Javi may be extremely dehydrated--please help if you can!

I found this article written for parrots regarding milk thistle and aloe....

http://www.parrotresourcecentre.ca/uploads/1/1/9/5/11953069/milk_thistle_info.pdf (you can read this same information I posted below at this link)


ā€œMilk Thistle, sylibum marianum, is a wonderful herb for the liver. It has been shown to protect the liver and heal liver cells. Its active ingredients are found in the fruiting bodies, the seeds and the entire plant. The content of silymarin is highest in the fruiting body! Although there are fewer liver-healing properties in the seeds, birds will readily eat these tasty millet-size seeds, making milk thistle seeds an excellent addition to the diet for any bird with liver problems.

There is a nutraceutical extract of milk thistle called silymarin, which is a flavonoid having an affinity for the liver. It is used quite commonly in Japan and Europe for acute liver toxicosis. Itā€™s primarily used to regenerate hepatocytes, where it improves the flow of bile and fat to and from the liver. If used in too high a dose, however, it can cause loose stools due to the increase in bile it produces.

Milk thistle, or silymarin, is one of the best herbs for liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, acute toxicosis of the liver and fatty liver disease. It is also beneficial for bile duct inflammation and is a potent anti-oxidant. Glutathione is one of the most important hepatic detoxification pathways of the body, and milk thistle increases glutathione content in the liver by up to 35 percent.ā€ David McCluggage, DVM

We use at the rescue, Milk Thistle seeds for maintaining liver support but when we have a bird with a liver health issue, we use ā€˜Silamarieā€™ by Bio-Health. This is Milk Thistle fruits (Silymarin) with no other added ingredients. These are 450mg (powder) per capsule.

Usage: Approximately 1ā„4 of the MT powder, then divide in half (1/8th ) to give each dose per 1 soft hand feed x twice daily. If faeces become too loose, reduce the dose. Warning: it is possible the stools will turn very dark green to black. Donā€™t be alarmed, as the MT is doing its job, thus cleansing the liver and bile ducts of accumulated rubbish and toxins from the liver.

Further information on Milk Thistle: http://www.herbs-hands-healing.co.uk/singleherbs/milkthistle.html


Another additional treatment, alongside Milk Thistle nutraceutical extract for liver (and kidney) disease is 'Aloe Vera Herbal Detox Formula' by Lily of the Desert http://www.lilyofthedesert.com/our_products/category/condition-specific-formulas/32

Usage: Aloe detox does not eradicate bacteria like antibiotics so you are not going to need a probiotic to follow the treatment.
Dosing: start the bird out on 1 half capful to 1 pint of water. Once the bird is used to the taste, increase it to 1 capful to 1 pint of water. !f the bird is sick or you think he/she may have ingested something toxic, give the formula at 50/50, or stronger, as long as they drink it.

Store the opened Aloe Detox bottle in the fridge, as it then has a long shelf-life.

We have successfully used Aloe Vera Herbal Detox Formula alongside the Milk Thistle nutraceutical extract with two parrots here at the rescue. One of the parrots had a severe kidney infection that later compromised the health of his liver. Both birds made a full recovery.

Additonal supporting links:
http://www.avianweb.com/liverdisease.html http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww24eii.htm
Compiled by Julie Hamilton, New Life Parrot Rescue & Helpline Service (UK) Charity Reg No: 1056409
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Wendy, you have your own set of wings don't you.
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  • #24
He didnā€™t make it. This hurts so much. In the delirium of grief I keep going back over what could have caused this so that I can go back in time and make everything right.

I wish I had researched his food. I wish he had more time out of the cage each day and that I had been more patient at times . . . he was a beautiful bird and the most faithful pet ever. He died alone when I went to put the baby down for a nap, and call me crazy, but he was holding on for hours this morning because I was holding him and I know he was staying for me.

Thank you all so much for all of your kind, thoughtful replies. It would have been great to have found this forum when he wasnā€™t ill so I could have shared with you all the tricks and words he learned. I will be back on here for help with selecting the right food etc if I ever get another parrot.

Enjoy your beautiful creatures! You are so lucky to have them


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Awwww I'm soooooo sorry for your loss!! I was praying for your little one. Don't beat yourself up over what ifs...I went thru the same when my YNA passed away...focus on the good things. The good times.
I'm sorry for your loss; Javi looked like a happy and healthy bird in the picture. You did what you could.
He didnā€™t make it. This hurts so much. In the delirium of grief I keep going back over what could have caused this so that I can go back in time and make everything right.

I wish I had researched his food. I wish he had more time out of the cage each day and that I had been more patient at times . . . he was a beautiful bird and the most faithful pet ever. He died alone when I went to put the baby down for a nap, and call me crazy, but he was holding on for hours this morning because I was holding him and I know he was staying for me.

Thank you all so much for all of your kind, thoughtful replies. It would have been great to have found this forum when he wasnā€™t ill so I could have shared with you all the tricks and words he learned. I will be back on here for help with selecting the right food etc if I ever get another parrot.

Enjoy your beautiful creatures! You are so lucky to have them

I am so sorry for your loss.... :(
I'm so sorry for your loss. Summon the strength to cope with his passing.
I am so sorry for your loss:( My heart breaks for you.
Fly free, Beautiful Javi. You will be missed.
I'm very sorry. :(
I am so sorry he didn't make it:( At least he did not have to suffer long and passed knowing he was very loved in life. He is flying free now!
I am sooo sorry for your baby!
FYI, dehydration is in the top ten for deaths, with water bottles a major cause!

I really hurt for you!
I am so very sorry for you loss.
I'm sorry for your loss. I understand your hurt and I hope the good times shine through quickly.

You can't blame yourself, you didn't know.

It will take time, when/if you're ready you can come back and we can all talk about things to do better. We can all do better, be better, don't let it keep you from moving forward.
But for now, grieve, cry, laugh and smile at the memories. It's ok to feel bad but don't stay with that, the good times are worth more than that and so are you who are clearly a loving, caring person.
You cherished Javi, and he you. He wanted you to be happy, so smile for him.
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  • #35
Again, thank you all.

I want to say this in the event the thread will help others:
HAVE THE ALOE DETOX ON HAND, or know where you can get it in a pinch. TELL YOUR VET to have it on hand, too. I called mine and I hope she adds it to her arsenal.

Also, CHECK YOUR WATER BOTTLE EVERY DAY. Javi made a mess of his water dish and the bottom of the cage was always very wet and a breeding ground for microbials, which is why I switched him to the bottle and I stand by that decision, I just wish I had been testing that ball more often.

My theory is that Javi got kidney damage from the dehydration, and if I had treated him with the Aloe Detox on Friday he would have pulled through. The vet said he probably was sick for a long time. But a week ago he was playing with toys, talking and screeching and pooping regular poo to his heart's content.

This hurts so bad I wouldn't wish it on any bird or human

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