Help please


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2022
Putrajaya, Malaysia
2 female budgies i have a green named tofu she is 1 years old(she turned one years old in April) and i have a blue budgie named sky she is the younger one she is younger then tofu by a few days
my. Budgies have been losing a lot of feathers but they are not molting why cause there isn't any pin feathers when they lose There feathers no they don't have mites why because I don't see them preen often and no they are not feather plucking why because they they don't preen often and when I see them preen they don't preen harshly
So what is the cause ?
Are you sure it's not plucking? Birds can still lose feathers from stress even if they aren't plucking them.

What does their cage look like? what to you feed them? do they have a daily routine?

Improper cages/setups can cause stress. Improper diets can also result in feather loss. Many birds can get stressed out if they don't have a routine as it messes up their biological clock.

Do you punish them when they do something wrong? this is stressful to them and can cause feather loss.

Feather loss can also indicate illnesses/conditions like PBFD.

My best advice would be to take them to a vet. Also if you can, send me a pic of their cage/s and tell me what their diet looks like :)
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There diet contains budgie seeds canary seeds White pellet green pellet vegetables and never fruit
they get out a lot like a lot normally we get them out of the cage 7:00 am because I wake up at 7:00 am and we don't get them back in the cage the cage door is always open so they can go in whenever they want and then when they go in we close the cage and then after a few hours we get them out again and then they go in the cage they normally go in when its sunset so out of 24 hours they go out for 11 hours
And no they do not have a routine
Oh actually I have dealed one with when of my bird having pbfd but sadly she passed away in 25/1/2022
No I do not punish them
Well I cannot go to the vet as I do not trust the vet I went when my Bird had pbfd why because we went to the vet and then they gave us the medication and said comeback after 2 weeks we came back and then the vet gave us the second medication only after three days of giving the Bird the second medication it died so the medication was to strong for her and also other bird passed away this January kiwi he died 21/1/2022 he hit the fan in 20/1/2022 we rushed to the vet the vet said just don't interact and after 2 weeks do exercises and then he died the next day 😢😭😭
So here are the pictures click

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  • #4
can you answer hello?
There diet contains budgie seeds canary seeds White pellet green pellet vegetables and never fruit
they get out a lot like a lot normally we get them out of the cage 7:00 am because I wake up at 7:00 am and we don't get them back in the cage the cage door is always open so they can go in whenever they want and then when they go in we close the cage and then after a few hours we get them out again and then they go in the cage they normally go in when its sunset so out of 24 hours they go out for 11 hours
And no they do not have a routine
Oh actually I have dealed one with when of my bird having pbfd but sadly she passed away in 25/1/2022
No I do not punish them
Well I cannot go to the vet as I do not trust the vet I went when my Bird had pbfd why because we went to the vet and then they gave us the medication and said comeback after 2 weeks we came back and then the vet gave us the second medication only after three days of giving the Bird the second medication it died so the medication was to strong for her and also other bird passed away this January kiwi he died 21/1/2022 he hit the fan in 20/1/2022 we rushed to the vet the vet said just don't interact and after 2 weeks do exercises and then he died the next day 😢😭😭
So here are the pictures click

I have a channel please watch my videos and subscribe

Am I reading this correctly that you had a bird pass away in January of this year from PBFD?

If so, PBFD is highly contagious and that could be what is happening to your budgies.
Is there another vet you can take them to?
PBFD is almost always fatal, so perhaps it wasn't your vet's fault but just the disease.

Please get your birds to a vet, if PBFD is caught early enough they have a better chance of living longer.
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oh sorry very sorry I forgot she had a fungal infection in her poop and mites in her feathers
that's the only vet near us
but i am experienced in healing sick birds on my own one of my birds got sick 2 times and then I healedthem
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oh sorry I'm just can't go to the vet my mom doesn't trust the vet anymore 2 our birds died and the vet couldn't help just wasting 200 dollars, not including the medication sorry
oh sorry very sorry I forgot she had a fungal infection in her poop and mites in her feathers
that's the only vet near us
but i am experienced in healing sick birds on my own one of my birds got sick 2 times and then I healedthem
Many things can't be healed at home, no matter what you do unless you can diagnose and then get them the proper medications.
I understand that taking them to the vet isn't your decision right now, and I wish we could help more. None of us are vets though, so there is only so much we can recommend.
I hope your budgies are just going through a hard moult and won't need a vet.

I would like to recommend that since your other bird died from PBFD, that you either stay away from any other birds (pet shops, etc) or make sure you have a completely clean set of clothes and shoes that you keep somewhere other than your house. PBFD is so contagious, and every precaution should be taken to keep any other birds from getting it.
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thanks yaa I hope my birds are just having a hard moult
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did you know I am able in determining budgie gender
What you describe is like PBFD, and how it effects the feathers . I would not add any more birds to your collection.

A ray of hope is budgies seem to be the only parrot that can live longer and have less feathers loss with this disease if that's what is going on. But they pass it on to any other birds in the home and those birds are not so lucky and suffer and die quicker.

My sympathy for your heart ache and loss
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  • #12
i only have 2 but i am kinda thinking about getting A third bird
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  • #13
i will update on what happens thanks!
i only have 2 but i am kinda thinking about getting A third bird

Laura is absolutely right. Please, do not get another bird. The possibility of PBFD is one of the issues, the other is not being able to take them to the vet.
Please do not get another one.
With your birds having health issues. You must put them first and concentrate on their well being.

With the love you have of parrots. You wound not want to bring in one that could suffer and become sick .

You have years ahead.

Right now concentrate on the 2 lives that depend on you.

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