Im torn....


New member
Mar 25, 2012
I have a 21 yr old CAG. Deno has been with us since he was weened. He used to say over 100 sentences till we remodeled, about 15 yrs ago he is just now starting to say a few things again. The reason Im torn is because I have asthma and am on inhalers. Im also losing my job that I have had for 23 yrs at the end of this month (March). How traumatic would it be to him if I have to rehome him? Will he be able to adjust? This will be a last resort for me because I love him soooo much. He used to step up on my hand and let me hold him until I got him a bigger cage. Now he wont. He also used to say over 100 sentences until we remodeled about 15 yrs ago. He has just started to say a few things again. Please let me know what you think. Like I said it will be a last resort but I need to face reality and know that rehoming might be what it comes down to. Thanks:(
Correct me if i'm wrong but if he was in the wild and his mate died wouldn't he move on and find another mate? The main thing is that he chooses who he gets re-homed too which would not be an easy search.

I don't mean to make it sound so easy...I do wish you luck in whatever you choose to do and good luck with your asthma. I had it as a child and can remember the attacks...
You say it is a last resort and I think I hear the love you have for him..but forgive me if I am reading more into keep mentioning all the things he used to do but does no you think he no longer loves you? Or are you saying because he no longer does those things it makes it easier for you consider the rehome? Think for just a moment and say he's his old would you feel about rehoming him then?

Sorry for your job loss and the asthma. I too lost my job recently and am on my own, right now my only income unemployment. It's rough, I'm wearing the T-shirt.

There are members here who have taken on rehomes and rescues. I'm sure you will find someone to take your bird and give it the security you no longer feel you have. My thoughts are with you at this awful time.
Try an air purifier with a hepa filter for allergens if you can. It helps a TON. I have seasonal asthma and it really made a difference. You can get a little one to put next to the cage from walmart for 30$ or so.

As far as his behavior, other than the remodel, were there any other big changes?
Have you tried an air purifier? I'm planning to add one as well to help me with the dust from my Grey and amazon. BTW, I adopted them both in the last few months. The Grey is also 21 and she loved me immediately. The amazon is 29 and within a few days we were friends.

If you really want to keep her I would try the air purifier. I also wipe down any dust they make on a daily basis and completely wash the cage every week. And keep up with vacuuming around their cages. It doesn't hurt either for me to change clothes after holding them. I will actually see a big white spot of dust from the Grey on the front of my shirt, and little specks of dust from the amazon all over me.
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You say it is a last resort and I think I hear the love you have for him..but forgive me if I am reading more into keep mentioning all the things he used to do but does no you think he no longer loves you? Or are you saying because he no longer does those things it makes it easier for you consider the rehome? Think for just a moment and say he's his old would you feel about rehoming him then?

Sorry for your job loss and the asthma. I too lost my job recently and am on my own, right now my only income unemployment. It's rough, I'm wearing the T-shirt.

There are members here who have taken on rehomes and rescues. I'm sure you will find someone to take your bird and give it the security you no longer feel you have. My thoughts are with you at this awful time.

Oh heavens NO!!! If i would have known anyone would think that the reason for a rehome would be because he didnt do the things he used to I wouldnt have posted it. I love him soooo much. Im just worried that I wont be able to care for him like he needs. The asthma Ive had for the last 10 yrs. I want him to have a wonderful life and be happy. Thats why I say it is a last resort. :(
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Have you tried an air purifier? I'm planning to add one as well to help me with the dust from my Grey and amazon. BTW, I adopted them both in the last few months. The Grey is also 21 and she loved me immediately. The amazon is 29 and within a few days we were friends.

If you really want to keep her I would try the air purifier. I also wipe down any dust they make on a daily basis and completely wash the cage every week. And keep up with vacuuming around their cages. It doesn't hurt either for me to change clothes after holding them. I will actually see a big white spot of dust from the Grey on the front of my shirt, and little specks of dust from the amazon all over me.

I have 2 of the oreck purifiers. I wish I could afford better purifiers but I cant. I do wipe down his cage and vacuum alot. Right now he is sitting and staring at me.
You say it is a last resort and I think I hear the love you have for him..but forgive me if I am reading more into keep mentioning all the things he used to do but does no you think he no longer loves you? Or are you saying because he no longer does those things it makes it easier for you consider the rehome? Think for just a moment and say he's his old would you feel about rehoming him then?

Sorry for your job loss and the asthma. I too lost my job recently and am on my own, right now my only income unemployment. It's rough, I'm wearing the T-shirt.

There are members here who have taken on rehomes and rescues. I'm sure you will find someone to take your bird and give it the security you no longer feel you have. My thoughts are with you at this awful time.

Oh heavens NO!!! If i would have known anyone would think that the reason for a rehome would be because he didnt do the things he used to I wouldnt have posted it. I love him soooo much. Im just worried that I wont be able to care for him like he needs. The asthma Ive had for the last 10 yrs. I want him to have a wonderful life and be happy. Thats why I say it is a last resort. :(

this must be the hardest thing for you to decide, but if its a last resort, means your in no rush, at the moment.

you could always start the vetting process now for a new home, this way, if it happens you'll find comfort in knowing his off to a good home, rather then a hasty decision, made from desperation

an so sorry to read of your situation
You say it is a last resort and I think I hear the love you have for him..but forgive me if I am reading more into keep mentioning all the things he used to do but does no you think he no longer loves you? Or are you saying because he no longer does those things it makes it easier for you consider the rehome? Think for just a moment and say he's his old would you feel about rehoming him then?

Sorry for your job loss and the asthma. I too lost my job recently and am on my own, right now my only income unemployment. It's rough, I'm wearing the T-shirt.

There are members here who have taken on rehomes and rescues. I'm sure you will find someone to take your bird and give it the security you no longer feel you have. My thoughts are with you at this awful time.

Oh heavens NO!!! If i would have known anyone would think that the reason for a rehome would be because he didnt do the things he used to I wouldnt have posted it. I love him soooo much. Im just worried that I wont be able to care for him like he needs. The asthma Ive had for the last 10 yrs. I want him to have a wonderful life and be happy. Thats why I say it is a last resort. :(

Forgive me then for seeing it the wrong way, I am sorry if I have offended you or seemed to make light of the love you have for your companion.

I do hope you find a solution that lets you keep him close, and if that is not to be the case then may you find him a good home. It makes me very sad when someone is forced to be separated from their furry, scaled and feathered friends.
If you decide to rehome him, rest assured there are good people out there and moving to a new home may not be traumatic at all for him. I expected it would be for the 2 I adopted, but they both were happy here right away. I do suggest you interview potential adopters, and if possible do a home visit. It isn't too hard to tell from talking to people if they truly have bird experience and know how to properly care for one.

I know my sister is considering getting another bird. If yours is good with small children, she may be interested. My niece is 6 and well behaved and quiet for her age, but she is a 6 year old. A Grey may not be their best choice for a family bird at this time. But, we both live in Ohio. My sister is in Michigan.

I know this is probably a terribly difficult decision for you, and I'm sorry you are in this situation.
We all understand what a terrible decision this is to make. And we feel your pain & anxiety. Good luck in deciding. Where do you live? Many of us could help you find a new home, if necessary.
Where are you located? You might find someone here on the forums. If someone is on these forums it proves that they at least care enough to do some research and ask some questions. Also if you do find a home send the new parront to these forums so we, you included can answer any questions they have. Heck, you might find someone willing to help with a temporary home or support close by.

Oops, I didn't see page two and Billsbirds' post. So yea, what he said.
I know from her introduction post she is in Ohio; just not sure where in Ohio. Which is why I thought the bird might be nice for my sister and her family if she decides to rehome. As for everyone else I know, some are interested in birds, but I don't think they would be right for a Grey. One of my friends wants a bird, but honestly, she refuses to do any research, thinks she knows it all because she had a budgie as a child, and she has a crazy dog and 12 cats in her house. And her house is very loud and chaotic. A Grey is definitely not the right bird for her I don't think.
He is making progress again with you by picking back up some his vocabulary, so I would just buy some purifiers and do some cleaning every week (I know how that dust can just build up on you). Every move is stressful for a bird- whether its one you just found last week or had all its' life. Finding an owner it likes will be hard, but worth it. We took in a a Blue and Gold that's owner of 20 years died. He plucked himself and was very aggressive. We took him in thinking we could change him. After 4 months we saw no difference, so we decided to re-home him to some one who would have more time. Every one who came by said no or that'd the think about it. A month into our search a couple came in to see him and he immediately stepped on his arm and jut adored him (after 5 months of biting us...:31:), but it was the home that HE picked. It's up to you.
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Thank you everyone!! Something that I didnt tell you is we could never have children. Deno is like my child. He idolizes me. When I was in a motorcycle accident I was on bedrest and used a wheelchair for 3 mo. Only to be able to get up to use the bathroom. I had my husband put him by my bed so I could take care of feeding and watering him. He watched me constantly and would coo to me. He coos to me every night when I head up the stairs to bed. My husband travels for his work and is only home about 5 days a month. Deno & I dance, whistle together and watch tv together. Sometimes I feel that he is all I have. He is there when I laugh and when I cry. He is my best friend.
Parrots are exactly like kids and the way you raise them is how they turn out to be. They develop personality and there are silly things that they do, that only you understand and pick up on. They're great blessings to have.
I know. I've never had children either and have been divorced a long time now. They are my children. I do suggest changing clothes at the least after handling him. That way you don't have the dust on you, breathing it in constantly. That helps me. I go through a lot of laundry, but seriously, I'm allergic to everything. So the cat, the birds, the hay for the horses and everything green that grows in the ground. After mowing the lawn I'm covered in hives, and all stuffed up. But, taking a shower and changing helps a lot after yard work.

Do you or did you ride motorcycles? I have one, too, and it's so enjoyable, but I worry if something happens to me, who will take care of my animals?
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I know. I've never had children either and have been divorced a long time now. They are my children. I do suggest changing clothes at the least after handling him. That way you don't have the dust on you, breathing it in constantly. That helps me. I go through a lot of laundry, but seriously, I'm allergic to everything. So the cat, the birds, the hay for the horses and everything green that grows in the ground. After mowing the lawn I'm covered in hives, and all stuffed up. But, taking a shower and changing helps a lot after yard work.

Do you or did you ride motorcycles? I have one, too, and it's so enjoyable, but I worry if something happens to me, who will take care of my animals?

I do ride motorcycles. I havent been able to ride for over a year because of carpal tunnel & dequiarvain in both hands. I just finished the surgery in my left hand and had surgery on my right hand in the fall of last year. That is why Im losing my job. The company i work for wouldnt let me work so now Ive been off work to long that they are getting rid of me as of Mar. 31st. They have cut off my workers comp and quit paying my dr bills for a few months now. Ive been selling a lot of my stuff to make some money to make ends meet. Thats why I said I may have to rehome Deno. The only money that I have coming in is from what I make off of my personal belongings that I sell. Im praying that it wont come to that.
That's so hard. I hope things look up for you soon. I'm living off disability from a teacher's salary and right now things are getting scary for me as well with vet and medical bills. I'll be selling my dirt bike, but I'm hoping to hang onto my street one.
This is a very difficult time for you and I'm very sorry for the situation that your going through. I understand if you've come to the decision to re-home him that it has undoubtedly been a very painful decision to make and with his best interests at heart. I'm sure you'll be able to find the right home for him if that is what you ultimately decide. Its hard when finances are limited to not only take care of him but yourself as well (this limits you on top of the line air purifiers and multiple trips to an allergen spe******t). However something that you may try to do, is maybe keep him outdoors more. I'm not sure what your current situation is but my BF has horrible allergies. We keep Rome outside for most of the day and her cage inside that she sleeps in is kept in a separate room, that he doesn't really go into. I'm also the one who cleans the cages, daily. It keeps him away from her powder, for the most part. I'm not sure what your situation is (as far as someone else cleaning and if its even feesable having him outside more) but this has helped us some. Good luck with whatever you decide, I hope everything works out for you both.

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