Is this cage okay for a grey or amazon

If your plan is to get a grey or amazon, 1/2" bar spacing is too small- I'd go about an inch, and the bar gauge needs to be able to withstand a strong beak like theirs. The cages you linked would be more appropriate for smaller birds such as cockatiels or budgies.
This one is much cheaper, but I'm not sure how good it is:
[ame=] : Bird Parrot Cage Macaw Cockatoo African Grey Q24-2822 : Pet Supplies[/ame]
And this one too:
[ame=] New Large Play Top Bird Cage Parttot Finch Macaw Cockatoo Birdcages: Pet Supplies[/ame]

Pet stores are so expensive - why would you buy anything from there? :D I would check ebay, craigslist and amazon.
A&E Cage Company Flight Bird Cage at PETCO

Would this be best for and Amazon or a Grey

what about this one ?

Prevue Hendryx Large Black Flight Bird Cage - Outdoor Aviary Cages and Parakeet Flight Cages from

Also which bird would you guys recommend cost and care wise. Also if you could let me know what types of foods and tyos each breed likes that would be great. Sorry for the long question

First you need to figure out WHAT type of bird you want to get. Amazons come in all shapes and sizes, but the cages you linked to are neither for Amazons or Greys.

Have a look through our forum. Research, research and research some more. There is a wealth of information here. :)
For an african grey or an amazon, you want a 32" L x 23" W cage as a *minimum*, with thick bars. Cages meant to house small parrots *will not work* as the bars are too thin and small to hang their perches and toys. It could be a fast way to destroy a decent cage.

For either species, you are looking at $800 and up for a young, hand raised parrot. Amazons are prone to obesity, foot sores, vitamin A deficiency and sinus problems. African greys are more likely to pluck, they are dusty birds, and prone to calcium deficiency (which may be linked to a vitamin D deficiency).

Both species could potentially live 60+ years. When choosing a cage, you will require one that could last for several years before it needs to be replaced! This means, don't purchase a cheap cage that will need to be replaced within a few years, or less! Unless you could afford stainless steel which can potentially last for the lifetime of the bird, if not longer!

Food may vary depending upon what diet you choose to feed, however both species do require vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes in their diet daily, with the occasional cooked egg up to a few times a month.

Toys again may vary depending upon what the birds enjoy the most.

Upkeep and care, you can easily be looking at spending $60-$100 or more a month in toys, food and accessories, unless you learn how to make your own toys.

BTW, welcome to PF!
As others have said, a parrot such as you mentioned needs not only a large enough cage, but a cage with the thicker 3-4mm bars 3/4-1 inch space. Especially look at the bar thickness.
The "skinny" bar cages are made for small birds only. The large cages which still have skinny bars are called flight cages, and are meant for these smaller birds such as finches, canaries, budgies, etc. to have some flight space, or to house several.

I know that MANY people look at or buy these skinny barred cages because they have a much more attractive affordable price, and you see it done far too often IMO, but the truth is, they are made for small birds only and are not ideal for a "parrot". Be prepared to spend the money and not skimp or cut corners on anything if you want a medium/larger parrot :)

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