Hi from PA


New member
Aug 4, 2015
Western PA
I'm new here but have been a parrot owner for the past 8 years. We bought Oz our eclectus parrot off craigslist. We are his 4th (and hopefully last) home! He was not a plucker when we got him but has been a serious plucker for the past 6years or so. We have 3 kids (twin 6 yearolds and a 2 yearold) and live on a farm (we have chickens, ducks, dog (who needs a new home) and we are fostering a Kitten (who needs to learn to not bother Oz) We are also bunnysitting for the next month) the next animal we plan to get is a horse (I was a horse instructor for 10 years before my twins were born.) We also Garden (organicly 1 acre!) home school and 2 of my 3 kids have special needs so I'm busy :D

Glad I've found this place and look forward to jumping in :)


New member
Jan 8, 2015
New Mexico
--PUMPKIN - male YS GCC. Hatched Halloween Day 2014. Came home Jan. 4, 2015. Started talking in July '15!

-BUTTERNUT- female TYS GCC Hatched in late Jan. 2016 and came home March 14, 2016
Hello welcome to the forum! Hopefully someone with ekkie experience will see this and can help with the problem you're having. It sure sounds like you have your hands full! Some questions that will help us help you figure out whats going on with your bird : How much time do you have to spend with your bird? How long is it out of the cage every day? What does he eat? What types of toys does he like best? Sorry so many questions. :)


New member
Aug 9, 2015
Welcome! Im new too and found this forum a good place for info, but like most places in the Internet there are quite a few snarky people who will take potshots at you just subtle enough to not get in trouble, but rule #1 with people in this world in general you have to have thick skin because people are mean and the internet shows how they are inside when they can cower behind their computer and take pot shots. I only just feel sad for their birds :( but just like me use forums for a pool of Knowledge :)

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