I need to be around birds!!!


New member
Feb 18, 2011
1 nanday conure Black Jack, 1 Brotogeris parakeet Whiff, 1 ring neck dove Eliza, and 6 society finches (3 are tame). RIP my parent pairs of societies and my little gouldian finches
hi! im 14 and i am absolutely obbsesed with parrots. i spend my free time researching about parrots,and today i printed out a parrot cross word puzzle. i cant get enough about parrots but i cant own any either. im 14 and right now im not in the right position to make a commitment to a parrot (plus my parents wont let me). i would like to vollunteer at a parrot rescue or shelter. i dont think im old enough, but when i am, i would like to. even if i delt with screaming bitting parrots who want nothing to do with me, and all i did was clean cages or mop i would be happy because i would be around parrots. are there any parrot rescues in the NY area? even if i cant volonteer, do you have any other suggestions? thank you, all help and comments are appreciated! :)

*i know that not all rescue parrots are nasty, i was just using it as an example to show how much i want to work
with birds, i beleive any bird can become a happy bird with love and commitment.*
im going out for a little bit so i apologize in advance for any late replies :)
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Just a suggestion if you have a breeder close by & offer your help in return for some helpful advice or if there are any bird breeder clubs you could join. I am sure you would be able to find something suitable to your needs.
Hey there, good to see another young person on the site ( I'm 13 since last month )! Especially good to see someone young who isn't just leaping into the deep end!
Wish there were parrot rescues round here :(
Just keep it up, research your butt off and do some volunteer work, maybe find a breeder to ask some questions and you'll be right!
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i found a list of breeders in New York, and one thats pretty close, im going to email them and see if they'l let me sweep up for free once a week so i can see there birds! my local pet store just got a shipment of baby canary winged parakeets(bee bees), they were so cute! they were like little green cockatoos, i had no idea they were so cuddly! if you approached them they were like: hey! dont pet me! cheeeeeep cheeeeeep, i'll bite, i realy will, ok im gonna bi- oh, a little to the left *rufflels up feathers and closes eyes* it was adorable!
happy easter!
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i found a breeder bnearby, do you think they would let me volonteer to sweep up once a week?
Haha I'm only 16 but I got myself 3 parrots right now :)
You could ask the breeder but chances are that he breeds in his home and might be reluctant to let some stranger in it. Keep trying though! Those who are persistent get results :)
Over the years i have taken numerous young interested bird-keepers under my wing & have taught them all about keeping, breeding & hand-rearing. I only work out of my home & would help out in a heart beat.

For me if a young person show interest in caring for a parrot i will go out of my way to help out, my way of thinking is these young bird-keepers are the future in Aviculture when i am long gone.
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Over the years i have taken numerous young interested bird-keepers under my wing & have taught them all about keeping, breeding & hand-rearing. I only work out of my home & would help out in a heart beat.

For me if a young person show interest in caring for a parrot i will go out of my way to help out, my way of thinking is these young bird-keepers are the future in Aviculture when i am long gone.
thanks, hopefully the breeder im intrested in will feel the same! you said be persistent, if i send them one email and they reject it, should i send another, because i dont want them to think im annoying
Over the years i have taken numerous young interested bird-keepers under my wing & have taught them all about keeping, breeding & hand-rearing. I only work out of my home & would help out in a heart beat.

For me if a young person show interest in caring for a parrot i will go out of my way to help out, my way of thinking is these young bird-keepers are the future in Aviculture when i am long gone.
thanks, hopefully the breeder im intrested in will feel the same! you said be persistent, if i send them one email and they reject it, should i send another, because i dont want them to think im annoying

Why not approach this like a job interview? You could make a resume of any clubs you are in, any type of volunteer work you have done, any advanced classes you have taken, and anything else that could show you are a go getter who is determined to learn more about parrots. Include you GPA so the breeder knows that it wouldnt interfere with your school work. Just putting that together could show him how serious you are. Then again I've never tried to get a breeder to let me work for them lol. Impress them with what knowlege you already know about parrots as well. Leave a phone number he could contact you, or call him yourself. Dont know if this helps or not cause I feel like im rambling now lol.
You have some great advice there! Good luck and let us know how it goes.
Im 11 and I am just like you! I finally talked my mom into getting a bird so I will be getting my first ever bird in August! Im soo excited! I love to visit a parrot store that is ALL parrots and they let you socialize with the birds. I love visiting that store! I'd be really fun to volunteer at a shelter but Im not old enough ;[
I also research when ever Im on the computer and I always ask questions on here so I can now as much as possible for when I get my first parrot!
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I also research when ever Im on the computer and I always ask questions on here so I can now as much as possible for when I get my first parrot!
LOL im exactly like you! i do the same thing but the store i go to has other animals but i always go strait to the bird room. does your mom like birds? bc my dad said "i will never have a bird in this house" he makes his point clear that he doesnt want birds but he still takes me to th pet store to interact with them. he likes birds, he just cant stand the mess as pets, which is wiered because we have 8 other pets lol. i think thats why he doesnt want pets bc we have too many lol.
I also research when ever Im on the computer and I always ask questions on here so I can now as much as possible for when I get my first parrot!
LOL im exactly like you! i do the same thing but the store i go to has other animals but i always go strait to the bird room. does your mom like birds? bc my dad said "i will never have a bird in this house" he makes his point clear that he doesnt want birds but he still takes me to th pet store to interact with them. he likes birds, he just cant stand the mess as pets, which is wiered because we have 8 other pets lol. i think thats why he doesnt want pets bc we have too many lol.

Yeah I love learning about them and now that I know Im getting one I do even more research! When ever I go to a book store I go straight to bird books xD This is the store I always go to, it is 100% parrots and it is very clean and the manager treats every bird like they're his own. Once he even stayed over night at the store when they lost power! Its really cool, even just to look at the site Parrot Safari
The problem is is that it is 45 minutes away and my mom doesn't like driving me there....
I do have 2 cats, 2 dogs, and 2 horses [also fish, a hermit crab and chickens but they aren't anything like cats, dogs, horses, and birds!] My brother hates the idea of me getting a bird which is why Im getting it in August because he is going to college ;] I think my mom definitely likes birds more now that she has played with them at Parrot Safari.
One of my class mates has a [physco] budgie and she said that birds are a lot of responsibility but they are worth it.
It's good that your dad is supportive of your passion for birds even though he doesn't want one in the house. There are parents around who would just say "deal with it" and not take an interest in or support something you're interested passionate about.
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wow! thats alot of pets! thanks HRH DI and awtwee21 my dad said hes glad i have a passion for something so thats good! how did you convince your mom to let you get one? now that i think it over, i could handle a bird now but im just not allowed. my mom is going to check out the breeder before i email them so hopefully all goes well! i will post how it goes! btw il check out that pet store it sounds great!
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It's good that your dad is supportive of your passion for birds even though he doesn't want one in the house. There are parents around who would just say "deal with it" and not take an interest in or support something you're interested passionate about.

My parents almost fit into this category lol. They did build me the aviary, but that was to get them further away from the house.

Wow, so many young people! Now I can't claim title of the youngest known member :( lol :p
Maybe I should claim youngest long active member!

Just do your research and figure it all out before you jump into the deep end!
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how did you convince your parents to let you get birds? my dad hates the mess but mabey cuz the mess is in the house? if i researched, planned ect..do you think he would let me get aviary birds? dont worry i will do all my research, ask experts, in other words i wont just do this unless i know im making the right choice for the birds :). what are your experiences with out door aviaries?
My mom wasn't so sure about it but once I told her all about them and she talked to someone she knows that has one and she made up her mind. Also I think going to the breeder helped because she got to interact with birds.
how did you convince your parents to let you get birds? my dad hates the mess but mabey cuz the mess is in the house? if i researched, planned ect..do you think he would let me get aviary birds? dont worry i will do all my research, ask experts, in other words i wont just do this unless i know im making the right choice for the birds :). what are your experiences with out door aviaries?

*shrug* They're my birds, as long as I look after them and clean up the mess it's fine with them.
My aviary cost $150 to built approx. We used an old cubby house.
They really like it, and their flying has improved out of sight! I can seriously hardly catch even Marigold now.

My mom wasn't so sure about it but once I told her all about them and she talked to someone she knows that has one and she made up her mind. Also I think going to the breeder helped because she got to interact with birds.

Wish I knew the breeders round here :p

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