How many tries do you give a scary object?


New member
Apr 28, 2013
Alice - Galah cockatoo
Just bought two rope perches for Alice and she isn't impressed! Last time I bought a new perch she didn't even notice it until 10 minutes before bed time then had the mother of all freak outs so that I had to take it out again before putting her to bed. To avoid the same happening I tried laying these ones out on the couch so she could have a look before putting them in the cage, and again as soon as she spotted them, big panic, wing flapping, shaking like a leaf. I took them away, give it 20 minutes, tried holding up a small loop of it whilst she was on her java tree and got a full on defense posturing, back straight with wings and tail fanned wide. Tried the same thing with her on my shoulder where she feels safest and she lodged herself on my back, and was trembling again when I recovered her.

So, what to do? Give up on them or keep trying? I want her to enjoy having the new perches but I don't want to torture her with them if she's not going to adapt to them. I certainly don't want to put them in the cage if they're going to frighten her.
Whenever I put new stuff in my macaw's cage, he backs off for a while and then realizes it's no threat. I would just leave it in there for a bit. She'll get used to them.
I would wrap them around your wrists and forearms and hand her treats that way. I know what you mean, you go get something and are excited to bring it home and they act like you put a cobra in their cage lol. Hopefully miss Alice will adjust :)
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Ok, I'll keep trying for now! I've put them both in her eye line but not too close for now, and I'll have another go at introducing in an hour or so.
I put scary new stuff on the outside of their cage or lay it down beside the cage for a few days. Around the play gym i lay it on the bottom below their perch until they aren't scared anymore.
That's exactly what happened to me! I got a foraging perch and a rope ladder and she wanted nothing to do with them! I put them by her cage and I pretend played with them and laughed with them so she could see they are fun! Monkey see monkey do! Now she loves them well still working on the ladder but she playes and laughs with it. So maybe that will work? It took me a week to get her to that point though.
Pretend it's something she's not supposed to get into. That will make her interested for sure!
Put the new perches on the couch, floor, bed or whatever she's comfortable going. Then, take her most favorite treats and spread them all around the new scary perches!

Add in one bird.

Wait and watch!

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