friend requests on facebook too hahaha.. So I made an awful lot of friends!

The girls told my friend 'We will be friends with Tab by the end of the 3 days'

I became friends with a 2nd year student who was my secondary officer in the assessment, and he told me that everyone thought I was the sweet shy girl! But he thought I was very confident

Not shy.. Just quiet unless needed otherwise :22:

I became good friends with this guy, which all the girls loved :20: But he was more like a brother to me.. and he messaged me on facebook the other day and said 'Just watch out for all the guys, they were all crushing on you' :54: It must be Fargo.. Tell someone you have a macaw and they just love you hahahaha ;)

Oh Fargo absolutely LOVES messing with mum.. They play, and he is never ever nasty, but he just loves watching her reaction..

They play on the floor together and he will roll onto his back and she tickles his tummy.. So he is 100% comfortable with her.. She just isn't as confident with him, so he takes advantage of that :D

Just have to work on him eating better when I am away.. It should be easier for him after a few times.. Usually he loves his pellets, but he didn't touch them at all over the three days! :(
Tab, I loved reading about class :D You had me LOL a few times! I'm so glad everything worked out so well both there and at home with your mum and Fargo! I'm sure it feels good to be back with him :)
You over-achievers make me SICK :D I'm going to get my sub-standard, non-trick-doing, non-talking, bitey bird and give her a cuddle :(

Seriously, it is great to hear how much you are enjoying your course and how well you are doing. Your writing is really entertaining.

When I read the thread title, I had an instant image of Fargo doing a Macauley Culkin with his wings pressed up against his little face. :D
Hey, Robin!

I'm so glad you enjoyed your res trip... AND proved to be the resident uber genius! (aka nerd!) Loved all of your stories! Your excitement is most certainly contagious!

So the guys were all crushing on you because of Fargo, eh? :rolleyes: Lol! Yes, I'm sure that was it. Had to be. After all, a big blue and gold macaw is the first thing we fellas look for in a woman. Hahaha!

Ever humble, my friend.

Although... it could happen, I suppose. If you somehow managed to stumble onto a hitherto secret society of bird fetishists? :blue1::red1::blue::rainbow1::grey::orange:
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Hahahahah Home Alone Fargo.. Now I am picturing that too! :p

Thank you Batman.. :D

Well.... I think, that maybe because Daryl kept telling everyone about Fargo and pointing me out, that it kinda drew attention, and so people thought- Well if Daryl likes Tab, then she must be cool ;)

Everyone just adored Daryl.. He was kinda like santa claus :rolleyes: haha

Pfft, don't you know the only reason I got Fargo was to pick up guys? :cool: :09: ahahhaha

There are only 2 more weeks left of uni.. That is crazy :eek: And then I have to wait until March when it starts back up :(
Tab, it sounds as if you had an absolute ball at your res school! Keep up the brilliant work - I have a feeling you're going to be a pretty awesome paramedic at this rate.

A-J's daily posts about Fargo were absolutely hilarious! LOLOL! I think the 'little nip' he gave her must've hurt heaps - she's a very good Meema to care for him so lovingly, don't you think? Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences with us - it's going to be so much fun, following your progress through Uni! We're all so proud of you! :)
Tab, your thread just made my ENTIRE day. No...weekend. :D

You are our super smart, gorgeous nerdy bird lady. How's that sound? :54: Should I offer you my behind for you to kick it? ;)

I so cracked up at Stephen's comments that Fargo must be the boy magnet. HAHAHAH. Yeah...ok then. We ALL know better. :09:

And Trish is right, we are all super proud of you!!!
So glad you had a wonderful time, Tab!!! Sounds like you made a boat load of new friends and a few boyfriends too :p the bf would have to be Fargo-approved of course haha

And you're so smart- you do everything with excellence!! Is there anything you can't do?? Lol [emoji6][emoji4]
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Hahaha Thank you Trish :D Yes, the facebook updates from mum really made things alot easier..

Getting to see him many many times during the day just made me worry less!

Caroline was super duper relaxed, plus we always finished things ahead of the other groups.. So we were all allowed to sit on facebook and such :p

So I would be in class- Notification.. OMG!! Look at Fargo! :D

I am sure I was known as the bird lady ;)

Well the nip he gave her made her bleed.. But she still persevered with him hehe

Thank you Wendy :D

HAHA.. I told mum about the guys, and she said- So did they like your brains, your body or your looks HAHAHA..

I said, pfft, all of it combined ;)

Thank you Shirre :D I know, I think I might have to line all the boys up and see which Fargo prefers ;)

I am glad you all enjoyed my very long post :) I just had to tell my family from around the world ;) haha <3
I know, I think I might have to line all the boys up and see which Fargo prefers ;)
Will he give the ones he doesn't like a nip? :D

Fargo can add "dating advisor" to his resume...

Seriously, Fargo is so clever, he could run for PM :D

EDIT: now I've got an image of Fargo a la "on-tippi-hedren's-head" in "The Birds" for guys he REALLY doesn't like. Maybe somebody clever could do a coffee table book of Fargo recreating movie posters?
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Tab, it was fabulous to meet you too. Hopefully on your next visit we can catch up again. Fargo is always welcome at our house. It will be just the getting him here, that would be a problem. :D

See I told you that it would all go fine at the res school. So glad that you made some new friends and that Fargo was a star. :). You will make an awesome paramedic and as the others have said we are soooooooo proud of you. :)

There is never anything wrong with tears when you are leaving them with someone else. Just shows how much you love them and what a huge part of your life they are. I still have a few tears when Bundii stays at my mums. :)
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