God I feel so STUPID- Lost bird

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Not sure this will help but a friend here said a few years back there Bird got away. He recorded himself calling and whistling . Put it into a travel carrier and put it in the last known spot along with food and water. Turned volume up and it stayed there for a day and a half. There bird was found standing on the carrier when they went to check it .

My heart breaks for you
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  • #42
Not sure this will help but a friend here said a few years back there Bird got away. He recorded himself calling and whistling . Put it into a travel carrier and put it in the last known spot along with food and water. Turned volume up and it stayed there for a day and a half. There bird was found standing on the carrier when they went to check it .

My heart breaks for you

Thanks....that's a good idea.
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  • #43
Re: Update on Birdell

Well been out since 5:45 am before sun rose...walked at least 5 miles in zig zag fashion checking every tree in area last seen before I lost sight.

Still no Birdell....many many Pines around and trying to find a Green Senegal in a pine tree is like looking for a dollar bill in a state Forrest. It's been 24 hours now with no food or water for her. My hearts sinking, have neighbors watching, posters out, notices at nearby gas stations. Everyone knows birdell as she is always riding on my shoulder, going to store, gas station, bank, she never flys. I under estimated her.

One thing some have mentioned is to put her cage nearby and she'll climb down....well good idea, but Birdell has a bum foot, so climbing down is not a easy task for her and a difficult one, she climbs up, but down she stumbles. I'm having a break and going back out again and try an area east of where I seen her.

if I don't find her today, hope is going to sink as we have storms coming tonite and temp will drop. Not good....Plus a Hawk came down into yard and snatched something up....no sign of Birdell feathers....so that's good, but worrisome. I have exhausted all options....even have my grey in gazebo (screened) with poppie and Vinne, they areall calling from in there so maybe the noise will draw her in.....hoping anyway.
Don't lose hope, Michael. Both Mark (Birdman666) and Trish (Betrisher) have recovered birds who were lost for days upon days. And Trish actually shared many of your fears regarding the large number of predator birds in her area.

God-willing, the wait won't be as long for you. But if it does take a few days, you need to hold on to hope. As Birdell gets hungrier, he'll begin to seek out a human. By now, he will definitely have made the association between humans and food. Remember how intelligent our fids are.

So your job is to just keep doing what you're doing. Keep looking. Get the word out. Not only locally, but in adjoining towns as well. Hope for the timing of a sprint, but go about your search like it will be a marathon.

Not everyone is able to find their birds after they fly away. But many do. And the ones who do are usually the ones who maximize their chances by being both thorough and persistent. Stay strong, Michael. We're all pulling for you.
Just in case you haven't already, be sure to contact all area vets (even non-avian ones), animal shelters, craigslist posts and keep on looking! As Stephen said, several of our members have lost, and subsequently recovered, their birds!
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  • #46
Re: Update- Birdell found and home safe

Happy happy Joy joy......Birdell found and now home safe !

I spent since 5:30 am looking ...came in at nine to have a break....went back out around 10:15 am and kept an eye open for Blue jays...they tend to alert to a strange bird in area...

I scouted an area that wasn't far from the house, which seemed logical and good cover if he was to protect herself over nite...low and behold I seen a blue jay making rucus and looked up there was Birdell only 10-12 feet up from gound in pines. marked location, got my wife and travel cage and climb up to get her, scratched up from pine tree but I could care less....she's now home safe and I'm happy about that.
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