Jack-my wise, old, Hyacinth.


New member
Mar 4, 2010
Calgary, AB
Toulouse- Cinnamon Green Cheeked Conure
Jack, My beloved Hyacinth passes away a few days ago. Before I explain what happned, I'll tell you a little about his life.

Jack was a male breeder, and he lived on Vancouver Island. He was kept outside-all year round! Even when it snowed! When Jack's old "parents' found out the eggs he had were no longer fertile, they decided to sell him.

My family and I always wanted a macaw so, we adopted Jack. We didn't know his exact age, but his previous owners believed he was about 25-30 years old, and very healthy. As soon as we got him, we took him to a vet, where they told us that he was actually, very sick. He had a cataract in one eye, a heart murmur, and a very bad cold. Let me tell you- he had alot of medicine. (and vet check-ups!)

Despite Jack's illness's he was a extremely loving bird! He would fall asleep on your lap if you gave him scriches, walk around our living room, and preen our hair. He also loved wood... and ripping that wood to bits.. haha.

Last night, my mom was giving him scritches, on her lap, when Jack had a heart attack, and died.

He really was a "Gentle Giant".


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That's so sad, it must have been so difficult to see him pass right in front of you. At least you could've been there to comfort him. Just remember all of those wonderful moments you spent with him, how he made you smile.

He's in good hands, and that's good to know. So sorry about your loss...
What a beautiful tribute to the "Gentle Giant" he sure was a special bird. Never to be forgotten.
So sorry for your loss, I feel your pain. :(
At least your Mon was there, for him, in his time of passing.
Jack had a wonderful and happy life, being part of your family.
Rainbow Heaven has gained another "Angel"
I'm so sorry for your loss. You gave Jack a wonderful, loving home.
We all really do feel your grief as Antionette wrote. You provided him with more quality life than he had before. Do have a pic you would want to share with us?
So sorry to hear of your loss. Jack was certainly a lucky bird to have shared the remainder of his life with such a caring & loving family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time
Sorry to hear of jacks passing my condolences
:( How very sad but Jack is now at peace and flying with the angels. :blue: Hyacinths are the gentle giants of the parrot world and Jack seems typical of this. RIP Jack xxx
Sorry to hear of your loss cass my condolences

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