Foraging Toy!

I've just about given up hope on the java I just eye the trees in the reserve where I go walking, wondering which branch to sneak back and lop off, lol. I haven't been brave (or stupid?) enough to get one yet though. Plus, compared to java, our trees aren't shaped nicely for the purpose.
hahaha! :p
yess i really like the natural shape of the java trees so it doesnt look messy with just stringing branches together!
one day.... one day :p
Apparently grape-wood makes great perches/stands, that might be an option - I just need to find a vinyard and get chummy with someone who works there...
ohhhh i like your idea! :p get some for me while you're there ;) hahah
wait! i just realised i know someone who owns an organic vineyard...
now this is going to sound silly, but where does the wood part come from, i always thought grapes grew just on a vine ? i know nothing about plants :( haha
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  • #25
The foraging ball does screw open, but not completely, just enough to squish things in LOL! As for the quarantine, I ordered a nice big java perch and it got through customs fine! :D

tab they weren't the beautiful big carved perches like in the us ! :( But still quite nice! I didn't catch a price but if I go back to the shop I'll check it out! I usually visit when I take audrey to the vet because its around the corner lol!

AND I also thought grapes grew on vines :$ Lmao
ohh ok.. i just want a big tree for fargo to play on!!!! but that seems like an impossible task! :p thank you :D
do you have many bird shops in sydney?

haha we are soo wise with our grape knowledge ;)
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  • #27
We have 4 bird shops that I know about haha :) One is a 25 min drive, the others are about 45 mins - 1 hour drive, but so worth it lol! I'm looking on the website now to see if I can find for sure if they sell java perches. I am 95% sure I saw them cause I remember thinking omg I want one! lol
The odds are really adding up that you are just gonna have to come down to Sydney haha! :D For the snow in the mountains and for all of our bird shops! :p
Grapes do grow on vines, but the old growth is woody (or something...). It's nice & knotty/textured. Google 'grape wood' in google images for a look.

ETA: This australian company has grapewood (plus manzanita & lots of other great bird-safe branches in their catalogue) - unfortunately they don't sell retail :rolleyes:
Pisces Natural Products - Grapewood
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awww!! the closest pet shop is 30 minutes, and they just have seed :/ then next one is about 45 minutes, but they only have a small amount of toys and perches and then different foods. then the only other one is about 3 hours drive and they only had natural branch gyms, not java trees :( i think theres another one in a different 3 hour direction, so may have to go for a drive there :p

hahah ! you guys might have me and fargo as roomies soon ;)
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  • #30
Ah I googled the grape vine! Thats one of the perches I have my eye on at the moment. But its $90 in aus! And $14 in my safe bird store!! :| Rip! lol!

Oh that sucks big time :( Maybe you will have to dig deeper and see if there are any small ones about haha :O I only just discovered the one that I think has the java perches about 1-2 months ago and I been living here all my life lol!

haha I could imagine our house, we would be in the smallest rooms and the rest of the house would be set up with vines and trees everywhere for the birds lmao :p
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  • #31
Our roof would all look like this lmao:

^ wouldn't the fids love that!

In my previous post I've added a link for an Australian comany who imports timber for the pet shop industry. They don't sell retail, but I think if you email them your location & what you're interested in they will tell you if they have any retail stockists near you. Might be worth a look?

Here's the link again. From memory I think you need to download the catalogue to see their range of bird branches. Pisces Natural Products - Catalogue 2010
AHHH MY GOOOODDDDD.. that looks like an evil alien grabbing down through the roof ! :p hahaha
of course the birdies would have fun ;)
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  • #36
Hahahaha for sure, it would be their house and they would take over lol!
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  • #38
Hahaha they have probably been secretly planning this since they were born! :p Look out world our birdies are crazy! Lmao!
hahaha!! you know, I thought I walked in on Fargo on Skype with Audrey the other day.. I heard the words 'it's time' and then a bit of an evil laugh but I wasn't sure ;)
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  • #40
Omg, funny you say that, I checked my computer history and it says things like "how to take over the world!"
Hahaha we are in trouble! I would bet money our birds are smarter than most people too lol, it wouldn't be too hard for them :p

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