i need help with new ill parrot!


New member
Jan 28, 2007
hi all!
i'll start from the begining, a few months ago we adopted a small blue rosella from petsmart, he had been picked on and was totally bald, now he has some feathers we thought we'd get him a friend, so back to petsmart we went. we brought a lovely yellow one, and she didnt look well when we got her home. so we gave her till morning to settle, and see if it was just stress and she was dead. so we had to get another and did. she was very stressed and paced up and down the cage the whole time, and looked like she'd give herself a heart attack. so we took her back. and brought our last hope, a tiny green one who has also been picked on.
since he has been back, he wont eat, he sits on his perch not moving with his eyes closed, he wont wake up if you tap the bars, and we can easily stroke him, which is very odd! he also wont squeek, and drink, and it looks like his on his last legs too :( the vets around he wont touch him, and i'm doing as much research on what to do as possible, but if someone could give me any advice i'd be so thank ful!
chears all!

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Well, I rescued Hamlet from a PetCo, and had as wonderful an experience with dealing with the staff there as I could have asked for. I think though that, after reading your post, the issue could be that you are picking the wrong birds, let me explain:

you say:"...we adopted a small blue rosella from petsmart, he had been picked on and was totally bald" AND "...and brought our last hope, a tiny green one who has also been picked on.
since he has been back, he wont eat, he sits on his perch not moving with his eyes closed, he wont wake up if you tap the bars, and we can easily stroke him, which is very odd!"

I personally would have stayed away from those birds. I know it's tough, as our inclination is to "rescue" the meak/poor/picked-on birds from that type of situation. But if a bird is being picked on, there's probably a reason for it (only the strongest survive). Also, anytime you bring home a new bird to a household that already has one, there SHOULD be a quarintine period of AT LEAST 30 days before the new bird meets the original bird

you say:we brought a lovely yellow one, and she didnt look well when we got her home.

Well, we all know that birds just don't appear "well" over the course of an hour. There were probably some signs that you missed, remember, you don't ever want to pick-out a bird that's sitting on the bottom of the cage, or looks sick. Again, I know it's tough, cause we always want to "rescue" or to pick-out that, "cute little fluff ball sitting on the bottom of the cage."

you say:"the vets around he wont touch him"

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE go to the Association of Avian Vets page at: www.aav.org/vet-lookup to find a QUALIFIED AVIAN in your state ... this really should be the FIRST bit of information you should have. To quote something from another thread on here:

"You know you're a bird person when ... your Avian Vet has your credit card number memorized ...

Ok, that's all I can offer but I am sure there are many other people, who are all smarter than I am and can give you better advice, on here who will also give you their thoughts. I would highly recommend that you read carefully anything that PETA post, she's a smart lady and gives great advice.

~ Tex :50:
Thanks Tex

Don't think I could say it any better than Tex has done.

Where are you from?

Did the vet give a reason why he won't touch him. Was he an Avian Vet? If not you need to find one QUICKLY. I would also get in touch with Head Office to let them know the state of ALL the birds you have had from them, this practice needs to be stopped and quickly.

Please first and foremost you must get an Avian Vet and tell them just how sick you think your birds are, also let him know that you've already had one die. For the sake of your birds you need to act now.

I have two rosellas here, one of which I rescued but he was never like you are describing your bird to be.

Please let us know how you get on. We'll be thinking of you.
Now that I've calmed down a bit thought I'd come back.

I'm wondering if your Petsmart is the same as our Pets At Home, it used to be called Petsmart and had to close down because of the state of the birds.

I go to Pets at Home here a lot, not to buy anything but to check on the birds. I've had so many run ins with the state they keep the birds in its unbelievable. They don't have any staff members who are qualified to look after the birds, they don't even know the species of birds they have in.

The last time I went there, I was looking at the birds again, and was just begining to feel that they were okay, well in a better shape than I have seen them for a long while, when this little Rosella came over to me I was horrified at the length of his nails, they were about 10 times longer than they should have been, yeah really. I called the staff member over and she calmly told me that they didn't know how to cut the nails, and that they didn't have a vet. I was horrified. This poor bird was catching this nail in the wire :eek: I told them I would cut it for them if they gave the the nail scissors, "oh we don't have them" SO GET THEM OFF THE SHELF I said, they didn't even know what they were looking for. I go and get them myself, not quite believing that they were going to let some woman they didn't know walk in with the birds and cut his nails. They did, which was good for me as I got to keep the nail, I took it home with me took pictures and sent them to head office. I also got in touch with my vet, who was horrified.

Anyway the outcome was that they had to get rid of all the birds they had, unfortunately they have since got some more but now they have a vet listed. (he is a qualified Avian Vet, I checked. :D ) but the staff working there still are not qualified. :(
That was my ONLY complaint with PetCo, Ham's nails were a little long and they didn't trim them ... but, they weren't so long that they were catching on things ...

That's what I like about you Peta ... you are not afraid to step-up and take action if it needs to be taken!

seramaspecialist, I think you need to look for another place to pick out your birdies ... I have this sneaking suspicion that this PetSmart isn't the best place to be doing your shopping ...
Thinking about that day now, it was quite funny really Andi (Hubby) and Luke (Son) had walked off, They stayed close enough that if anyone started on us they were there.

Me and Jemma (Daughter) were by the birds cages, I'm on the phone (a dead phone) Jemma is guiding me and I'm taking pictures with the phone. We were like a couple of spies.

Yes I do tend to get a bit angry when I see birds being mis-treated or generally not looked after properly, especially when its a store that is selling them to people, and their staff doesn't know what they are talking about. Magnificent Birds like these deserve a better start in life.
lol that's the wonderful thing about Sidney's breeder she clipped his wings and nails the day I got him and did a wonderful job on his wings they looked gorgeaus! and she said anytime I needed them done again to call her and she would do it free!
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right, i agree with you, i need to find the number for head office then and report them. how about the rspca? will they help? to be fair there were a few ill looking birdies there,(this pets at home is in baldock hertfordshire.
my avain vet would not touch him, and gave me a number for another vet!!! and the baldock vet said all he could do was give him an antibiotic.
i did find a site yesturday telling me a little on how to help ill parrots, such as the heat at 90 degrees giving him honey and suger water, feeding him honey and baby food. he has bucket up alot since then and i was quite suprised when i woke up this morning to find him alive, but he is still sleeping and still not making any noise. he's a tiny bit more alert than yesturday, and he is grooming. so what now? what should i do?

thanks for all your replies, keep them comming!

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oh yeah! and another thing, he seems to have a slightly deformed beak?? maybe this has somthing to do with why his ill?



this is what rimba looks like, he/she is bald on the top of her/his head but you cant quite see it in these photos, he's very small i'd say about 8-10cm long including the tail! let me know what you think! chears

Is there any way you can get a pic of your little fella, full front and back, including tail.?????????

Also are you anywhere near Hatfield? If so I have found an Avian Vet there.

Do you get Parrots Magazine, They have some great articles in it and at the back is a list of reputable Avian Vets that may be nearer to you.

In your above post you put in that your Rosella was 8-10 cm did you mean inches I only ask as I've not ever seen a rosella quite so small.
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yeah 10 cm, i live asbout and hour away from hatfield, but will travel, i do not get the parrot mag but will do, as you sujest. here is a picture, let me know what you think!



thanks all!
I will PM you with all the details of this Avian vet, with the phone number, give him a call, I'm sure he will see him for you, especially if you explain the situation.

He may very well be a Rosella, its just that I've never seen one so small, but I'm no expert, just a bird lover like the rest of us here. I'll keep looking on the net see what I can find out.

Please let us know how you get on. He is very beautiful and deserves to be as well as possible. Good luck to you.
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yeah 10 cm, i live asbout and hour away from hatfield, but will travel, i do not get the parrot mag but will do, as you sujest. here is a picture, let me know what you think!



thanks all!
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well the poor lil guy gave up today :( we found him dead on the floor of the cage. its so sad. so NO MORE!! i've rang the rspca and told the local paper which will do a bit for me regarding the birdie.
while dead i investigated him properly, and his breast bone was sticking out at least 2 and a half cm, which is alot for a tiny bird.(i have a picture if you want to see it, i took it for the paper)

so now i'm after a breeder with some small parrots for sale, let me know if anyone has any, i live in hertfordshire by the A505. and am willing to travel!
thanks guys!

So sorry you did the best you could for the little guy maybe you can find a reputable breeder and get a nice healthy birdy for your next friend
Sarah, I'm so very sorry for you. I'll have a look in the parrots mag for some breeders and PM you any I find.

Please pop in often to let us know how you are getting on. We are here for you if you just want to vent some anger. :40: :40:
My condolences as well ... we are all sorry to hear about your loss ...

Instead of looking for a breeder, how about rescuing an parrot that needs to be rehomed? I know here in the US we have the ASPCA (American Society for the Protection of Curelty against Animals) and there are ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS birdies that need good homes ... AND THEY ARE HEALTHY ... I don't know what you guys have in England/United Kingdom, but maybe Peta would have more info on this ... (psssst ... usually adoption fees are less than buying from a breeder .... )

I'm just throwing that idea out there ....

~ Tex :50:
We have the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Protection against Cruelty to Animals) With the Bird Flu on the East Coast here they will be lots of birds being dumped at the animal shelters now I expect. People don't wait to find things out, they not sure what strain it is at the moment, so no one should panic, but I think they will.:(

Our local shelter usually has birds in. There's also Birdline Rescue.

Again I am so very sorry.

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