Foraging greens contain moths, ruined food


New member
Oct 15, 2012
October 15th I bought LM small parrot food and put two bags of foraging greens in the bag. I also put two bags of foraging greens in the remainder of their old food.
I keep my bird food sealed in a freezer bag and stored in a tote.
Now I have moths in the two bags with foraging greens in them.
Has anyone else experienced this?
One bag is full of cobwebs or something and tons of moths. the other had one or two moths.
I'm wondering if it would harm my conures if I were to freeze the bag that only had one or two and continue to feed it to them? I save my nutriberry crumbles from the end of the bag and put it in their dish but they arent touching it.

I cant buy new food until the 16th.

I think from now on I'll be making my own foraging greens by dehydrating produce greens. obviously petcos foraging greens are contaminated with bugs.


New member
Oct 13, 2012
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Mana the manic female galah; yet to be named male corella
It wont harm your birds however you DO NOT want to allow any to escape and contaminate all your stuff. Destroy the entire lot without opening the bags. Once you have these moths in your stuff, they are impossible to get rid off.

I don't know what foraging greens are... are they fresh greens? If so, its unhealthy to mix fresh greens with seeds unless its to be fed immediately. You can't store it like that for more than a few hours and it would need to be refrigerated.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2012
Mitred Conure - Charlie 1994;
Cockatiel - Casey 2001;
Wild Caught ARN - Sylphie 2013
Actually, moths can also appear in dried greens as well, although they are more tempted by grains. I have a bag of Twin Beaks Herb Salad, and somehow, the bag got cobwebs in it! I couldn't find any bugs, and I kept the bag closed as well. No other foods contaminated, just the herb salad!

Twin Beaks Aviary: Herb Salad: About

I'm sure you are aware that greens are not a replacement for fresh foods, though! I just wouldn't really recommend Kaytee products if you can find better products from different companies...


New member
Dec 15, 2010
2 Budgies, 3 Cockatiels, 6 GCC'S, 2 Crimson Bellie Conures, 9 Sun Conures, 2 Major Mitchells, 12 Eclectus parrots of various ages, 2 BF Amazons, 2 Hahn's Macaw's, 1 Red Tail Black Too
It's best to keep any seeds, or dry food for your parrots either in the fridge or freezer. Keeps fresh for longer & no little bugs, which by the way don't hurt your bird it's actually good for them. Although the seed is ruined as the grub eats out the center of the seed.

I have no idea why people would not feed their parrots fresh foods, much healthier.

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