HELP! New screaming cockatiel!


New member
Feb 5, 2014
Chicago, IL
gcc Parry; lovebird Coco; 3 budgies (Tesla, Franky and Cesar); cockatiel Murzik, red rump parakeet girl Onyx
I got a new cockatiel today - he is a 2 yo male according to his owner. He was in pretty rough conditions with other 3 (his father and two brothers) - they were kept in a small flight cage outside a mobile home. Not tame, but not shy. He was very energetic and looked healthy and handsome.

As soon as I put him in the carrier they all started screaming, and I didn't pay much attention to that. But he screamed the whole way home, and continued at home with little pauses. It's a very loud, piercing scream and it already drove me and my hubby crazy… :eek: When I talk to him softly he sort of calms down and stares at me, but then starts screaming again, on and off, regardless of me in or not in the room (the most when I'm about to leave). Of course he is scared of new surroundings and of being alone, but I'm terrified of this noise. Is this normal? Is he gonna stop that? :confused: I also want to make sure I won't reinforce his screaming in any way. Oddly enough my other birds don't pay much attention to his screaming and rarely answer it. (He is in the bedroom on quarantine). Maybe he hears my other birds and tries to get their attention? Or is he trying to call for his brothers/father? They were probably quite bonded…

I also need to add that we had to wait for the owner about 15 min in the car - we were about 15 feet from the cockatiels cage and didn't even hear them. So he wasn't screaming then and was very soft.
Any advice, please!?!?!:11:
He is scared and stressed the best way to stop the screaming (yes it can be normal) is to ignore it. DO NOT hit the cage to get him to stop that will just make him fear you. Positively reinforce him for being quite offer him a treat or something. But if you constantly run to him when he's screaming he will keep it up. Cockatiels like attention of any kind (like most animals really) and so it's best to encourage the behaviors you want by rewarding them and ignoring the ones you don't.
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Thank you! Yes, I completely ignore it for now, and God forbid me to shake his cage or anything like that! :eek: I'm trying to be very gentle and loving with him knowing how much he must miss his family.
Like it was said above, he's just lonely right now! He doesn't understand why he's being kept alone by himself. So he's basically doing a flock call for the others. He'll calm down soon once he gets adjusted. He will still scream a bit until he is with other birds.
Poor little guy misses his flock. :(

My tiel likes to sing REALLY LOUD. Since you also have a male, expect him to get a bit noisy on occasion. They seem to love the sound of their own voice. lol

Congrats on the new addition! Please post some photos! :)
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Thank you so much! I think exactly the same ting and the owner confirmed that too. He said when he tried to separate them he screamed. I just hope he stops soon. Singing loud and piercing screaming are two different things! LOL He is actually much better today - he didn't make a single noise in the morning until I entered his room at 9am. (I even slept in the guest room in order not to disturb him). I just sprinkled him with water and he seemed to enjoy that. I play Bach flute concertos for him - this music is so soothing for any living being him included. :) I'll try to take pictures later today. I also have to come up with a name… :) Can you believe the guy had him for two years without even naming him!? :(
I also have to come up with a name… Can you believe the guy had him for two years without even naming him!?

That's so sad, unfortunately it isn't that uncommon. I'm so glad you brought him home. Cockatiels are wonderful little birds, full of personality. Your little fellow may not adjust to his new home for a few days or even weeks, but I'm guessing he will adjust. I think the music is a wonderful idea, in addition to having a calming effect, it may help to keep him from missing his former cage mates. Good luck with him, looking forward to updates and pics.
Singing loud and piercing screaming are two different things! LOL

You'd be surprised. Some of the noises he makes are just as obnoxious as the screaming. lol
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Here he is - such a lovely baby! So sad he was neglected for the first two years of his life. But he is doing a great progress - he almost completely stopped screaming, climbed up to my shoulder a few times and stayed there for a while preening my hair. He was never taught to step up, so we are working on this now. I open the door of his cage and let him explore the room. I also had to clip him (forgive my poor work - I was doing it alone and trying to finish as quickly as possible) because he hurt himself flying against the wall. He was never let out of cage in his previous life. He still hisses and lounges at my hands a bit, but doesn't bite them and still lets me pet him gently.


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What a beautiful bird! He looks a lot like my boy only with more black on the wings. I have a feeling he will turn out to be a sweetheart with a little love and training. :)
He is so pretty, Im glad he calmed down. Birds have different ways of acting when they go to a new home, Im glad he is settled, good work.
Aww what a pretty tiel! Makes me want one! Don't think my fids would allow it though. Congrats and welcome. Glad that he is settling down for you.
What a beautiful cockatiel! Thanks for the pic. Glad he's getting comfortable already. Have you chosen a name for your lovely boy?
Glad you made some headway. I had the same problem with my 'tiel, gosh, 15 or so years ago. Time flies.
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I haven't chosen a "permanent" name yet. :) Right now I call him Murzik (it's a Russian cat name) because he behaves a bit like a cat. LOL I want to choose a "real" name during this week for this beautiful serious bird. :)
He is adorable! That's great he's making such great progress quickly! I have had mine since March and still cannot get him to go on me at all. Just last week I finally got him to eat from my hand! I'm happy your little guy's doing great! Sounds like he's already happier in his new home!
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He only eats in my presence when I'm really close to him. :) I dunno why. :) As soon as I walk away he stops. He doesn't drink much - I use a plastic syringe to give him water and he seems to like it. :) He also doesn't know how to eat spray millet or sunflower seeds! :eek: poor guy!
He only eats in my presence when I'm really close to him. :) I dunno why. :) As soon as I walk away he stops. He doesn't drink much - I use a plastic syringe to give him water and he seems to like it. :) He also doesn't know how to eat spray millet or sunflower seeds! :eek: poor guy!

If you introduce him to spray millet in front of him, let him peck at it he will know what to do once he takes a bite. Or lay it on his food dish. Not all Cockatiels like sunflower seeds, it's actually a good thing he's not eating sunflower seeds! If he gets hungry he will eat regardless if your there or not. You just don't notice it when your not around. Cockatiels can be quite independent birds. If you can, provide filtered or bottled water. Feed some water with a syringe is actually a good thing so he gets adjusted to the syringe IF you ever needed to administer medication, this would make it easier.
He only eats in my presence when I'm really close to him. :) I dunno why. :) As soon as I walk away he stops. He doesn't drink much - I use a plastic syringe to give him water and he seems to like it. :) He also doesn't know how to eat spray millet or sunflower seeds! :eek: poor guy!

My dog does the same thing he won't eat unless I'm close by

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