Im new, and trying to learn about GCCs :)


New member
Jun 10, 2012
I dont have one yet but Im trying to learn everything about the GCC before I get one :)
Im in high school and really want a gcc! Before I can get a GCC my mom is making me join a forum a research about the birds.
I really want a Pineapple one but my mom worries of the mess it makes and how to care for it properly and the expenses. I just hope If i get one I will have time because I will be doing school sports :)
I look forward to being a part of this forum
~Rishelle :rainbow1:
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Way to go Mom because this is a 18 to 20 year decision so it is just like having a kid that will never grow up pass the age of three.(am I scaring you yet?) There is a good book called Parrots for Dummies both you and mom should read it. All that being said GCC are great little parrots funny clowns always on the move and always looking fr a way into trouble. (and into your heart ) Mostly on noise if you don't have a loud environment you can keep their noise level manageable . Messy I'd say not much more than Parakeets. And did I say smart here is a trick it took him two 5 minute training sessions to learn . Penny saved video by Friedsoup - Photobucket Good luck and I hope I made you think and understand that you are signing up to become responsible for another life not for a while but from the time he comes home until you come home from college he will depend on you everyday despite school or boyfriends or parties. So not to be taken lightly.
Hi Rishelle welcome to the forum!! :)
conures are great pets! they are sweet and cuddly... But they take a lot of time and money! lol cage, lots of toys, fresh fruits, veggies, seeds and special treats :) They require daily time with you.. so if you aren't sure what your schedule will be like, you should wait to see if you have the time for one. Also, conures are a long time commitment they live for 15+ years so keep that in mind. good luck with your research! :)
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Way to go Mom because this is a 18 to 20 year decision so it is just like having a kid that will never grow up pass the age of three.(am I scaring you yet?) There is a good book called Parrots for Dummies both you and mom should read it. All that being said GCC are great little parrots funny clowns always on the move and always looking fr a way into trouble. (and into your heart ) Mostly on noise if you don't have a loud environment you can keep their noise level manageable . Messy I'd say not much more than Parakeets. And did I say smart here is a trick it took him two 5 minute training sessions to learn . Penny saved video by Friedsoup - Photobucket Good luck and I hope I made you think and understand that you are signing up to become responsible for another life not for a while but from the time he comes home until you come home from college he will depend on you everyday despite school or boyfriends or parties. So not to be taken lightly.

Oh, yeah I definitely have a lot to consider and think about. Thank you so much, that was very useful and also cute video!!
First of all THANKS to your mom. Too many people go into bird ownership without knowing what they have done only to break that baby's heart by rehoming.
Conures are like having a baby and remember it is a long term commitment. They like to spend a lot of time out of cage doing what you are doing. If you are going to be that busy in school and sports I would definitely wait. Your Mom is very wise. These little guys are wonderful and they are as close to a real child as you will get. But they require so much attention and time and they bond so closely with you and yes they are expensive to own, you can't just go to Walmart and buy cheap seed.
Your choice of a GCC is a very good one, my Gcc has enriched my life tremendously, but if I were you for the little guy's sake I would definitely wait until later on when you can share your life with him. They crave your attention and deserve that attention and I bet your mom would love it as much as you. But you have to prepare for his future, if your mom is willing to help fill the void in his life then it would be fine, otherwise I would definitely wait. (They usually like most family members if you get a hand fed baby)
My husband and I are retired and our baby may outlive us, so before I got my baby I prepared for his future just in case. My daughter loves him and she has two daughters who love him as well. She will be his caregiver in that case. But he is around her a
lot, we live close and our birds play together.
Good luck on your decision.
As a Mother myself, I applaud your mom. Mostly because, when our children get pets us parents usually end up the caretakers. I say that as a child who had pets and as a Mother. That's why I keep telling my 7yo no to a fish, because I know that her father and I will end up doing all the cleaning and water changes and probably the feedings too. I already have 2 birds, a bearded dragon who needs very very special care, a Russian Tortoise (he's really the 7yo's, but she still doesn't remember to feed him like she should :rolleyes: ), a Boston Terrier and next week, we're adding a corn snake called Roseann Barr or RB for short (we've had corn snakes before), so I'm not interested in dealing with a fish tank!

Anyway, I have a GCC who's a little bipolar. GCC's are nippy, they often have Napoleon Complexes, they can be bullies with other birds, they can give you real attitude and mine can sometimes be downright mean. That said, they can learn to talk (it's up to each individual bird and smaller birds do seem to have a harder time, so don't get one thinking it will talk), they are real snuggle bugs, clowns, inquisitive and just downright awesome. One of the members here has a GCC who plays fetch. It's seriously too cute!

I don't find my GCC to be messy. I mean, you have to clean their cages; change papers/liners every other day at minimum, do a good wipe down once a week. Fresh food and water daily (and by fresh food I mean actual fresh fruits and veggies, at minimum, not just pellets but those should also be fresh, as in don't give them a full bowl and let it sit for three or four days getting stale). Be prepared for some screaming. The Conure scream/screech is high pitched and sort of ear piercing. Some scream more than others (mine rarely screams) and they will call out and chirp and making lots of noises throughout the day. Again, some more than others. A GCC is typically quieter than a Sun.

My GCC also has food and cage aggression, so that's something to keep in mind. My Goffin's Cockatoo does not, but all birds can be prone to the cage aggression. My Vet said the food aggression is unusual. They also require attention. How much time are you going to have between school, after school activities, homework, a part-time job, a boyfriend/girlfriend, etc? You are in High School. In High School, I didn't have enough time for a pet because of the after school activities I participated in and my job. I had to pass up a dog of my own because I simply didn't have enough time for one and I certainly can't imagine trying to own a bird at that time.

However, if one really wants something they will commit to it to the fullest of their ability. So if you think that you can provide the care and the amount of time a GCC will need, all the more to you. They are also very social animals, so if your mom is willing, she could also help in the attention part, and maybe even allow the bird a place in the highest traffic area of the home so it can get interaction throughout the day?

I wish you luck and give you and your Mom extreme kudos for doing research before buying.
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Thank you KatherineI and dishgal1! Both of your posts were very helpful, and thinking how I dont even always have time for my dogs its probably not a good idea! Im going to be taking AP classes and possibly might be doing dance again and tennis as well so unfortunately I will be very busy. Maybe I will wait when Im older :) I still have a lot to think about! If they are like babies, I dont know If I want that responsibility yet haha! I will tell my mom you said thanks very much. And now reading all this I understand why she would be so hesitant. Thank you again!
Thank you KatherineI and dishgal1! Both of your posts were very helpful, and thinking how I dont even always have time for my dogs its probably not a good idea! Im going to be taking AP classes and possibly might be doing dance again and tennis as well so unfortunately I will be very busy. Maybe I will wait when Im older :) I still have a lot to think about! If they are like babies, I dont know If I want that responsibility yet haha! I will tell my mom you said thanks very much. And now reading all this I understand why she would be so hesitant. Thank you again!

Right there; AP courses. You will definitely not have enough time for a bird of any kind if you are taking AP courses, and also expect to do those physical activities. My nephew took 5 AP courses this school year, had a part time job and played guitar in a band. That was literally the extent of his social life because of the amount of studying he had to do.

I know there's a few younger people here who have or are getting birds, but their choices are a little different. I advise that you wait. Think about how youre going to go away to college. You can't take the bird with you unless you live off campus, and even then it's iffy. And you're not going to want to live at home while in college. Most of my friends who did regretted it. Maybe wait until after college? Birds are definitely like toddlers in regards to the amount of responsibility and care they require.
You are a very wise young lady. They are not like goldfish but require a vast amount of time. When you are older and more settled you could not go wrong with a green cheek especially for a first time bird owner. Just do your research before you get one. I am so happy to hear you are going to wait.
Good luck in all your activities.
I'm happy to see that you did your research. When you're ready for your first feathered friend you know who to go for advice :p and of course you can always lurk around here when bored to learn all about the little terrors we love so much.

Good luck with all your AP courses!

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