
Apr 9, 2021
San Francisco, CA
Sydney - 8 year old rescue parrotlet. Missing 2 toes
Hello, the welcome message said to post an intro message, so that’s what I’ll do. I have a rescue parrotlet named Sydney who is 8 years old who is missing 2 toes on one foot (but it doesn’t stop him at all,) and we (husband and I) just got a 2nd bird who is in quarantine - a budgie who I don’t know much about. Apparently someone in my building moved and left her behind. So our landlord asked if we wanted her. So we have a budgie now too! I’ll probably be asking more budgie questions as I’ve done tons of parrotlet research and not a lot of budgie research. Thanks for letting me join the forum 😃
Welcome and be welcomed. You came to the right place! We have tons of folks who have both of these species and there is a lot of knowledge and good advice to be gleaned, if you seek it. Settle in, and start reading!
Welcome! Thanks for taking a rescue budgie! Ha that's how I got mine too.

For me it was a surprise that they love the larger perches, play with the big toys I have fir my other parrots, and love all kinds if veggies and leafy greens, and even eat pellets I crumble up in addition to their seeds.
I'm sure you already know a tiny parrot is still a full parrot, with huge personality!
Welcome to you and your pair of birds! Avians are masterful adapters to their environment or when physically impaired. Kudos for rescuing the budgie, we have members with heaps of experience!!
Welcome to Parrotforum!

IMHO rescue birds are the best, likely because they have experienced the worst, and with time they will learn to trust you and when they open-up it just keeps coming. Thanks you for rescuing this budgie.
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Thanks all! Both birds are rather fun and cute, but the budgie has a much bigger personality than I expected, and is also shy in ways I never expected. We just found out he’s a boy. He apparently isn’t hand trained at all, so we are trying to figure out how to make him less terrified of our hands. Sydney, the parrotlet, on the other hand, isn’t scared of anything or anyone, and his bite is not to be underestimated lol
Hello from a fellow parrotlet parront! I always get excited when I see another one here - there aren't many of us who post often. How awful that people would just move out and leave a bird behind. But how fortunate you are there for them.

We love pictures!!!!
Birds /Parrots, tend to identify with our head and over time link the rest of our body. Hands can be very difficult for them as our hands can look like a snake, which birds are hardwired to fear.

By keeping your hands closer to your body and face can help to reduce their fear.

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