Help with training a cutie!


New member
Feb 6, 2016
Southampton, UK
Pineapple Conure (Lilly), Crimson Belly conure (Poppy)
Hi! So I recently adopted a 14 month old Pineapple Conure called Lilly! She's incredibly cute and doesn't bite. She's very shy and untame but very excitable... she loves to fly around the room but I'm unsure if I should be allowing this before taming? Should I? I've made sure it's bird proof. Since I got her I've been sitting by the cage talking to her a few times a day, even putting my hand on the cage so she's not scared... I give her a few treats trough the bars and praise her when she takes them. I've read many articles about hand taming birds online but I'm unsure if they'll get the same results because she wont go near my hands yet unless I have a treat (she will grab it and run LOL).

Milestone 1... opening the door and getting her to take a seed straight from my hand... otherwise she will shy away from it all the time so I can't touch her. When she cries and gets excited I let her out and she'll exercise her wings and fly back to the top of the cage where there's a perch and two bowls... she'll stay there for hours. Milestone 2... When getting her back inside the cage I lure her down with some millet so she goes inside, and gets much praise and the millet! Once she licked peanut butter off my finger... That's about all I've managed so far!

I don't think she hates me but whilst shes out of the cage she will back away if I get too close... same if my hand is in the cage. Does anybody have any step by steps to creating hand trust and training her to eventually step up? Is what I'm doing the right thing, and will she warm up to me eventually? I'm not very keen on getting her clipped, is it a must in this case?

Thanks for reading and I hope you can help!! :p I'd much prefer direct help than a link to somewhere else~ <3


New member
Apr 12, 2016
Northern Illinois, USA
Bo - DYH ~ Gus - CAG ~ Twitch - Linnie ~ Apple - Pineapple GCC ~ Goliath - Quaker ~ Squish - Peach face Lovebird
First, congratulations on your new addition! We would love to see pics!

Second, what you're doing so far sounds good. If she is taking treats from your hand, then you are already reinforcing the idea that hands = good things. Keep doing that, it may take time before she gets more comfortable. I'd say watch for her to stop running so far away after she gets the treat. Eventually, she will probably stay closer while she eats her treats.

As far as clipping, I think that it could take more time for you to tame her down with leaving her unclipped, but it is by no means necessary. It sounds like you are already making progress with her, so if you do not want to clip her, then don't. I also don't think there is any harm in letting her out to fly. In fact, you may want to do your training sessions after she has been out for a while. It may help her focus more on you after she has burned off some excess energy, and she may be a little more eager for treats after flying for a while.

Hope this helps!


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure
You sound like a NATURAL.
I'm no expert (but there are plenty here).
I would just sound a few notes of caution... I, too, have a free-flighted bird. I advise being absolutely paranoid about keeping the bird inside, safe from fans/open skillets/open toilets/etc., etc.
Good luck. I'm glad you found us!

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