I h@te the Fourth of July!!!


New member
Jun 25, 2007
Colorado, USA
Mojo the magnificent Maximillian Pionus; Cecil the clowny Senegal; and, Timothy the shy, fearful Parrotlet
It aggravates me when my animals are scared or aggravated. And, the Fourth of July does just that! There is a fireworks ban in the county (because of high fire danger) but no one cares ... they let off fireworks anyways! They terrify my animals and make me want to pull my hair out!!!!

Tomorrow, I think we are going to (very early) load up the dogs and go up to the moutains ... NO fireworks up there to scare them. We will be home in the evening iffen the birdies or kitties get scared -- then they won't be by themselves.

I've always disliked Fourth of July ... it is said to be "puppy playtime" because the lil pups get so scared, they get out of their yards trying to find safety and shelter ... :( :( :(


New member
May 20, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
Serenity & Pix and their kids Jade & Tango (Peachfaced Lovebirds) and Bonnie (Budgie)
Yep, I will third that ... I really don't like fireworks when they are done by drunken fools with a lighter and some discount explosives in neighborhoods with small children (who they, in some cases, permit to light said discount explosives), pets and sane n sober people around. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a GOOD professionally engineered fireworks display, but not when it is going to scare or disrupt animals (including wild ones) and homes. Then again I find anything thrust upon uninterested or unwilling people to be wrong in general. It boils down to a respect thing imo.


New member
Jun 28, 2007
Coconut-the albino 'tiel, mango-the peachfaced lovebird, waffles-the parakeet, Lucy and Lulu-Jenday conures, and Cookie-The rescue sun conure
I hate the fireworks! With passion. I live right next to a lake, and everyone who lives on the water sets of fireworks. It scares the birds and my little dog. My parents were talking to one of the people who was doing a big fireworks show and they invested $8,000 in fireworks, and they live three doors down from me. It's just something we have do endure for these idiots. :(


New member
May 20, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
Serenity & Pix and their kids Jade & Tango (Peachfaced Lovebirds) and Bonnie (Budgie)
wanna join my new club?? it's called STIC = Slap The Idiots Coalition ... membership is free and you get a free mug :D


New member
Jun 28, 2007
Coconut-the albino 'tiel, mango-the peachfaced lovebird, waffles-the parakeet, Lucy and Lulu-Jenday conures, and Cookie-The rescue sun conure
wanna join my new club?? it's called STIC = Slap The Idiots Coalition ... membership is free and you get a free mug :D

Free mug? I'm in.:D


New member
May 20, 2007
British Columbia, Canada
Serenity & Pix and their kids Jade & Tango (Peachfaced Lovebirds) and Bonnie (Budgie)
hehe .... yep and you get a bumper sticker for your favorite idiot ("Slap me, I'm stupid")


Bird poop and baby poop
Dec 26, 2006
New Hampshire USA
15 year-old Sun Conure: Hamlet &
14 year-old Green-Cheeked Conure: Mac
Ok, so I get to do one of my favorite things right now - play "Devil's Advocate" ... if you are going to condem fireworks because they scare your animals then you also need to include in that category: thunderstorms, loud vehicles, and any other loud noises that might scare your animals.

I agree that cheap fireworks in the hands of drunken people does lead to danger ... but I have family that live in a neighborhood in which all of the residents try to out do each other with homemade displays every year, some of their displays border on spectacular and they take a lot of pride in these displays.

I agree that there are a lot of stupid people out there (I work retail, trust me I will be the first to agree with you) but I think that to clasify people who, once a year throw a party and unwind during a holiday, responsibly indulge in alcohol and have a regular good ol' time as "idiots" isn't very fair ... I think the "Idiots" are the people who get drunk and then drive home risking the lives of other innocent poeple on the roadways ...

Everyone have a great day today weather it be a holiday for you or not ... and what ever you do, be safe!
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Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
I'm a non liker of fireworks, never have liked them. Here we have them go off so often and for the most ridiculous of reasons. Every year there are more and more "accidents" People have had fireworks thrown at them, animals have had fireworks tied to them just so the cruel idiots can see what they do. :mad:

if you are going to condem fireworks because they scare your animals then you also need to include in that category: thunderstorms, loud vehicles, and any other loud noises that might scare your animals.

I can see what your saying here, but with thunderstorms, there's not really a lot we can do about them, Fireworks on the other hand we could just stop selling them. Yes that then opens up so many other arguments.

If I'm taking the kids to see fireworks I ALWAYS go to a display that is being run properly and not just in someones garden. Luckily the kids are of the age that they don't really want to go and see them anymore :D

I do wish everyone a very happy 4th July, enjoy and be safe, everyone.
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New member
Nov 9, 2006
one orange wing
Fireworks suck...my wee dog gets valium at Guy Fawkes she gets so ill. Thunder lightnin the way u love me is frightnin......oops side tracked yeh nowt else phases her. fireworks will be the death of her.Dreadin bang with roxy she is sooo sensitive to sudden noises.:(


New member
Jun 25, 2007
Colorado, USA
Mojo the magnificent Maximillian Pionus; Cecil the clowny Senegal; and, Timothy the shy, fearful Parrotlet
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Yeah, Vallium is probably what my Ben needs. He is 3-legged (shot in the back, right leg) ... fireworks, thunder, lightening ... anything that goes "boom" like a shotgun has him trembling in fear.

We took the doggies out to the mountains this afternoon for a romp about. We got them good and tuckered out, so hopefully when the fireworks shindigs begin tonight, they might be a little more worn out than usual (can hope anyway). Ben and Fly will be underfoot as soon as the festivities begin--they have confidence that mama will make sure they are kept safe :D

We saw myriad of wildlife while up on the mountain today!! Buck and doe deer (the buck was in the velvet stages of antler growth). We saw a plethora of birds, including a Blue Grouse. I saw the prettiest black and white butterfly--the mountainside was just swarming with butterflies!

Forgot the camera, tho. :( It was a very nice day for me (my first 4th of July off since 2003!).


New member
Jun 25, 2007
Colorado, USA
Mojo the magnificent Maximillian Pionus; Cecil the clowny Senegal; and, Timothy the shy, fearful Parrotlet
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BING, BANG, BOOOOOM ... let the festivities begin!!! :eek: ;)

Bennie is glued to my right leg, Fly to my left. Sethie is safe in his kennel (his den). Cec is asleep, Moj is confused and poor baby Timothy is grasping the side of his cage with bug eyes (and notably won't leave his freshly clipped wings alone--this makes mama very concerned). The cats seem unaffected.

I try to always be home or have my animals with me for Halloween (constant door-bell ringing) and the 4th of July. All of the other holidays come and pass without much adu. But, they need a little extra TLC during stressful times.

I'm praying that no fires begin tonight. The drought is still with us full force and we cannot spare any resources to fight unnecessary fires.

Our immediate neighbors are very considerate and let fireworks off at respectable times in the middle of the paved street. At our old home, our direct neighbors would shoot bottlerockets off at our house landing on our flat-topped roof :eek: :eek: :eek: ... we were very lucky not to have had our home catch fire!! Whew!

Anyway, I think everyone will make it through tonight (a little dissheveled, but not so much worse for the wear).

Happy Holiday to All!


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
Have you tried putting Timothy in a closet, :eek: Yes I know sounds terrible, but its nice and dark in there, and will shield at least some of the noise from him. This is what we had to do with Errol and Flynn. :eek: Then made a big fuss of them when all the bangs were over and we got them back out. I never used to close the door right up, but left a gap just so they knew they were not gonna be forgotten. (and I would have felt really terrible if the door was closed right up.)


New member
Oct 6, 2006
Orlando, FL / Austin, TX
Misty ~ Cockatiel,
Sidney ~ Jenday Conure,
Paulie ~ Blue Crowned Conure
well - I'm staying out of this one - Tex I totally agree with your post I couldn't have said it better. I feel very much about the fourth like I do about Memorial day and all the like holidays and we know where that thread went. SO staying out of this one.

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