has bamboo forgotten me?


New member
Nov 12, 2013
my darling lovebird
let me tell you from the beginning.
i got bamboo(my budgie) 3 months ago. he was really friendly, so he sat on my hand the second day. after a month he grew VERY social... i was happy about that, but it got annoying cause he would sit on just anyone's hand. i realised he dint really like me in particular, hes like that to everyone.

i had gone for Christmas holidays, leaving him with my neighbor for around fifteen days. i came back yesterday, and got him home.
now i dont know whats come over him!!! hes so aggressive!! he wont even get a scritch. ive never known him for biting before hes just sitting there and continuously chirping like he is panicking, and screaming and screeeeeeeeching his head off.:( has he grown attatched to my neighbour now?? my neighbor certainly has, so why not him? she used to take him out while i was gone, but i dint ask how often. hes just so restless here. it hought it would be a real sudden change of home for him, so i brought him over for 2-3 hours and gave him back at night. hes really irritated with me :( im feeling kinda bad now:( :( im selfish, yeah, and i dont wanna lose my sweet friendly bird to a monster who bites when stepping up.
looks like i'll have to start all over again:greenyellow:
Poor thing! You have to remember he was only with you a short while and then went and stayed at the neighbour for half a month. He's probably still adjusting. Give him some time, I'm sure he will remember you and the bond you shared in no time :). He could also just be cross with you for leaving him.

Good luck!
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thanks, that feels better.
but im still cross with him * put on a pout* hes being such a bad boy, and hes making me feel bad
Birds remember us to an extent, but you have to realize that they are social animals and tend to go with the flock. When you left even for two weeks, it's like their old flock abandoned them so they took up with the flock that was there hence your neighbor. Yes, you will have to start over to an extent. I have been through this twice with my birds. The first time I left my Senegal for two weeks, I came back to a mean vicious bird which was attached to me. But now, she tolerates me and adores my wife who can do just about anything with her. So when you leave and return, don't be surprised your bird will change.
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its wierdnot having bamboo around. my neighbour has really gotten fond of him
I remember the first time I left Oliver, (at the time he was only with me about six weeks) I was gone for nearly a week. NOBODY in my household took him out as they were afraid of him (things have improved in that department since then) and boy oh boy was he depressed. I recall walking in my home after the cab dropped me off and Oliver was bent over, head down so very, very depressed. I cried! But, within a few days (if that!) bounced back to normal. I've taken many trips since and he's better each time to the point my last trip he was like his normal self when I left and when I came back. So, hang in there...give your budgie his favorite treats and hang by him and you'll be back to where you were and perhaps even closer...
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oh i hope so!!
well seeing he is not bonded to me in articular, its gonna be hard

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