I wish they wouldn't do that.

Oh I totally understand lol I've had to explain to several people that no, it's not someone screaming bloody murder, but my zon screaming because I'm talking to someone other than him LOL

Jasper is GORGEOUS AND STUNNING!!! Such a handsome guy!!!! I want to snuggle him! :D

LOL so funny about him screaming like you lol hubby's friends have a tendency to sneak up on me 'round the kitchen corner, so it wouldn't surprise me if one day Jackie says "holy $&!^!!" hahaha
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With Skittles, our BFA, I've learned to be patient with progress, so the little things he does, like scream his head off when we leave his site (Have you ever had to stay in the basement for 20 plus minutes because you didn't want him to see you after screaming for 15, just because you don't want him to understand that screaming gets his person to come back?)

My biggest problem(s) with Skittles revolve around POOP! I try to wait, first thing in the morning, for him to let the big one go, befire letting him out of his cage. We bought an over-sized arpeted mat that sits under his cage to catch the "oops". Regardless, he either climbs to the top og the cage door and scoots all the way out to the farthest point and projectile poops just passed the edge of the mat onto the new hardwood floor. (This, apparently is MY fault!)

Or, he climbs to the top of his cage and walks to the closest corner to the living room and lets them RIP ... right into his water dish! LOL

We wipe up the droppings, change the water, call him a "dirty bird", cluck at him a little then carry on. We live with it.

Last week we had a smoke detector malfunction thanks to minor electrical surges (from a terrible storm) and we had a good 5 minutes of ear-piercing alarms that would.not.stop. There was obviously no fire, so we had to just wait it out and everything was fine once the storm passed and the electric started behaving again...

EXCEPT the fact that three of the birds learned in those 5 minutes how to become a smoke detector. I can't tell you how many times in the past week I've almost gone to take off running to see what's going on before I realize they're toying with me... brats.
I've only had my Jardine a week, and she is quite funny. one thing she does is when she wants more pellets, veggies, or water, she stands over the particular dish and whistles for me...like you hoo, I need more....right now it's funny, but I can see that getting on my nerves a few months from now,lol
At first i read this and thought 'wow, i cannot think of ONE annoyance with regard to Gilbert!' I think i am just so crazy about him, i see him through rose colored glasses, haha. I finally came up with the occasional annoyances: poop. He is not horrible about it or anything, but he is a bird and he poops a lot. I just wish he were magically 100% potty trained. :D The other is something very seldom but every now and then he wants to be a little pain in the butt and he picks and fidgets with things like my jewelry or my sunglasses (or the binder clip i attach the poop cloth to my shoulder with....yeah, it's a fashion accessory. i even have multiple colors to match me.) Again, he is a bird for crying out loud, i know they like to play with things like this. But in my dream world, he would never do this. ;)
OMG, Harlow, that's both hilarious and not so hilarious! I can't even imagine what you must be going through hearing 'smoke detectors' going off all day long.
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Right now, it's the over-preening and plucking he's doing. I thought I had it under control until a few months ago when I allowed his previous owner to visit him. But after the previous owner left, he's been none stop going to town on his feathers.

Mike was that a rescue bird? what a stressful situation he must have been in for a visit to regress him like that ... that's tough.

when my baby birds start to learn how to fly, they crash into walls, doors etc...then drop to the floor.

That's got to be so hard to see happen ... :11:

I'm almost embarrassed to admit it....but I truly wish my Ripley would learn his inner "quiet" voice rather than the ungodly CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW CAW ..... :54:

Wait, parrots have an "inside voice"?

I don't have any conure complaints, but one of my budgies humps various things (including broccoli) many times a day, and tries my hand if he's on there long. After 8 years he hasn't slowed down one bit. It's embarrassing and ridiculous, but he's thriving so I guess it's good for him. :( I had to remove the furniture knobs because I got tired of constantly cleaning the little spots of semen (omg) that he gets on them after he humps.

OH, let's not even start with THIS topic. My GCC, um, 'takes care of her own business' a LOT ... luckily she's a female so there isn't anything to "clean up" but she makes a very distinct noise when she does it ... so annoying!!! UGH!

Definitely the morning wake up call: "EEEEEEEEEE-EEEEEEEE!!!!!" over and over...I dont mind during the week, but on the weekends, it would be nice to sleep in past 7 am! I've even kept them up late to see if they would sleep in later...no dice.:rolleyes:

I hate the "no snooze button" alarm clock ... if only they would learn that we need a different schedule on Saturday and Sundays!

The Beaks insist on eating my glasses. They've already nibbled off the plastic casing over the earpieces and roughed up the nosepads so I've had to sandpaper them. I'm very much afraid one of them is going to crack the lenses one day! I shouldn't complain... there are days when no one touches my glasses. But then, on other days, they do and I worry.

Between infants, and parrots, I've gone through 6 pairs of glasses in the last 4 years - my optometrist's office loves me ...

I wish my Duskies wouldn't amp up the minute I receive a business call. It never fails.

Every time I'm on the phone Jackie feels the need to chime in with his deafening screaming AHHHH AHHHHH AHHHHH AHHHHH!!!!!!!! so, any time I need to be on the phone I have to go

Hamlet, my sun conure, does the same thing ... phone goes to my ear she will either start squawking, or will fly to me and start chewing on my phone ... do you think Otterbox tests their cases against parrot's beaks?

Turtle won't leave my nails alone. Drives me crazy.

Did you know that the keratin sheath that pin feathers grow in in are basically the same material that our nails are made out of? You can't blame Turtle for trying to help his favorite person get rid of those HUGE pesky, and irritating, pin feathers that you constantly have. Take the nail thing as a sign of love.

Last week we had a smoke detector malfunction thanks to minor electrical surges (from a terrible storm) and we had a good 5 minutes of ear-piercing alarms that would.not.stop. There was obviously no fire, so we had to just wait it out and everything was fine once the storm passed and the electric started behaving again...
EXCEPT the fact that three of the birds learned in those 5 minutes how to become a smoke detector. I can't tell you how many times in the past week I've almost gone to take off running to see what's going on before I realize they're toying with me... brats.

Oh, that's got to be a pain in the you-know-what!!

One of my biggest pet peeves on forums is when people start a thread, and other members take the time to answer and the original poster never comes back to follow it up. Thanks everyone for the fun stories!
LOL my phone has undergone more taste-testing from my toddler than Jackie... Which reminds me- maybe I should put it back in its otterbox lol perhaps we should send them a note about the rigorous home tests these things go through haha

My phone is permanently on vibrate mode because the various dings and beeps and rings send Jackie into a screaming fit -I swear my head could explode from the level of decibels lol
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I'm twitching at the thought of the living hell that could be in a household with a CAG/TAG/'Zon house hold with two, or three iPhones, want to see neurotic - that might be the exact definition ....
My birds are extremely well-behaved, they hardly ever scream, they don't chew anything they are not supposed to, they all eat well, entertain themselves, etc. so I have no complaints.
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My birds are extremely well-behaved, they hardly ever scream, they don't chew anything they are not supposed to, they all eat well, entertain themselves, etc. so I have no complaints.

I'm waiting for the next post that says, "SAID NO PARROT OWNER EVER!"

If this is the case you are either extremely lucky, or an extremely talented owner/handler.
My birds are extremely well-behaved, they hardly ever scream, they don't chew anything they are not supposed to, they all eat well, entertain themselves, etc. so I have no complaints.

And then you woke up.
Oh, geez! I have a good one...

One time we had a neighbor come over and ask us, "Is everyone okay?!" in a frantic worried voice. I say, "Yeah, why?" And our neighbor proceeds to tell me that he heard someone screaming, "Help! Help! Help!"...

Dang you, Jasper! That was fun to explain to the neighbors.


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Mishka does not keep quiet when the TV is on.
You would swear he is having a full on conversation with someone
Luckily we are used to his " strange behavior"
We listen to his with one ear the the TV with the other LoL

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