Is My Guy The Only Quaker Screaming Constantly All Of A Sudden?


New member
Aug 20, 2016
State College, PA
Senegal Parrot named "Kane"; Yellow-Sided Green Cheek Conure named "Bowie"; Blue Quaker Parrot named "Lita Ford"; Cockatiel named "Duff"; 8 American/English Budgie Hybrids; Ringneck Dove named "Dylan"
This past week my male Quaker Lita Ford (DNA mistake) will not stop screaming. It's constant, all day long, from the moment he wakes up until he goes to bed. He hardly stops to eat. He does have these bizarre lityle breaks where he sits by himself (my green cheek literally moves away from him because he's freaked out) and has a little conversation with an imaginary friend? I'm not sure, it's the only time he's at all quiet, and I can pick out words or phrases occasionally, but he's in a little zone and we don't dare interrupt him. Then he starts screaming again.

As you can see from these pics (all taken at different times today) Bowie, the green cheek, has had enough too.



This is the reaction I got when I asked him if he could be a bit quieter.


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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
I feel for you, I really do. Jonesy ( my Goffins 'too) turned into a 24/7 screamer/dr jeyckl mr hyde for no reason I could figure out,and poor Amy ( who is normally a very proper lady) got so upset with his screaming,she'd yell out to him SHUT UP!! Obviously his screeching hurt her ears too :rolleyes:



New member
Mar 13, 2016
Denton Tx
Mumble Quaker, hatched 5/25/16
Awww, he looks like my little Nacho birdy. Nacho will get the urge to scream lately but it's just for a couple minutes and he's only done that a few times ever. He's mostly quiet but he has his charming times when he'll sit on top of his cage talking and singing. Not that I can understand a word of it, but he does have the rhythm of one little song I sing to him. I can just imagine it would get on my nerves if he kept the screaming up all day! Sorry I can't help you but as far as I can tell it's not a quaker thing.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
This past week my male Quaker Lita Ford (DNA mistake) will not stop screaming. It's constant, all day long, from the moment he wakes up until he goes to bed. He hardly stops to eat. He does have these bizarre lityle breaks where he sits by himself (my green cheek literally moves away from him because he's freaked out) and has a little conversation with an imaginary friend? I'm not sure, it's the only time he's at all quiet, and I can pick out words or phrases occasionally, but he's in a little zone and we don't dare interrupt him. Then he starts screaming again.

As you can see from these pics (all taken at different times today) Bowie, the green cheek, has had enough too.



This is the reaction I got when I asked him if he could be a bit quieter.


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And judging by the pictures..your Quacker has a BIG mouth! :eek: :rolleyes:
I can understand Bowies' displeasure! I mean,just look at the first pic..looks like Bowie is saying to himself "WT* Quacker! CHILL!"



New member
Dec 15, 2016
Eastern US
Jimmy the Quaker Parrot
This past week my male Quaker Lita Ford (DNA mistake) will not stop screaming. It's constant, all day long, from the moment he wakes up until he goes to bed. He hardly stops to eat. He does have these bizarre lityle breaks where he sits by himself (my green cheek literally moves away from him because he's freaked out) and has a little conversation with an imaginary friend? I'm not sure, it's the only time he's at all quiet, and I can pick out words or phrases occasionally, but he's in a little zone and we don't dare interrupt him. Then he starts screaming again.

As you can see from these pics (all taken at different times today) Bowie, the green cheek, has had enough too.



This is the reaction I got when I asked him if he could be a bit quieter.


Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk

I wish I could help - Jimmy (my Quaker) has ALWAYS been very vocal, so for me at least, this has been the norm from the start, and not something that has just come up...

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