Help needed understanding my lovebird!


New member
Dec 5, 2011
I have had my lovebird for a little over a month now. I am unsure of it's sex, it is approx 5 months old and he was handfed by a private breeder. When we first got him he was very shy and has slowly warmed up to us. He comes and snuggles, preens our hair, calls when he is left alone, climbs on us, etc. The issue we are having is nipping and bitting when we try to pet him or pick him up or he runs from us as if he is scared of us. If we have a sprig of millet he will step up on our finger and let us stroke his back but that is the only time. I was hoping a more experienced lovebird owner might have some ideas or advice for how to change this behavior. I don't know why he bites us, he doesn't seem to be afraid of us anymore as he approaches us and cuddles up with us. Is he still adjusting to his new home and maybe he will stop in time? This happens in any area of the house even away from his cage, we try hard to not chase him down and force him, he spends the day away from his cage around us (if we put him back in his cage he comes right back in with us), his wings are clipped, I hope I have given all the information....I have read a lot online but I haven't found that seems to help. Any advice or ideas anyone has will be much appreciated. Thanks!
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Nov 16, 2011
Southern California
Lola (green cheek conure)
Connor (yellow sided green cheek conure)
Dorian "Buzzy" (senegal)
Hi :)
I cannot speak for all lovebirds, but I can say that my lovebird Karma used to bite too. I got him when he was about 5 months old and he was very tame and friendly. I had him until he died of old age at almost 13 years old. He used to bite sometimes when I would take him out of the cage. Some birds are "cage territorial." It's normal. I just showed no fear and reached in to pick him up anyway. He'd also bite when I'd pick him up to hold him. He was rather grumpy (he always reminded me of a mini Jack Nicholson), but he truly did love cuddles after I caught him despite the bite. Don't worry and don't take it personally. Your bird sounds like he loves you.

When your lovebird bites, do not react by yelping (even if you are surprised). Do not scold. Reacting in any way simply reinforces the biting behavior, so just act like nothing happened. Even if the biting never stops (and it might not because almost every bird bites at some time or another), just be glad that it isn't a biting macaw or cockatoo!


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Dec 2, 2011
Denver, CO
Butter - Lovebird * Basil - Cockatiel * Bean - Budgie * Barley - Budgie
I've found with my lovebird that her biting is rarely out of fear, it's more due to territorial/dominance issues. Lovebirds are stubborn, and they want to be in charge. They're like little pit bulls! I wish I could give you a better answer, but the best thing is consistent training. Make sure your lovie knows that they have to do what you want when you want it. I'd recommend a consistent regimen of step-up/step-down training until your lovie will reliably do what they are told. Then you won't HAVE to canse him/her down and you can spend your time bonding and having fun :)


New member
Mar 27, 2011
Ava(peach faced lovebird) and my very first bird
Leroy (black headed caique) my little moody bird
Dusty (hahns macaw) my clown
I have had my lovebird for five the last year she decided to stop stepping up...I am to the point where I open her door and if she wants to come out she does and if she doesn't I don't push it....
None of my three birds like to be pet on the fact they all HATE it...I don't know if they see it as a threat or what but they do not like it so I don't do it.
Ava (my lovebird) loves to have her head scratched.....under her chin fact she will push against our hand for that.
You have to be careful that you aren't hitting any pin feathers...that can cause a bite out of just reaction hurts them....
Love birds are bull headed but once you have owned one you will fall head over heels...I mean once one owns you...LOL Good luck and keep us updated.


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Dec 5, 2011
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Thanks everybody for your replies! I totally adore my little lovebird and will remain patient with him! My poor family are just getting tired of the nips! I don't think he is trying to actually bite though...maybe just a warning...he never bites hard enough to draw blood or anything. Anyway, I have been doing a lot of reading and am feeling more confident then I was the other day. I will just keep up trying to work with him and I really hope he will trust us enough to not be so hand skittish...and if he never likes being pet I guess that's ok too!


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Feb 1, 2011
Antioch, TN
"Willie"&"Lola"B&G Macaw,
"Dixie"LSC2, and "Nico" Scarlet Macaw.
He's testing his limits! He's a baby, that's what they do. You must not let them, give them lots of exercise and extra toys to play so they're not bored. Must play with them as often as you can until they pass that stage.

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