How do I stop my cockatiels from alarm calling?

Aren't you about to bring a Mollucan into your home?

I have a Too and a cockatiel, there's no comparison. If a group of cockatiels 'make you nuts' I truly hate to think what a hormonal Too singing the song of his people at full throttle will do to your eardrums and your nervous system.
' I truly hate to think what a hormonal Too singing the song of his people at full throttle will do to your eardrums and your nervous system.

Laughing, possibly even snorted. Curious now to hear the song of his people
Is there a way to keep my cockatiels from alarm calling? It's making me nuts.

Figure out what's causing the alarm and remove the threat.

I do agree with allee though-- if a cockatiel alarm call is too much for you, why would bring home a Moluccan?
Sit back, crank up the sound....and relax. :D

[ame=""]Screaming Moluccan..... Beautiful but VERY loud! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Moluccan Cockatoo scream - YouTube[/ame]
I will switch my video to the one of the Too feeding the Grey
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Sit back, crank up the sound....and relax. :D

Boy did that bring back fond memories of my Jezabel! Davy yelled right along with them lol, oops!

I did not realize how BIG they were until I saw that video of the Moluccan feeding the African Grey a cookie. That really put it in perspective.
Wow. The first one sounds like Rodan from the old Godzilla movies... if he had a bullhorn! Lol! And the second one sounds almost like a cross between a horse and one of those screaming goats! Hahaha!

Yep. I've had a cockatiel, and I must say that my finely honed senses do detect a wee bit of a difference in sound output. You know, like a jet turbine compared to a window fan. Lol!
Omg! Those videos were ear piercing... Arent cockatiels and cockatoos related? I couldn't own a cockatiel their calls drive me crazy too. 😫
Depends on what you can tolerate really. I handle moluccan screaming better than tiels or budgies screaming. I just fine the little ones pitch(I guess) irritating...especially budgies. My tiels generally only sound off when I come home or when everyone has been startled. When everyone is startled it gets loud in general around here....

We have a moluccan at the shelter that can copy the sound perfectly of a train horn. He thinks he is super funny especially when he does it to new people and makes them jump. You should go to a shelter and listen to the sounds of moluccans though to get an idea of what it is like in person before bringing one home. There is something special about a moluccan or umbrella screaming right next to your head not just on a recording:p The full effect is missing on a recording:eek:
Bwahahahahaha!! I SOO wish I just had a video camera recording when I thought I'd play the first screaming too vid.

Oh my! I can't stop laughing!!

My dear sweet Sun was sitting on my arm, happily, contentedly preening away...I thought I had the sound down...OOPS!

Talk about ruining a perfectly good preening session!

I'm dying here...sooo funny!

Okay, regaining composure...Sunny is still in WTF was THAT mode! Aaaahahahhaha! And he thought HIS scream was loud...showed him!

Anyway, with regard to your tiels alarm call...if it's happening all the time, you must have something going on. Are they in front of a window where they can see everything happening outside? If so, try moving away from window, or put a curtain over the window to hinder their view.

If it's not that, then it sounds to me like you have something else going on, another pet, dog or cat inside who has pestered them at all? Are they simply bored? Or calling for your attention?

My tiels are the sweetest little chaps ever, they alarm call only when necessary, such as something strange going on outside or someone pulling into the driveway and they flock call when they see/hear us come home, but stop when we come in and say Hi guys! How are you? Or how was your day?

Hopefully you get it sorted out, and if the other posts are true about you possibly getting a Too....I'd seriously reconsider.

I have a super high tolerance for bird noise level and love my birds to pieces...but even I draw the line at a Too...I just know their noise level is the special octave above what I know myself and my family could handle.

Good Luck to you.


I think Sunny's heart rate slowed just a smidge...he will be fine as long as I don't play THAT video again anytime soon! Lololol!!!
Lol, Wendy! Great videos!

Toos adore high decibel noise, especially if the noise is coming from their own beaks. Late last night, I heard Poppy repeating, whatareyoudoing, of course I went to check on her, I raised her cover to peek at her, she was delighted to see me, ran out of her swing and landed on a perch about a foot from my face. She went into a full out Too greeting! "OMG, you're finally home, I haven't seen you in a hundred years, I love you so much, thanks for visiting after lights out, can we do this every night," that's my translation, the uninformed would have seen a big white bird bouncing up and down and shrieking loud enough to stop traffic two streets over. I had to give her a hug before she went back to bed, by then, one of my quakers was barking and calling the dogs. Mayhem, Toos are hatched for it.

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