Hello and I need help!


New member
Mar 18, 2013
I own an a female eclectus and just yesterday took on two yellow headed females who are in one cage. I was told that they had to stay in one cage. I'm okay with that but the cage they were in was not in the best shape and it was small. So I bought a bigger one. I know I stressed them out moving them.
The original owner passed away and the granddaughter took them. Well the granddaughter is going through a divorce and had to put her house up for sale. The real estate agent told her that the birds could not be left out and she put them in the laundry room. The oldest female plucked her feathers until they were almost gone.Her feathers are now coming back in, she only has three tale feathers! She's thirty. The other one, she's twenty six has all of her feathers. I need to know what the best diet to put them on? I know they like fruit and veggies, but the lady that I got them from said she feed seed diet and fruits and veggies.
The other issue is that neither of them are able to be handled. I would love to try and get them out the cage, but I pretty sure that they would take a finger off! I feel so bad for them, I just don't know what to do. They are so sweet and loud! I don't even know if they were ever handled. I know the lady I got them from did not even attempt to handle them. They run if you put your and toward them, but if you have a piece of fruit they will take it.
I don't what to do and I just want wants best for them.
You're just going to have to put on your patience suit and slow down, unless you want to stress them out more.....

As to diet, the best diet right now is what they are used to eating, until they get settled in & aren't stressed so much. If their current diet is not the greatest, you're still going to have to develop a level of trust with them to get them to change their diet.

They've had a lot of changes recently & are going to have to start developing a level of trust with you...someone they don't know.

I'm assuming we are talking about 'zons here.....going to need that trust factor to be able to handle them too, but where you have two already bonded, that may be a longer period. Because they are bonded, they will seek each other for support rather than trying to develop a relationship with you.

Sitting by their cage & talking with them may help more than you think. Offering treats they don't normally get, can help, but patience will go a long way too.....
I would purchase a small bag of cockatiel sized Zupreme Fruit Blend pellets because they are accustom to a seed diet. Many birds like this brand because it has sugar in it. The size of pellets is similar to the seeds they are already eating. I would offer these pellets in a separate cup so the birds have their choice of trying them. This would keep them from stressing out with a complete switch. It may take some time for the birds to show any interest in something new which is why I suggest a small bag. Once they are use to the pellets, other brands may be accepted.
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Thank you both for repling. I just dont want the feather plucking to start again. Thanks for the great advice. Im sure I'll be back.
Hi! How wonderful of you to take these two in! You really took on a handful and a half, but a year from now, I bet you'll have two awesome birds and a great relationship with them. Oh gosh, Amazons can be stubborn and slow to warm up. My George will only step up on a stick for me, and likes interactions and scritches to be brief, but he still plays on the top of his cage and chatters and has a good time. I would actually love to get him a new cage, but I know he would freak out. I bet your two are still adjusting to that! Even if your two new girls can't be handled, they can still have a good life. I would start super slow, keep them on their same diet for now with lots of fruits and veggies to amp up the nutrition. Later (maybe when feathers are back!) you can start the transition to pellets. When you start trying them out of the cage, maybe you can try having them step up on a perch instead of your hand. Best of luck with them. Poor things, but sounds like they're in a good place now!
Thanks for helping out a couple of birds in need. Your in a different situation than most of the other folks here who have amazons that are bonded to humans. Don't expect results that most people have with a pet zon. Your pair doesn't really need anyone else in their relationship.Bonded pairs (even if both are female) is natural for them. Adding flock members is not super important to them. You'll have to work much harder to gain their friendship. Don't separate them but deal with them as a pair. IMO bonded pairs can be louder than single birds, but usually only for short periods. If you let them out ,being very careful about handling only one of them, The other bird will sometimes punish their mate for being too "friendly" with you. Only feed them in their cage so you can get them back in.I bet your back with some more questions, LOL.
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Ok...they've been here a few days, but they make this really loud sound, mainly the big girl. It's like GULAH ...GULAH. I take that back, its both of them. And loud! Also, I can tell when my eclectus is hormonal because she will drop her wings and flap them. These two are doing the same thing? Is it the same with amazons? I've been coming home from work everyday and sitting next to their cage. I open the door and hand feed them apple. I do try and touch them gently. It's working so far....I'm gladly taking any and all advice here!
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Also...I open the cage door while I'm sitting there. The big tried to come out. I didn't know what to do, so I closed it. If she comes out, how am I supposed get her back in?

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