Introducing a Second Parrot


New member
Sep 11, 2008

This is my first post in this forum :)

I have a 10-month old female Senegal. This parrot is really cool, cuddly, completely friendly with visitors and has never bitten anyone (I think it has forgotten how to bite). It lives in one of those wedge shape cages that fit in a corner. The cage dimensions are 125cm tall (around 4 feet) with the two sides of the wedge being 64cm (around 2 feet). i.e. this is a fairly big cage for the Senegal alone.

I would like to add a second parrot to this setup. I have already paid for a Black-winged Jardine from a breeder. The Jardine is still being weaned - I will bring him home in a few more weeks.

My questions: (If you only feel like answering one of the questions, that's ok).

1. What is the best way of introducing the new bird? Do I leave it in a smaller cage next to the main cage? If so, for how long?
2. Can I let the two birds physically interact from the beginning? (The Jardines have a big beak, as you know. I would hate for the Senegal to be bitten).
3. There were 4 Jardines in the clutch at the breeders - I chose the biggest looking one, but there is still time to change my mind, if I am quick. What should I be looking for? Should I ask the breeder for the one that does not bite and/or does not explore too much, or is it really too early to be specific at this stage?
4. Is the existing cage big enough for both birds? (The existing bird does get around 4 hours of out-of-cage time in the evenings).
5. Is there anyone on this site who keeps both Senegals and Jardines? What are your experiences with keeping both?

Thanks. Lots of questions for a first-time poster, I know. :)

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Bird poop and baby poop
Dec 26, 2006
New Hampshire USA
15 year-old Sun Conure: Hamlet &
14 year-old Green-Cheeked Conure: Mac
Hello Ant! Welcome to the forum, sorry in our delays in replying ... it's a touch slow around here right now and some of us only peak in every other day or so ...

So you want to add a second to your flock ... well, that's great! A new little friend for your little friend ... well there are a few things to keep in mind, most importantly is that whenever you bring in a new bird to an existing flock you need to make sure that you isolate the new bird for AT LEAST 30 days. I don't care if that new bird came right from a breeder, you need a vet check and a 3o day quarantine for a new flock member. This helps keep the old flock healthy and safe.

1. What is the best way of introducing the new bird? Do I leave it in a smaller cage next to the main cage? If so, for how long?

That is a good way, but only after the 30 day quarantine. This will allow the birds to see each other and get used to there being another there.

2. Can I let the two birds physically interact from the beginning? (The Jardines have a big beak, as you know. I would hate for the Senegal to be bitten).

Initially I wouldn't allow too much "rough play" especially where the Jardines is so young and not quite aware of just how much pressure that could be applied by his/her beak ... Always supervise out-of-cage interaction, there is a decent size difference between a Jardines and a Sennie ... make sure the Jardines isn't too rough ...

3. Should I ask the breeder for the one that does not bite and/or does not explore too much, or is it really too early to be specific at this stage?

This is like asking a cat breeder to get a kitten that doesn't chase anything ... it's not likely, and probably a sign of a pet that you don't want ... All, let me repeat that, ALL young birds explore with their beaks! Their beaks are their main source of sensory input ... this is how it's done ... what you allow (as the handler, beaking/exploring is OK, biting is not!) will go a long in determining how your bird will use its beak in the future.

4. Is the existing cage big enough for both birds? (The existing bird does get around 4 hours of out-of-cage time in the evenings).

Each parrot should have his or her own cage initially ... this way they have a place to go to "escape" the other bird ... kinda like kids going to their separate rooms to get away from each other .... kinda like when you and the "Mrs" have a fight, you go away from each other for a while to calm down ... They should be allowed to interact inside of each other's cage freely, come and go as they want to ... but I would house separately ...

5. Is there anyone on this site who keeps both Senegals and Jardines? What are your experiences with keeping both?

Can't help you there ... haven't ever kept those breeds. Sorry ..

Hope this info helps you out ... you should post some pictures of your little guy(s) when you get a chance ...



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Sep 11, 2008
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Hi, Tex

Thanks for the great feedback and advice. :)

I went back to the breeder yesterday to visit the Jardines - they look really cute, especially at this age - however, still a few more weeks until I can take him home.

I would probably have removed the second cage after a week or so, but your advice about leaving it there initially does make sense. Other points that I must take heed of include the 30 day quarantine period.

I will post some pictures and provide feedback about the interaction when he "comes home".



Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
Hi Ant, great to have you on board. :)
Tex has given some great info, well done Tex !!!!
Sorry not able to assist you with info on second birds !!!
I have always only had one bird. Got an AG now Mishka, 2 years old.
I do know however you isolate the new bird for AT LEAST 30 days.
Bet you are counting the days !!!!!
Let us know how is goes.
Good luck
Take care


New member
Sep 10, 2009
I have a blue and gold macaw along with an indian ringneck parakeet.
Good luck! I have never kept birds together in one cage unless they were budgies or finches, but I think it will work out!

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