Feather picking and sexual aggression/frustration


New member
Apr 16, 2014
I got my amazing quaker parrot, Yoshi, in the beginning of the summer. He started talking when he was only 4 months old! He started feather picking the month I brought him home, I asked the store where I got him (Its a great store, the owner is very passionate about animals) she said it was most likely like a bad habit, like thumb sucking.

Anyway recently he's been trying to mate with my hand. The way he's doing it is indicative of a female bird. I'm about 90% sure he's a she. She's been getting aggressive, trying to mate with my hand when I get her to step-up and worse the feather picking has been getting worse. The ends of her longest flight feathers are frayed to the point where its effecting her flying.

I'm not sure if its some sort of sexual frustration or hormonal thing. Does anyone else have experience with their quaker that could help me out?
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I know this is awkward question but its getting out of hand. I can't pick Yoshi up without her trying to mate with my hand. Any suggestions will be fine.
I'm not an expert, but the plucking could be a cause because of the mating issue. Yoshi has obviously picked you as a mate and is probably feeling stressed or frustrated that your feelings aren't returned.

I hope one of the other members can help you out on how to deal with the situation (I haven't first hand dealt with an issue with this, so it would be wiser for someone with more experience to come in)

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