Heart wings


New member
Feb 22, 2021
Indian ringneck and 2 cockatiels
My one year old male ringneck (dna confirmed) does heart wings randomly but not in front of a mirror. Is this typical for the breed? My little male tiel does it constantly but he also has a little lady in the cage with him (I didn’t mean to get a pair, I just wanted a cinnamon pied and it ended up being a hen). I saw where a male ringneck should do that pose in front of a mirror but I have yet to see him do that.
It’s a flirtatious/attention grabbing pose. Hopefully he doesn’t have a mirror to do it into in the first place since those just add to potential confusion and frustration.

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No, he doesn’t have a mirror in his cage. I know they aren’t good for birds to have. He does however have one when he goes into my bathroom with me. It’s a huge one and he’s not close to it. He has a play stand he sits on while I put my makeup on. He was never inside a house at the former owner's home so I try to make him part of the routine. The other owner had an “aviary” outside the house so I wanted him to know that he is not going to be locked away in a room anymore.
Mine does that occasionally, usually when something threatening happens, such as when I walked into his room while holding my backpack. I peaked in and said Hi Mango, then walked in and, when he saw the backpack, stood up tall, pinned his eyes, and made heart wings. I console him by saying It's OK Mango and he usually goes back to comfort.
My Alexandrine does it occasionally to me when I walk into the room or if I look at him when I haven't for a while, like if I'm watching TV.

Is he doing it at you?
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He doesn’t seem stressed when he does it and sometimes it’s when I’m by him but other times it’s when he’s on his cage just out and hanging. I know he’s still young so I didn’t know what age ringnecks tend to do that assuming they mature later than cockatiels.

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