From now on I'm checking everything I buy


May 14, 2012
Nanday mutation
Last night I bought a bag of Higgins Snack Attack Fruits & Veggie Mix for my conure. I opened it last night and he munched on a little bit. This morning I reach in to grab some raisins for him and I pull out a bone! I was so shocked I called the company, and they asked me to send a picture of the bone so they can verify it. They also said that tracking the mix will be hard since it was processed in September but they will try. (This is an obligatory "their customer service is awesome" message because the rep I spoke to was really great.)

I think I have to say that this kind of thing happens often enough that, while my freaking out is justifiable, I am also aware I'm not the first one to find something unusual in pet food or treats. This happens too much to pet owners that I think we should have stricter regulations on pet food processing. The anxiety that I could have made my bird very sick is killing me!

So now, whenever I purchase anything for an animal, I'm going to check it for anything that doesn't belong there. This also isn't a message to say don't purchase Higgins products because no doubt a large amount of pet food and treat companies have this issue. Owning animals would be difficult without them. I'm just saying, be aware.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Senegal: Oliver ~~
Yellow-Sided GCC's: Bella and Zora ~~
R.I.P Tweeters the Cockatiel<3
Glad you called! I once had a bag of plain, dried, papayas and pulled out a dried chili pepper! Nothing bad though and Oliver liked the pepper. :D


New member
Jan 22, 2012
Las Cruces, NM
Pineapple Turquoise Greencheek Conure-Ivy❤️, Male Cockatiel-Lusa (aka Bub =D)
What in the world?! how would a bone get in there??? what else do they make at higgins?

and lucky oliver! gets a little extra bang for his buck! or yours hahaX)

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