hey im new and have a question


New member
Dec 21, 2009
i have a male austrailian king parrot aged one.
hey im Eamon and i have a 1 year old king parrot i got him six months ago he behaves well i am wondering does anyone know what age these parrots start to talk at??


New member
Dec 21, 2009
i have a male austrailian king parrot aged one.
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also im wondering is there anyways in which you can teach a parrot to accept a scratch if he does not usuallly let u

Riley's mom

Dec 17, 2009
Holiday, Florida
Military's, African Greys, Blue and Gold, Goffin, conures, quaker, lovebird, senegal parrot
Hello and welcome! I am not familiar with the King Parrot since they are not common here, but as a rule with any parrot that I have raised, it depends on the individual bird if and when it will talk. My military started talking at about 4 mos, whereas some of the others did not start until much later. My friend has a CAG that is about 12 years old and does not talk at all. As for the "petting", I have found that I have had great luck with the rescues that I have gotten in to go very slow around the back and up. It's taken quite a bit of time with some of them and not so much with others and then some of them will have none of it. It takes lots of patience, hard I know since I'm not the most patient person in the world, but sometimes it has paid off. Good luck to you and your bird! There is alot of knowledgeable bird owners on here that will give you other ideas on how to help you with this. You have come to the right place. :green1:


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
Hi there, welcome to a wonderful forum :grey:
Must admit I am not familiar with the King Parrot.
What is his name?
As Riley's mom mentioned some birds never talk, hopefully your's will not be the case.
Spend lots quality time with the bird, taking and talking and talking.
Perhaps to many words are being said to him.
Teaching a bird to many words to start with may confuse him.
Start with small words, hello and good boy.
Hopefully he will start talking.
If I was in your situation, I would stick to small words, until he says them.
As he's talking improves, add in more words.
Does he come out the cage on his own, and are you picking him up yet?
A bird must gain confidence and your trust.
If you are not handling him yet, sit near the cage, talking to him.
When he comes close to the bars, perhaps offer him a treat.
I taught me AG Mishka to KOPPIE KRAPPIE. (rubbing the top of her head) doing the following : She sat on my lap, I rubbed the top of my head, saying Koppie Krappie a few times. Then proceeded to try it on her head. At first she tried to bite me, rubbed my head again and again, It took a few days, eventually she let me.
These days, when sitting on my lap she says Mommy Koppie Krappie.
Koppie Krappie is an Afrikaans language here in South Africa, EVERYONE teaches this phase to there birds.
Good luck and keep us updated.
Take care
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New member
Aug 20, 2009
Wilkeson, WA
2 SI Eclectus, Hahns Macaw, African Red-Bellied Parrot and Cockatiel
Jumping into the thread mid stream here. Regarding the scratching... modeling is a powerful technique you can use as parrots learn from parrots. I don't recall if your post mentioned you have another bird or not but it you do, I would use them as an educational 'tool.'

About the talking, my experience based on the hand-raising of many species and a flock of my own, it can be hit or miss. We have had CAGs speak their first sentence at 11 weeks, our (now) 6 month old Hahns Macaw talk up a storm but we are just figuring out what he says, to our 4 year old female SI eclectus who used to speak a few sentences and now is silent.... go figure. I wish I had some expert advise for you but I just don't


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