Gueas what?!


New member
Jul 5, 2011
Etters, Pa
~Alexandrine Parakeet~2 Red Lored Amazons~Blue Fronted Amazon~Black capped conure~4 Green Cheeks~4 Parrotlets~2 lineolated parakeets~9 American budgies~9 English budgies~ And lots of babies :)
So, at the end of the month our room mates are moving out and we are moving into a bigger room, connected to a smaller room that we will be setting up as a private piercing studio(my bf is a piercer). As I have mentioned a few times before, we used to have quite the assortment of reptiles and that's actually how we met. I was working in a pet store and somehow he ended up with the pet shop girl, here we are a little over three years later lol. While we don't plan on getting back into the reptile or bird scene like we used to(it's just a bit too much work having the amount that we had before), I mentioned to him that when we make the room switch that since I got ziggy(she is both of ours but we both know that it was me that wanted her and me she likes more) he could adopt an animal, most likely a reptile. I told him my only stipulation was that it had to be able to live comfortably in a 75 gallon tank even as an adult, which unfortunately for him means no monitors lol. And since we still have a practically brand new 75 gallon, I figured we might as well just use that. We were thinking about a blue tongue skink for a little while and then last night he randomly tells me that he really likes the caiques! I was so surprised, it's not that he doesn't like birds, he has always just been more into the herps and I assumed that if given the choice he would pick a reptile over a bird, apparently I was wrong. The woman that we adopted Ziggy from had a white belly that I could tell, as soon as he saw it, he was in love. He never saw one before and I could tell, if he had the choice, she would have came home with us instead:rolleyes: The only thing is, I had no clue how expensive the caiques were! I was expecting around the same price as the conures, boy was i wrong! So, unless we can find an adoptable caique that isn't outrageously expensive we are looking at different bird species together to find one that would fit him well. He has plenty of bird experience, our citron too was actually his and he worked with him daily. He isn't too interested in the smaller birds(typical man lol) which is why I found it odd that he liked the caique so much. Personally I think a GCC would be a good bird for him but I want him to meet a few and let him decide. I don't think he has ever worked with any conures and other than 'tiels and budgies all of his experience lies with 'toos. I would probably be the main one doing daily routines with the bird as far as feeding and water goes, he works from 6-4 during the week but I am home all day and he is home for the whole evening. Other than a GCC, does anyone have any suggestions? It seems we have switched gears from herp adoption to bird adoption lol. Oh, and the bird would obviously not be going in the aquarium lol, we would get another bird cage or possibly use one we already have depending on the size of the bird. Although, it's kind of funny, the caique that we saw actually did live in a 75 gallon aquarium, it had a custom made wire top with tons of toys and the crinkly paper in the bottom with tons of foot toys. I asked her why she kept her in a tank and she said that the woman she got her from had her since she was a baby and that's what she always lived in. Now that I think of it, I had a friend that had a tiel in a big aquarium too. I wouldn't do it personally, it seems kind of cruel to me, but to each his own I suppose, it just popped into my head as I was typing that last part and thought I'd share that little tid bit.

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