
New member
May 20, 2019
Carmen the African grey
Rosebud the turquoisine grass parakeet
I joined this forum when I first got my grey Carmen. She’s a rescue and I was inexperienced with taming and befriending a large parrot. This community gave me nothing but understanding, love, and help! She is now my companion for life and I can’t imagine life without her. So, I ask for your help again.

Even with my research on birds and parrots specifically, I know little to nothing about parrot illnesses. I have only been working with birds for a year now. I have taken her to the vet several times and they gave me antibiotics for something bacterial related in her droppings. It seemed to go away for a short time but keeps coming back. Nothing seems to help. I spot clean her cage everyday (deep clean/scrubbing one to two times a week) and I wash her bowls everyday before feeding. Nothing has changed. Her behavior is normal and she’s been as talkative as ever this past week. She likes to hang from the top of her cage and swing around like a goofball while whistling a tune. I have another vet appointment scheduled. Can anyone offer me tips, tell me what I’m doing wrong, or maybe even help diagnose? Or maybe I should find a new vet? I can’t lose my best friend.

Her symptoms-
Diarrhea - slightly runny, solid poop still visible, light brown in color, urine normal, urinate normal
Strong smelling droppings, very strong
Bad breath
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She gets a mix of pellet and fresh food. In the morning I give her fresh veggies and a little fruit (i.e. spinach, broccoli, carrots, butternut squash, cauliflower, snap peas, oranges, berries, apple slices, etc) ((all I’m moderation of course)). When she’s done I switch to pellets. Her pellets are Zupreem. They are a mixture of pellets, dried fruits, seeds, and dried peppers.
I have read that bad smell from the mouth can be yeast infection.
I have never had bad smelling breath or poop from any of my birds but from what I have read it may be fungus not bacteriological in nature.
needs something that can treat a fungus infection.
May I ask the general credentials of Carmen's vet? So many are primarily versed in mammals but see "exotic" animals such as parrots without specialized training and equipment. A certified avian vet or equivalent is best as they have additional education and possess equipment needed for a comprehensive workup of birds.

Did the vet run a battery of diagnostic tests including blood and various cultures including fecal and possibly a throat swab? It is possible Carmen has a highly treatable infection, but scattershot antibiotics without knowing the offending organism(s) is a time waste and may allow chronic issues to persist.

As creatures of prey in the wild, parrots developed an adaptation that allows them to appear normal as long as possible. When a parrot is visibly ill, chances are it has been so for a while, unless an acute development.
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They range from dogs and cats to livestock and exotics. I can give you the name of the clinic in a private message if you’d like.

I’ll be honest and say I was a little unsure about going there. He seemed to only check her over physically (i.e. her wings and body) and tested her droppings. I felt like there was more that could have been done, but like I said I’m inexperienced in the illness aspects.

I appreciate the insight! I’m going to mention it to him and see what he says. If he sounds unsure at all I’m definitely going elsewhere.
The apple slices, you make sure there are no apple seeds/pips in there dont you?

If it was me id get some blood tests done, but i am no expert in ilness myself.
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I agree. I’ll see if this vet can do I more than just the fecal test. I’ve gone to him twice now and nothing has changed. It seems to disappear for a week or two but comes back or rather becomes apparent. I may just have to drive to another city with a proper avian vet.
I think seeking a specialist avian vet would be a really good idea. Parrots are tough, yet very fragile, and they can act totally normal even when they're very, very sick.

A true specialist avian vet will get this sorted out once and for all. For all she means to you, I think it's worth the long drive.
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I will say from my experience, the foul smelling breath and feces makes me think yeast infection as well. Which shot in the dark antibiotics will only make worse in the long run because they will reduce numbers of good bacteria in the gut as will which help keep yeast at bay.

The good thing is yeast infections can be very easily treated, but you need a proper diagnosis from an avian vet to get the right medication. One drive to an avian vet is worth 10 appointments with an exotics vet.

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Yep, while an avian vet might start testing the droppings, they would be aware of next steps/methods of testing. From a cloaca swab to a throat swab or even a blood test. I'd find a vet who is trained specifically for birds, then push for a throat swab (especially since her breath smells off).
From your description of your vet he/she is an exotic pet veterinarian not an avian specialist.

I don’t have the link handy but somewhere on the forum is a link to a website that will find the closest avian vet to you.
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Late to the party, but that is sour crop/crop infection.

Get thee to an avian vet.

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