height difference in regards to dominance


New member
Dec 9, 2011
Luna- GCC, Stella- Caique
Hello! I have been reading up on how to appropriately introduce my Caique and GCC. I am reading that I should gradually put the cages by each other so they get used to one another. I am also reading that birds perched on higher areas are usually dominant. My Caiques cage is quite a bit taller than my GCC's cage. Moving all the perches up and down would not be practical at all. Will the cage height difference impact them introducing properly? I have had my GCC since Oct and she feels that she rules the roost. I guest I dont want to anger her by forcing her to be in a lower position over the new girl.


I really appreciate it everyone. :)
I can't track down the study at the moment, but I believe it's been shown that parrots in the wild don't have a hierarchy system at all like we used to think they did. There is no 'pecking order' with them, so height as a show of dominance doesn't actually exist.

Insecure birds DO want to be up higher than anything though, but that's because it increases their vantage point, I think, which makes them feel more secure because they can see what might be coming. I know Kazi was very insecure when he came here and he always only wanted to be on my shoulder at first. For the first few months I'd just hold my hand at shoulder height and that worked great to alleviate his worries and mine (that I'd lose an eye to that beak). The birds at the rescue are the same way. The insecure ones always want the shoulder. the confident ones just want to boss you around :p
Yes, it is a myth that there is height dominance. The only thing height does is give them a higher visual point and allow them to be out of reach from something they don't want. That is not dominance.
I would be very careful introducing your caique to your GCC. Caiques are known for their aggression to other birds. There are some who get along great with others but as they mature caiques tend to really defend their territory. Supervision should be careful especially since your GCC tends to be a bit shy.
I can only advise you to be careful and have a constant watchful eye. If your GCC who thinks "she rules the roost" instigates anything with your Caique, your GCC could be greatly injured!

I recently introduced my two GCC to each other and on day 1 -3 I thought they would kill each other. Thank the Lord they are now best of friends!
Words from wise bird lovers are true. I had a GCC who was so jealous of my grey and attacked her several times. He received two very serious had wounds and I have to find him another home for his safery.
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Aw now you guys are making me all nervous about introducing them two together. I know there are multiple people on here with a great degree of varying sized birds who get along. My caique is only about 5 months old and Luna is only about 10 months. I was hoping that due to their young ages they would be easier to introduce and get used to one another. :( Dang...hope nobody gets hurt in the process.
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So do those with multiple birds have them all out at different times?

At rescues, often times there are 10+ birds out at the same time. In that situation, how would they integrate a new rescue into the flock?

Nobody on this forum has a GCC and Caique that get along?

Sorry for all the questions. :( I just want the best for my birds. If there is no chance of them ever getting along then I feel like I would be potentially lowering their happiness and adding stress. I live alone and cant rely on anyone else to give attention but myself. I dont expect them to love each other, but just be out without losing eyeballs or toes. Now I am wondering if getting a second fid was the right decision on my part and have to think about potentially rehoming my Caique. I just want the best for my fids.


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