Help please?????


New member
Oct 17, 2012
South Africa
blue/green indian ringneck "Peanut"
Hi All Bird Lovers :white1:

I have a blue turquoise ringneck. I don't know what sex Peanut is yet... Peanut is about 7weeks old and on 1 baby food a day and eating very little parrot mixed seeds and lots of fresh fruit and veggies. Peanut go's with me to work every day, Love the car ride

I am having behavioral problems with Peanut, when I put him/her into the cage, he/she going mad, runing up and down the cage climing, jumping and even crawling under the news paper. this can go on for at less 30mins. What should I do to stop this? Peanut also is starting to flap, and fly away from me, nearly lost him/her under a car... Luckly the car was off and I could crawled under to fetch him/her, how to I change this behavior?

P.S I don't leave my office door open anymore...

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New member
Oct 17, 2012
South Africa
blue/green indian ringneck "Peanut"
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I have cliped a wing.... I try to pay no attention while he/she going mad in the cage, as soon as he/she stop, I will take him/she out but now screams.... Please I need some help...


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Oct 13, 2012
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Mana the manic female galah; yet to be named male corella
:) Hi!

I highly recommend taking up meditation, you will need it! lol

If its still a bub on feeds and is freaking out in the cage take it out of the cage and put it back into a handrearing box until its ready. I assume you got it from the breeder unweaned and are trying to finish it yourself though? If this is the case, you will need to provide this baby with a safe mostly enclosed space like a box on its side in the bottom of the cage with some bird safe nesting material/substrate.
It probably feels WAY too exposed in a cage. I used to leave a box inside the cage on the ground when transitioning bubs from the handrearing box to the cage. And I let them decide when they were ready to leave the box. I have never hand reared an IRN so I dont know what age they typically fledge, but you HAVE TO expect a young bird who is yet to fledge to continuously test their wings out until they get it right. This is natural and normal. You shouldnt have clipped this particular bubs wings, doing so means you will have a much longer trial with getting it to stop this flapping about behaviour because he cant take his first flights properly.

I always allowed my bubs to fledge properly before wing clipping so I have no experience on how to deal with a baby that wants to learn to fly but cant... perhaps someone here will be able to help :)


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Sep 26, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
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I have cliped a wing.... I try to pay no attention while he/she going mad in the cage, as soon as he/she stop, I will take him/she out but now screams.... Please I need some help...

Please don't clip ONE wing... If you're going to clip, do both the same... The bird will not be able to balance with just one wing clipped...


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Nov 9, 2012
Blue and gold macaw
African gray
2 ring necks
I have a ring neck wich she started bein bad at around 3 months old, she didnt like my other ring neck and would try to pull his tail or just attack him lol even tho she was smaller than him, i reccomend to have lots of pations cause it might take a wile to change her behavior.. Mine had both of her wings clipped and she was still flying not to high or to low but she new had to fly very good, i recomend u dont take her out of ur house with out a harness or a carry on cage cause she might fly away from u and get hurt, always think about her safety :)


New member
Oct 17, 2012
South Africa
blue/green indian ringneck "Peanut"
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Thanks all... The breader I got the Peanut said that I must cut the bird's wing, Think I will cut the other one, I can handel the flying, I don't take change always safe, there is noway peanut will get away from me again... I still need help with the cage story, another one of my friends said. once they start going under there news paper that it, they will always do that.. But I am very luck to get such a fantastic bird like Peanut... Sure that this might just be a stage... and all Peanut want is to sit by me ... Thanks everyone all been a big help

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