I'm in possession of my cousins Quaker.


New member
Jul 26, 2013
Yellow Shouldered Amazon
Quaker parrot
The plan us I'm going to try and train him, if he ends up not screaming like a chimp I will give him back to my cousin. As of now he is mine and I need to train him.

First he doesn't step up, you can pick him up but that's it. Any suggestions?

He screams first thing in the morning, I'm going to keep the cage covered and see what happens. Thoughts?

I have a baby Yellow Shouldered Amazon which is my bird that I want bonded to me. Should I keep the quaker away from the Amazon, I don't want them to bond to each other?
Quaker or any bird will scream on occasion or scream in the morning time, etc. They have a voice and they want to be heard.

IF your able to pick him up, then pick him up and put him on your fingers and start training him on how to step up, repeat the process over and over, several times daily!

IF you just got him, even though he was in your cousin's house, it never hurts to practice quarantine! So I would keep them separated. The Quaker I used to have did not like other birds very well so I didn't have any problem with him bonding to any other birds. But you never know as that may or may not happen.
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No screaming this morning, I took him out, had to pry him off the side of the cage and had him sit on my finger for five minutes.

How good of pets are quakers? He wouldn't of been my first choice but recommend him to my cousin as beginner parrot. I took him from my aunt who was going to give him to a house with smokers. I just didn't like the idea of that. I know they are considered a beginner parrot will he interact like my Amazon?
Quakers are great parrots. I love mine more than anything in the whole world. They are very very smart. Within 1.5 weeks of having my quaker, I had taught him to Step Up, Step Down, Spin, Wave, and dance. My family couldn't believe it. Within the month that I had him he had already begun to talk. He says "MILLET!!!" when he wants some millet haha. Mine tends to be quite loud and obnoxious aswell, when he wants attention. He really wants attention all the time. If you try to ignore him when he is screaming he may stop doing it as much, but any bird will be loud at times.

I keep the blanket over his cage until I've woken up completely and ready to take him out for the morning. He screams as well in the AM.

I taught him to step up in probably a week. At first, he would just cling to the side of the cage. It was because he was nervous of his new surroundings. Whenever I finally got him out, I would praise him like crazy and give him treats. He finally linked Stepping Up to getting treats and love.

He is a great little guy. He learns any trick I try to teach him in only about 10 minutes. I've only had him a couple months but can't imagine my life without him. He loves to cuddle with me and get scratches.

Hope I helped, good luck!!

EDIT: I wanted to also say that Quakers are very territorial birds, and might seem aggressive in/around their cages when you first get them. Mine sure was for the first week, but he has bonded very very closely to me and isn't territorial with me anymore. Mine is also a one-person bird. This is quite common for Quakers. It isn't that bad in my case, it makes me feel kinda special haha. It's because I am the only one that cares for him though. If all of your family is committed to spending time with him, then for sure he can love everyone. The more you socialize him, the better he will be with others.
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Quakers are wonderful birds! The one I had before I hand fed him myself and he was precious and started talking at 5 weeks old which it shocked me big time. He interact with my family and my family love him to bits, my family isn't big on birds but he changed them. They learned to appreciate parrots after him and never fuss at me about my birds cause they have an understanding.
Quakers make the most adorable sounds when they are babies and they are super smart! If they weren't so loud I would seriously have considered getting one.
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My aunt is taking him, I don't have time for two birds. Mango is very jealous
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My aunt won't smoke around him

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