HELP my kakariki is a pain!


New member
Nov 8, 2023
Kakariki, cockatiel, green cheek conure, lovebird, Indian ring neck
Hi! So I have 7 birds and 5 cages. My Indian ringneck is alone, I have two females conures together, a 5 weeks old lovebird, other 2 conures in other cage and a kakariki and a cockatiel together. Every single morning at 6 am my kakariki wakes up and starts yelling like crazy. After heā€™s been yelling for five minutes, he wakes up all the other birds. My conures chirp once but thatā€™s how I know he woke them up. He doesnā€™t have a pause. He just chip chip chip chip chip (2s) chip chip chip chip chip (2s)ā€¦. He is the ONLY one that wakes up so so early and wakes up the rest, itā€™s always him. Cages covered and everything. These last weeks Iā€™ve been having issues to sleep and so is my husband, we couldnā€™t fall asleep until 1-2 am and having the kakariki being such a pest made us out hun in a bird kennel until itā€™s about 9am. Sometimes he flies out of the cage when we try to put him away before he wakes up the kids, like today, and it took me 1,40 hours so catch him, because I handfed him but heā€™s not clipped. Heā€™s just attached to my husband and he flies away from me. Iā€™m desperate and I donā€™t know for how long will I handle thisā€¦ Iā€™m really thinking of clipping him and rehoming, but it would be really hard because he has one eye not developed, and he just sees through the left eye. Any suggestions? Thanks!


Supporting Member
Jan 24, 2023
Windham, Maine
Budgies. Lotsa Budgies.
Hi! So I have 7 birds and 5 cages. My Indian ringneck is alone, I have two females conures together, a 5 weeks old lovebird, other 2 conures in other cage and a kakariki and a cockatiel together. Every single morning at 6 am my kakariki wakes up and starts yelling like crazy. After heā€™s been yelling for five minutes, he wakes up all the other birds. My conures chirp once but thatā€™s how I know he woke them up. He doesnā€™t have a pause. He just chip chip chip chip chip (2s) chip chip chip chip chip (2s)ā€¦. He is the ONLY one that wakes up so so early and wakes up the rest, itā€™s always him. Cages covered and everything. These last weeks Iā€™ve been having issues to sleep and so is my husband, we couldnā€™t fall asleep until 1-2 am and having the kakariki being such a pest made us out hun in a bird kennel until itā€™s about 9am. Sometimes he flies out of the cage when we try to put him away before he wakes up the kids, like today, and it took me 1,40 hours so catch him, because I handfed him but heā€™s not clipped. Heā€™s just attached to my husband and he flies away from me. Iā€™m desperate and I donā€™t know for how long will I handle thisā€¦ Iā€™m really thinking of clipping him and rehoming, but it would be really hard because he has one eye not developed, and he just sees through the left eye. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Unfortunately 6am is a very normal time for birds to wake up and proceed to wake up the rest of the world. I have outdoor wild birds that sing and hit the feeders before the sun even rises! I don't know how you can get him to shut up and let the family sleep other than putting his cage in a closed door room as far away from the bedroom as possible. Ear plugs may help. A conservative wing clip (so he can still fly but slower and not as far) would help in getting him into his cage. Rehoming while an option should be a last resort.


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month šŸ†
Jan 9, 2023
Quaker, 2 budgies
I know how annoying this can be šŸ«¤. When I got my Quaker parrot, he was on an earlier schedule and would scream like crazy when he woke up, waking my budgies as well. Covering him really well with a dark blanket helped some. He slowly adjusted to the new schedule, but he still has some mornings where he wakes up at 6:30 or so and starts screaming. At this point, I just ignore it and he eventually settles down. Some birds just seem to wake up earlier than others. As DonnaBudgie said, is there an option to put him in another room? The only other thing I could suggest is having a favorite toy or food that you put in his cage the night before so that he can wake up and immediately start playing with or eating it to distract him from screaming. I hope you can work something out!

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