Intersting/Funny names for your pets?


New member
Nov 15, 2013
South Africa
Percy, a 5yo BFA & Jack, a 8yo Budgie
The super cool name of our new zon member here on PF, Justice (!!) Got me thinking...have you every had a pet with a 'different' or interesting name? And how did the name come about? Let's share some stories :)

I will start -

My most beloved pet ever, whom I still miss every day after having to set her free from the pain of hip displacement at 14 yo last year, was my precious. Mulan - named for the cartoon Japanese warrior girl of the same name. My Mulan was born wearing 'makeup' - beautiful black eyeliner around her eyes :). It has been almost a year and I still miss 'Moobooloo' (the silly nickname I gave her at some point ;)).

Percy's name is not 'interesting' perse but it IS a 'mistake'. My boss, who got him from his previous owner to give to me, had misheard the name the old owner gave her and told me, when delivering him that his name is Percy. She later messaged me to say his name was actually 'Dizzy'. I thought that was a silly name (and coincidentally, we had had a dwarf hamster a few years back named Dizzy Lizzy) so we stuck with 'Percy' :)

A colleague has a big black dog of onknown heritage, whose name is Juggernaut! Quite frankly, I think that Juggernaut is THE best name ever for a dog!! So very cooool ;). The colleague used to be a miletary man and named his dog for some or other milletary(sp??) term.

A friend has a massive Great Dane boy whose name is Tinky (short for Tinkerbell) LOL!

Oh, and growing up, I remember our neighbour having a rottweiler named Dustbin! I can't remember how the poor animal got saddled with that name LOL! (For members in other countries who may not know - a 'dustbin' in my country is a large garbage can, usually kept outside to dump household refuse in before it gets taken away by the municipality)

Any fun names you care to share?
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New member
Feb 15, 2014
Dallas area, Texas
I've got a friend who has a chocolaty brown pit bull named MudBud:rolleyes:

Hmm.. I used to have a cockatiel named Diddy.(After P. Diddy? I don't know, I was like 6 so my memory is fuzzy.) Got her from a cousin of mine since she broke a prom trophy by landing on it and it fell, so they were fed up with her. She ended up surviving an attack by our doberman pincer (Xar) and a broken, and badly healed wing, and still re-taught herself how to fly before passing naturally at the age of 24. She was an odd yet silly character.

Oh..!! I also had a Gerbil named Grassy... she was a black, gentle gerbil, and I have no idea why I named her Grassy, but it was fitting for whatever reason. :eek:


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
This sounds like a fun topic... I love names and naming.

Where do I start! I'll only mention birds, and start with my current flock. My most beloved pet (of any kind) that I've ever had with the deepest bond you can ever imagine with an animal, is my male Red Bellied parrot Robin. I've had him since 1994, he's almost 20! At the time I got him, I guess I wasn't as good at names back then, so I asked my dad for a suggestion. He said how about Robin? Since a Robin is a type of bird with an orangish belly. I said okay fine, Robin :)

My Bronze Winged is Raven. It's a beautiful name I think, even for a boy. I'm fascinated by Ravens, though I've never at this point seen one in person. He's dark in color like a Raven. (About 8 years ago I had a female Bronze Winged named Adrion, but she passed away).

Our Budgies are Pix and Twigs. My husband named them. I thought of a couple funny but cute names I wouldn't be able to resist, if I were to get any more tiny birds... Pea and Pooh. Though it may be kind of embarrassing to say unless you spell it! Haha

Over the years I've had a couple birds pass away or that I've had to rehome in THEIR best interest, so I won't mention everyone I've ever had. I do want to mention my finches though :) I started out with finches. Beautiful male Lady Gouldian finches of different color mutations as well as other exotic finches. They all had men's names - Adam, Ivan, Sherman, Benson, etc. lol

I do have plans to build up my "small" flock again. Only 2 more (no, really!) only Pi's and Poi's. Oh, that's besides my hubby getting HIS own bird. Anyway, my future two already have names :) I'm sure of it because I love these names. Griffin... That one I have used before with a different spelling. I love that name. A Griffin is the mythological guardian who is half eagle head and wings, half lion's body. I also love Phoenix, even though I try not to do common names, but I might make an exception for that 90% sure on that one. It would also go with the theme of being named either after other bird species, or mythological bird-like creatures.


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
I have to admit, I am so NOT creative with pet names. The 2 animals I choose names for, well- my LEOpard gecko is named Leo, my newt is Mr. Newt. Kiwi came named, as did Tiffany the bearded dragon. I might've named Kiwi "Gentle Friend" or "Buddy" if he hadn't been already named. I look at calling him those as nicknames "the power of positive thinking" and that's what I call him all the time anyways:09: Ya, I'm just terrible with names :(

A friend used to have a dog named Beefy. He wasn't even a fat or particularly big-breed dog either (he was a medium-sized mutt actually). He peed every time he heard a loud noise (including doors closing) and was scared of EVERYTHING. I probably had a better name for him given his "personality" but it wouldn't be appropriate to mention here:09:


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
I have to admit, I am so NOT creative with pet names. The 2 animals I choose names for, well- my LEOpard gecko is named Leo, my newt is Mr. Newt. Kiwi came named, as did Tiffany the bearded dragon. I might've named Kiwi "Gentle Friend" or "Buddy" if he hadn't been already named. I look at calling him those as nicknames "the power of positive thinking" and that's what I call him all the time anyways:09: Ya, I'm just terrible

A friend used to have a dog named Beefy. He wasn't even a fat or particularly big-breed dog either (he was a medium-sized mutt actually). He peed every time he heard a loud noise (including doors closing) and was scared of EVERYTHING. I probably had a better name for him given his "personality" but it wouldn't be appropriate to mention here:09:

Even though you hear Kiwi a lot, I have to say I love that name. I mean, it's just cute!

Ooh, even a door closing?! Wow, I hope they had yellow carpet :eek:


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
I have to admit, I am so NOT creative with pet names. The 2 animals I choose names for, well- my LEOpard gecko is named Leo, my newt is Mr. Newt. Kiwi came named, as did Tiffany the bearded dragon. I might've named Kiwi "Gentle Friend" or "Buddy" if he hadn't been already named. I look at calling him those as nicknames "the power of positive thinking" and that's what I call him all the time anyways:09: Ya, I'm just terrible

A friend used to have a dog named Beefy. He wasn't even a fat or particularly big-breed dog either (he was a medium-sized mutt actually). He peed every time he heard a loud noise (including doors closing) and was scared of EVERYTHING. I probably had a better name for him given his "personality" but it wouldn't be appropriate to mention here:09:

Even though you hear Kiwi a lot, I have to say I love that name. I mean, it's just cute!

Ooh, even a door closing?! Wow, I hope they had yellow carpet :eek:

Beefy got to stay in the kitchen by means of a baby gate. He was a nice enough dog, but he was so scared of everything.

And I must say, you have the gift of good names. You're pets are very lucky they will have nice names (and I think Pea and Pooh is cute for a piar of birds). Kiwi was named by one of his prior owners. We kept his name figuring he may know it, but he has never said it and responds just as well to anything else you call him so long as you're speaking at him.


Active member
Oct 15, 2013
Lehigh Valley, PA
BE2 (Ivory), B&G Macaw (Max), Budgie Group,
Granbirds- tiels; GCC (Monkey & Monster); Sun Conure (Loki); Bare Eyed Too (Folger); Evil Green Monster YNA (Kelly); B&G (Titan)
Victoria should really be answering this, she is the one for unique names...

Her tiels were all anime inspired... Rukia, Renji, Rin, Ryner and Dante.

GCCs also followed theme.... Hijikata ( aka Monster ) and Arianna (aka Monkey )

Loki.... I've posted before if Tom Hiddleston in his Loki gear ran for President, or ruler of the world, the girls would vote him in.... Lokis Army.... :)

Cam got his name cause we weren't sure what color the cere was gonna turn out... so in honor of my favorite, hes a guy but screams like a girl, modern family character, Cam it was :)

Trinity the cat got her name cause she is calico but has stripes and spots, so the holy trinity of cat markings....

Chip.... big butt horse... his registered name was Chips n Motion, which we just did not like. Tho he's a Chip, so that stayed and was in honor of his grandfather Zips Chocolate Chip.... with the AQHA you are only allowed like 20 characters for registered and show name. So we made lists of names. The final winner was The Legendary Chip, which also represents his sire Zans Living Legend. But hes just Chip or chip n dip around the barn.

Emmie, my big fat moo cow.... she was picked out for me by my gifted sister in law. From the moment I saw her photo when she was only days old, just about heard a voice in my head saying to meet Emmie. Yeah go ahead, crazy lady comments....

Lily kitten was a family meeting including sister in law by text..., Lily was only name we could all agree to..., so Lily, also Modern Family nod :)


New member
Sep 29, 2013
My mother in laws LSC2 is named Knucklehead and my partner had a cat named "What?"


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2013
U2-Poppy(Poppy lives with her new mommy, Misty now) CAG-Jack, YNA, Bingo, Budgie-Piper, Cockatiel-Sweet Pea Quakers-Harry, Sammy, Wilson ***Zeke (quaker) Twinkle (budgie) forever in our hearts
The day I brought my quaker home we had no knowledge of his past. We were told he was a boy, and he said, Be a good boy! constantly. He let himself out of his cage and landed on my shoulder, I called him Harry for Houdini. A few weeks later SHE laid eggs. By then she could say Harry and the name was hers.

I worked with a Basset hound named Lucy that was a real training challenge. During our training sessions, I started calling her Screw-Lucy. Her family called her that for the rest of her life. She became a very well trained dog but the name stayed with her.

Our re-homed U2 came to us with the name Popeye, I really wanted to change it but couldn't because he says his name and sings a song with his name in it. I call him Pie, a silly nickname that fits because he's so mushy. When I brought home a cockatiel named Shadow, she had only had the name for a couple of weeks so I changed her name to Sweet Pea, which fits her personality really well. One of our sweet forum members helped me decide. :)


New member
Jul 20, 2012
What a great topic. :)

I am the worst at naming my pets, I really am. My husband is much more creative in that department. Not overly creative, like many of you, but still better than I am. :eek:

Let's see....

Our first dog, a beautiful dark golden Golden Retriever named "Dollar" because he was dirt cheap. :D

First Bernese Mountain Dog named "Simon", second Berner named "Max" (whole name was Giant Maximus Aurelius, after the movie Gladiator)

"Hunter" for my hen Yellow Nape Amazon because I didn't know when I first got her whether she was a boy or a girl. :54:

The Ekki pair I had I named "Jasper & Gemma"

"Sam", my Magna boy. I wanted something manly and simple. :22: I can't say out loud what his nickname is though.

"Nikolai", the Blue & Gold my hubby named. Hubby has Ukrainian decent, and Niko sports the Ukrainian colors.

"Oscar" our American Bulldog. Oscar the Grouch from Sesame street. He is THE most laid back dog in the whole wild word, so that name really doesn't suit him, even though he DOES look like an Oscar...ANY Oscar, preferably an award winning one. :D

"Ziva", the Ambull Pit Mix. I had that name picked out for her before she was even born. I was going to get a brindle colored female, but there weren't any. Of course the name came from NCIS. ;)

"Ripley", the Green Wing. I was in such state of shock that he actually came home with me, that I thought "I've got a Green Wing...believe it or not." :30:


New member
Mar 9, 2014
Upstate New York
Dusty the Dusky Conure
-My little brother names Dusty. He was 10 years old at the time I got Dusty. He named him for the gray feathers on top of his head.
- My cat, Edmund, came into the Veterinary hospital as a stray that a local shelter paid for a woman to bring him in for treatment. His foot had a huge wound and was severely infected. The woman named him Edmund as she walked out the door saying " i cant afford to keep him but I think his name should be Edmund" I took him in and with the shelters help we got him the care he needed. Unfortunately he had to have his leg amputated.
- My other cat Patrick was named by the local SPCA because they found him in an abandoned house on Saint Patricks day three years ago.
- My German Shepherd Angel, got her name because we had lost a shepherd to Bloat a few months before getting her and my brother was heartbroken at the time. He wouldnt eat or sleep. So my dad brought home Angel who my brother named because she was our lost Shepherds "Guardian Angel"


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
- My German Shepherd Angel, got her name because we had lost a shepherd to Bloat a few months before getting her and my brother was heartbroken at the time. He wouldnt eat or sleep. So my dad brought home Angel who my brother named because she was our lost Shepherds "Guardian Angel"

Aw, now that's sweet :)


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
Thanks Kiwi's mom :)

I find it so exciting to name, that I want a bunch of pets just to have the excuse to name them LOL. Of course that's not going to happen... but it would be fun.


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Super Moderator
Nov 6, 2013
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada
Hawkhead(Darwin),YCA(Dexter),VE (Ekko),OWA(Slater),BHP(Talli),DYH(Calypso),RLA(Kimera),Alex(Xander)CBC(Phoe),IRN (Kodee,Luna,Stevie),WCP (Pisces),CAG(Justice)GCC (Jax), GSC2(Charley)
I had a cat that his mother wouldn't feed, so I bottle fed him. I was terrified he wouldn't live, so called him a generic Shrimple, and by the time i knew he would make it, that was his name. We had him for a wonderful 10 years, and he had many medical problems that required 2 surgeries. He was my baby boy until the end.

We currently have a cat who was wild from the minute we got her. She would never let us touch her, so we named her Meatloaf because she runs like a Bat of out H--- when you try to get close to her:)

One of our other cats is named Jenero, but for some reason I call her Knobby Knees all the time and never use her real name:(

We call our Pi Talli, which is short for Metallica, Reg's favorite band. He was Reg's birthday present:)

And our poor little conure is named Phoenix, but we call him Phoe Phoe, which drives my daughter crazy because she said it makes him sound like a girl poodle.


New member
Nov 15, 2013
South Africa
Percy, a 5yo BFA & Jack, a 8yo Budgie
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Oh my word! Such funny and interesting stories! :)

My faves are the cats : "What?" & "Meatloaf"!! LOL!
Oh, and pee & poo too :D


New member
Aug 12, 2011
CAG - Bobby 07-14
I have a cat anmed Gygax - after the original writer of DnD.

We had a CAG named Bobby, he came named.

My corgi, who lives with my mom, is named Emma. She't not really a dog, she's more of a carpet.


New member
Dec 22, 2013
i got 1 green cheek cinnamon,a rose crowned,a yellow sided and a hybride from the first 2

what a great topic,now i will have to share the names of my fids.

Kiva is the name of a Japanese power ranger character,a shy person but transforms into a monster at times(the names fits so much)it's also means protected in an other language.

Fury -my parents came home saying they have a present for me and saying i should get a cage ready.
I of course was like what!,and when it was time to put him in the cage he escaped,apparently the other owner had neglected him.
All i saw was a dirty with broken feathers and a red headed bird flying for my head screaming,needless to say he didn't properly introduced himself.
The name hellfury popped up in my head immediately.

Hope-a week after she was born she got splayed leg and i just kept hoping it would be alright ,that she would be able to live a proper life.
after that other names just didn't work out for me.

Pixel-he too was a present from my parents again,at that time i was playing terraria ,which is pretty much made of big pixels.
I just thought the whole time his neck looks like pixels lol,it stuck.

As for other animals we own or have owned,we had 2 ferrets that were named smokey and bandit,2 cockatiels named coco and chanel(the parfume).
A cockatiel named baily but got stuck with the nickname spacebeast.
2 rats named brush and dustpan,1 rat named stumper which in your languege kind of means poor thing,he was a ruffeld old rat and was about to be fed to snakes when my mother came into the petshop.
2 rabbits named bubbels and bloesem (yes the powerpaff girls).
And wayyyy more but this are the funniest.
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