How smart are our African greys?


New member
Mar 21, 2010
Baltimore, MD
Sammy-Umbrella Too-rescued,
Dexter-CAG-rehomed handicapped,
Sterling-CAG-rehomed retired breeder.
Sunshine-12 yo CAG-adopted
Unbelievably smart!
[ame=]YouTube - Graupapagei Pitti löst Kettenaufgaben (Addition, Subtraktion)[/ame]
Oh my goodness.....I do not know how you would even go about teaching this but how clever of the bird to be able to learn such a thing, he's clearly having fun too!

Thanks for sharing, he's extrodinary!
I am absolutely blown away, what a remarkably intelligent bird OMG
I love the way he starts moving the dice around, before the figures are even placed.
Congrat's to whoever taught the bird

Thanks so much for sharing
I have to say I suspect some trickery here....

I doubt very much the bird is doing the math, but is responding to some visual cue out of the field of view.

Still an amazing trick that the bird knows to match the die to whatever it is!
I have to say I suspect some trickery here....

I doubt very much the bird is doing the math, but is responding to some visual cue out of the field of view.

Still an amazing trick that the bird knows to match the die to whatever it is!

Trickery or no trickery, to get the bird to move the dice showing the correct sum IS AMAZING ENOUGH FOR ME
It's funny, because science - and other human beings - are finally catching on to the intelligence of some animals, birds included. I love the quote "If you think a dog cannot count, try putting three treats in your pocket, but give him two!" I know my rabbit could count at least to three - the number of raisins she was allowed each night. If I tried to stop at two, or if she chopped one in half and I tried to give her what she considered a "4th," she wouldn't really be interested. And it's really interesting that the article now in the news about the world's smartest dog (see Time, link below) mentions offhand "The dog still has a ways to go before he can compete with Guinness World Records breaking bird, a budgerigar named Puck, who in 1995 knew 1,728 words."

Chaser the Border Collie: The Smartest Dog in the World? - TIME NewsFeed

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