Ivy's Night of Horrible Freedom!

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Okay, I edited my post that used the word "cruel" to describe a clip that is so short it causes a bird to fall like a rock when spooked, and replaced it with "dangerous".
I clip my birds from flying out the door (I've lost two that way), but also from getting spooked and flying into a wall. I lost one that way which broke it's neck. So to me, clipping isn't just to keep the bird from escaping, but also for it's own safety. I agree, a clipped bird if clipped properly can still fly, just not very well and will most likely fly to the nearest tree where it will stay until retrieved. But no, cruelty is watching a bird fly around the house bumping into walls, screen and such.

Let me also add here that if I receive a bird that already knows they can fly and allowed to fly, I would hate to clip them because to me, it would break their spirit.
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Okay, I edited my post that used the word "cruel" to describe a clip that is so short it causes a bird to fall like a rock when spooked, and replaced it with "dangerous".

I agree Sodakat, this is why my mobile bird groomer will test my birds during clipping in a room with carpet to make sure they can catch themselves and not fall like a rock, which could injury their breast bone.

To me, it's just as bad with nail clipping. I have to be extra careful for 3 -4 days after they get their nails clipped because they will easily lose their grip on my arm or shoulder and fall. My Ekkie slipped off my shoulder a while back while I was washing dishes (by hand) and fell into a sink of soapy water. Thank goodness there were no sharp objects like a knife in the sink. That was the last time he sat with me while I did the dishes, nails clipped or not.
I'm sorry that my views are different than many. I've made the decision that this forum is not a good fit for me. I love talking about parrots but it was like a huge wake up call for me today when I realized that I honestly do have different beliefs than the mods, etc.
I clip my birds from flying out the door (I've lost two that way), but also from getting spooked and flying into a wall. I lost one that way which broke it's neck. So to me, clipping isn't just to keep the bird from escaping, but also for it's own safety. I agree, a clipped bird if clipped properly can still fly, just not very well and will most likely fly to the nearest tree where it will stay until retrieved. But no, cruelty is watching a bird fly around the house bumping into walls, screen and such.

Just a little note to avoid any confusion, when I say "you" I mean, "anyone as a bird owner", this isn't a big ramble at Mike :p

Which is why clipping vs flighted is such a personal choice. Merlin had one run in with a mirror when we first got him and since then, never again. Merlin now knows what a window is, what a mirror is and what a wall is. We CAN'T clip Merlin. So I dare anyone to tell me I'm in the wrong for keeping my bird flighted, despite the fact he's gotten out in a park on one occasion previously.

Honestly, I could argue all day for/against clipping, but I'll never be "right" about it unless I was the birds owner, knowing my bird and the situations they're in on a regular basis.

I'm disgruntled with the clip mentioned in this thread because it seemed like the bird was happy with her flight, they were over the moon her feathers had grown in, they make an error and the bird loses out on something they were all apparently happy about through a knee jerk reaction.

Clipping, whether people feel it's right or wrong is not your place to decide for someone elses bird, we can only advise owners what we feel is best for them, their bird and their situations. Which is why it's important when educating people about clips to discuss pros and cons of BOTH flighted and clipped birds.

One of my budgie's fly like bricks. He can fly, not for long, not far, and doesn't get much lift (basically how a clipping works). It's how he is, he's not clipped; but I still won't trust open windows, doors etc. If he gets out, "as a clipped bird" he's not likely to just go and sit in a tree until retrieved. He's more likely to fly around in a panic at being out and get eaten by a cat, or flap and fall in front of a car, etc... A lack of ability to fly shouldn't mean a lack of precaution in the household.

I've lost a flighted bird before, but he needn't have been flighted to have gotten out and lost, I kicked myself stupid for that and promised that none of my birds will ever get out through an open window/door ever ever again - and I've kept to my promise by ensuring that I'm hyper vigilant (as is Andrew). That was 4-5 years ago now and not had an incident since (asides from Merlin's 'grand escape' that didn't involve open doors/windows but my own stupidity).

So yes, a completely personal choice but both pros and cons should be considered. Those who jump into the knee jerk of FLIGHTED IS ALWAYS BETTER, or CLIPPING IS THE ONLY WAY TO KEEP THEM SAFE. Are both wrong and I don't think you should be advocating one way or the other without presenting both sides and listening to the facts at hand as what works for one flock member, doesn't necessarily work for them all.
Such a passionate subject on both sides. I hate both Rio and Kiwi's clips. I took Rio in to the birdstore and showed her clip to one of the girls who works there. I told her it bothers her. She looked at it and said, 'well that's how we do it too, looks like a normal clip.' I don't like the fact that my birds fall like rocks, should they decide to try and fly. I can't wait until they molt out to see what the difference in their personalities will be.
I'm sorry that my views are different than many. I've made the decision that this forum is not a good fit for me. I love talking about parrots but it was like a huge wake up call for me today when I realized that I honestly do have different beliefs than the mods, etc.

Everyone's view is different! I was speaking as a member not as a mod. I was a member like you or anyone else and I'm still human. :) Being a mod doesn't give me super powers nor will I abuse it. I do like your posts and agree with a lot of it. So please don't feel threatened or feel the need to leave us. Please reconsider!!!!
I'm SOOO glad you got Ivy back!! What a nervous wreck you guys probably were!! I was so scared reading your post that the ending was gonna say she never came back or something horrible... But nope! Happy to hear a happy ending :)

Clipping is a hot topic, but as a parront it is ultimately your decision and if you feel it's best for your fid, then by all means stand by your decision and don't let anyone guilt trip you into thinking otherwise.
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I'm sorry that my views are different than many. I've made the decision that this forum is not a good fit for me. I love talking about parrots but it was like a huge wake up call for me today when I realized that I honestly do have different beliefs than the mods, etc.

My views are similar to yours I believe on this subject.

But... Dispite this each to their own, no need to leave the forum, I'm sure your knowledge will be a help to others. :)
I'm sorry that my views are different than many. I've made the decision that this forum is not a good fit for me. I love talking about parrots but it was like a huge wake up call for me today when I realized that I honestly do have different beliefs than the mods, etc.

Please don't leave the forums. Your posts are so helpful and informative. You've helped me on some issues before, and I still use your advice to this day - it was valuable advice! Even if it wasn't my thread, I've learned just from reading your responses. They are not always flavored with flowery words, but loaded with, as someone had said, reason and logic.

Please don't be discouraged, the thing with forums is there are so many conflicting opinions and approaches. I hope you change your mind about leaving.
Ps. Also, about your views differing from many, go back to the first page and see just how many thanked you for your post. Not everyone will agree, and really it doesn't matter how many agree or disagree, it's what makes a forum. So yeah, stay please! :)
I'm sorry that my views are different than many. I've made the decision that this forum is not a good fit for me. I love talking about parrots but it was like a huge wake up call for me today when I realized that I honestly do have different beliefs than the mods, etc.

Stand by your beliefs, they're very valid ones! Please don't leave, you have so much to offer parrot owners and if someone doesn't like what you would do or how you would handle a problem then they don't have to follow your lead, simple solution.
How did this thread go from Ivy's Night of Horrible Freedom to sodakat announcing her departure? :eek:

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion about clipping his/her bird's wings. It's a VERY personal decision.

This thread has unfortunately gone way off topic and will be therefore be closed.
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