If you had any doubt...


New member
Sep 8, 2010
Gandalf - CAG (1997-2010) R.I.P. my baby boy.
Bitty - CAG (2 yrs old? and working on spoiling her rotten)
...about the value of treats in training, take this little moment to heart.

Last night when I got home from work, as usual, my first stop was Bitty's cage to let her out. She always gets excited after a long day of TV and relaxation.

Before I even got to her cage, she said clear as day to me "want some banana?" I had to laugh out loud. It could have only been better if she had called me "Garcon." Itty Bitty was ordering up her favorite treat.

Now I have only said this to her maybe a dozen times, as I have only had her about a month now. But because she loves banana so much, she definitely paid attention and made the association. I was so proud of her. Like a good trained animal, I immediately went and got her some. :D

What's weird is, in 13 years I was never able to get Gandalf to eat banana..he hated it. More proof that all birds, even those of the same species, are individuals, with their own likes and dislikes.

Chris Winkler

New member
Oct 8, 2010
NW Pennsylvania
Echo TAG,
Kodak Wt Face Tiel &
Tobi Male Ekkie
LOL they are awesome aren't they. When I had Vern and Echo at the same time there was so many things that one would gorge themself with while the other one would turn their nose at. The main example that comes to mind is Vern would stuff herself with steamed sweet potatoes and Echo would look at me like I was crazy if I thought he was going to eat that..


Aug 20, 2009
I have noticed that Rosie will say the words that I do not expect her to say. I have said some phrases now for almost 2 years such as I Love You and she never has said any part of that phrase or others that I try to teach her. The whoppie she is saying came out of nowhere. I read once that if the birds think it is worth their while they will say it. So the Banana!!


Sep 3, 2010
haha, yes, Itty Bitty has got you SO well trained! :D Wrapped right round that foot!

Cal doesn't like banana. She reminds me of a toddler with something squishy in their hand!!!!

I completely relate though because just over a fortnight ago, Cal started to make the noise the xbox does.

With the weather fluctuating here, there are some days she simply cannot be in the shop as the heat just goes out the door with the customers. I usually blast the heating upstairs and turn the television on for her. With the TV, she's never certain whether I'm going to stay a while. I may sit, but will I find a suitable channel with no bad language and leave? Or will I settle down and recline with her?

Now I sit down and she makes the Xbox noise. Having had this happen rather a few times I have come to this conclusion. The xbox goes on and no matter who it is that switched it on, Mummy or Daddy, they sit down and they STAY sitting for a while. So maybe, if I make the xbox noise, they might put THAT on instead and stay :D

I am certain this is what's going through her head because she never does it when the xbox is actually on. She has incorperated into her "where are you?" call but aside from that.....

Either way, it breaks my heart when she does it!!!!


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Great State of Texas
Abby 2 year old Female Eclectus & Solomon 12 year old Male CAG & Dickens 4 year old CAG.
I love it.... that is so good... I am still waiting on Abby to talk...

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