It's not Friday the 13th so whats with all the bad luck


Mar 8, 2010
Washington State
Riley-white faced grey cockatiel (hatch date 6-28-2014) RIP Halloween-pied cockatiel
So I know I am not the one having the worse day just out of the people I know so I will tell you about my bad day (yes I'm still VERY VERY VERY angry about it course it only happened less than 2 hours ago) and my co workers I would appreciate you keeping her and her son in your thoughts and prayers. So I will tell you how things have happened in order of bad luck factor.

1.) My favorite sweatshirt broke the zipper is broken and so i thought ok just reattach it no big deal then I say the part you pull to zip was a little streatched out so I thought ok squeeze it back together with pliers it will be fine so I tried that then when I went to zip it it went back to being broken . I loved that sweat shirt :( I wore it one night while shoveling ice away from the hotel at my last job and I never got cold in it. (yes I know compared to the rest of whats happened that is nothing but a MAJOR disappointment

2.) I GOT HIT BY A SEMI. Yes I am extremely mad about that but I am fine my bumper not so much. Ok so what happened was I got off the highway on my exit was about ready to turn but there was a semi infront of me I thought nothing of it just figured the light was red. No big deal we will turn when it turns green like I have since I started driving. Well then I realized everybody was turning except for us however I wasn't able to back up and move into the next lane because a second semi pulled up beside him then started backing up and hit me I started laying on the horn and THEY NEVER BOTHERED TO STOP or look in the mirror or anything the driver of the first semi had to tell him to stop. The first semi never put on his hazard lights. And yes I immediately called the cops to report it. When the state patrol guy had finally shown up the semi that hit me had left and the officer and I decided to look at the damage because I wasn't about to get out without the officer on the off chance somebody didn't pay attention I mean it is a highway off ramp. and the driver of the first semi was pointing out a scratch on my bumper saying that it's only a little damage. He was compleately ignoring that fact that there is now a gap of about half an inch between the back of my car and the bumper GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Funny thing is as I was discribing the semi that hit me I saw him trying to get on the freeway coming towards us and I pointed it out and was like thats the one that hit me (feel free to replace one with a very choice word). So basically to shorten this story the second semi was faulted for the accident as well as fined for backing up on a highway and a few more things. I had to make a 10 minute round trip to get home afterwards rather than the 2 minutes it would have taken me otherwise it's literally less than half a mile from where the accident took place to my house. When I was able to get back on the street I was trying to turn on I noticed the semi that broke down and never used their hazards had left but the officer was still talking to the semi that hit me.

3.) The worse thing that has happened to one of the people I know is my co-worker and I ask you keep her and her son in your thoughts and prayers. I don't know all the details just the few I was able to get to let my GM know it was very important she call her back the moment she gets in. Her son who is about 9 and autisitc was attacked by her neighbors dog. He lost a lot of blood and was in surgery to put his leg back together for a majority of the day. They are still concerned with the amount of blood that he lost. I am hoping beyond hope he will be ok and able to use his leg. And NO I don't know the breed that attacked him. But please pray for him.
wow very sorry to hear about your friends son...i hope his surgery goes well and he recovers. Physical therapy from those kinds of things can take awhile, but being young will give him an advantage. I knew a neighbor of mine that a similar thing happened to her child, it was a pitbull.....

Also i am glad to hear your ok after the accident. They say a majority of accidents will happen when your pretty close to home!
Sorry your day has been _____y.....for future reference a truck driver is not going to hear a car, PU or van horn 50-60 feet behind him/her and neither can they see a car, PU or van in their blind spot, which extends for another 40 feet behind their back bumper.....

Hope your friend's son is as lucky as you were.....
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Well neither semis had a trailer on them they were just the cabs and there's no way he didn't know I was there if he had to pass me to get next to his friend.

Also I have only met this coworker once so I wouldn't exactly call her a friend just yet
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Well neither semis had a trailer on them they were just the cabs and there's no way he didn't know I was there if he had to pass me to get next to his friend.

Sorry, but responded based on your "I GOT HIT BY A SEMI." they're not semi's without a trailer of some sort...cabs (like you last mentioned) or tractors or even "semi tractor."

Still, glad you didn't fair any worse than than some lost time & a dented bumper...and I hope everything goes well for your friend's son.....
I'm very sorry to hear about your car wreck and the awful dog mauling of your co-worker's son. I'm glad you're okay, I pray for the boy and his family.
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Its OK I'm still angry at that driver I'm pretty sure he got worse than what I was told but regardless I feel both of them deserve to be fined obviously the one who hit me more so than the other but the one who broke down at the very least could have out on his hazards especially since he was in the middle of a turn lane and the fact the officer had to tell him to do so multiple times. I guess there called "bobtails" around here at least that's what officer called them. And along with being dented my bunpee has a gap from whe bottom of my car that will be paid for by that guy. And even though my back is killing me I know it could have been worse. I mean imagine if I was in a small car rather than my SUV or if it had been a car with a mother and children. So I know I'm lucky. I was told by a family member I should explain what happened and I told them no and explained that my coworker needs tomorrow off far more than I do and told them what happened with her son.
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Grrr apparently this is not my week. I just got fired from my new job because I'm apparently not enthusiastic enough today. Never mind I told boss that I was in car accident yesterday and am in a lot of pain because of it
I'm sorry about your job. I would just look at it as it 'wasn't meant to be'. Now you can at least rest and take care of your sore back.

Oh, and stop deleting chain letters.... :eek: LOLOL!

Maybe that's why my luck hasn't been the greatest for the past 2 years :52:. Kidding of course. Don't believe in that.
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Yea. I'm just annoyed tuesday my car ran out of gas on the way home. Yesterday I got into an accident and today I got fired. But there is an opening at a place I used to temp at so tomorrow I will be going to talk to the owner as well as filling out an application
Yea. I'm just annoyed tuesday my car ran out of gas on the way home. Yesterday I got into an accident and today I got fired. But there is an opening at a place I used to temp at so tomorrow I will be going to talk to the owner as well as filling out an application

Good luck on the app!

Just remember that things will look up. Having a bad attitude (even if things are bad) can often lead to other bad things happening. Best to try and have the best attitude you can and move on from these bad things.
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Thanks I loved temping there so I'm hopeful plus I know 3 workers who really wanted me hired sooooo that helps

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