Is A Conure Good for A First Bird?


New member
Oct 16, 2011

So..I'm new to this bird thing ^^; But I've recently fallen in love with them. I'm particularly attached to Sun Conures, and how pretty they really are!

Since I've never owned a bird before, I'm asking a lot of people on their oppinions. I would like to know, because the Sun Conure I'm looking at at PetSmart is $600.

Here's some fun facts:

I'm almost 15 years old
I'm a Freshman
My Dad is not open to the idea of birds (but he DOES warm up to everything. It's best to ask for forgiveness, then to ask for a bird)

If you don't think a Conure is a good fit, what do you think would?

Many thanks!

Rio Mom

New member
Apr 7, 2011
River - Green Cheek
Pepper - Congo African Grey/

Rest in Peace Rio
If your dad is not open to the idea of birds, then you should not get one until you're older and out on your own. It would be very sad and unfair to a bird to end up rehomed or in a rescue because the whole family didn't agree on having a bird. A bird is a big commitment, will take up a lot of your time, and can be very loud. (Especially suns). They also live for a very long time. Do you know what your future plans are after high school? What will happen to the bird then? Not many college dorms allow pets, a lot of apartments won't either.


New member
Aug 10, 2011
5 year old cockatoo Chloe and 3 year old sun conure Joe Joe
Khloe 15 year old orange wing amazon
Please think twice before you get a sun conure. Getting a bird is not like a cat or dog. Getting a bird is a life changing choice. Your whole family should want a bird. A sun Conure can live tobe 40 years old. Who will care for the bird when you go to collage? They are ear spliting loud. This is normal for them to scream and make a huge mess everyday. Sun conures along with cockatoos are rehomed and given up the most because of noise. I would suggest you go to a rescue near you and spend a day with the birds. The people that run rescues will teach you alot but you will also see and hear these birds. I would suggest you wait until you are older before getting one. And please understand there is no starter birds parakeets require as care as a conure.

Scotty T

New member
May 26, 2011
Red Factor Sun Conure
If you are 15 and not going to take the bird with you when you move out or go to college, this might not be such a good idea. Your dad will go nutz!

I've owned many birds through out the years. I grew up with a Macaw and a parrot, I had a Green Cheek Conure which is now with my beloved EX ;-), now I have a Sun Conure that will stay with me for the next 40 years :)

In my experience.......

The green cheek was quiet and pleasant. The Sun is very loud but very fun. I love them both.

I think for a first a Green Cheek is a much better decision due to it's calmer and quieter nature in comparison to the Sun.

Yea, and did I say the sun is loud? My ear is ringing right now.... What? didn't catch what you just said, can you repeat that? ;)


Aug 20, 2009
I agree with all that has been said. Having a companion bird is a lifetime commitment and the entire family should be on board with this decision. Koo doos to you for asking us here on the forum. You have many many years ahead of you and the time to bring a bird into your life will come. Spend those years researching the types of parrots, how they live in the wild and all that goes keeping them healthy. You could also contact an aviary or such place and volunteer to help out.

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