Jenday vs. Nanday?


Mar 31, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
Gcc- Conlan... Sun Conure- Mouse...Jenday- Kellan... RLA- Happy...B&G Macaw- Rhage
A friend of mine is looking into getting a new bird. She's had them in the past but they were parakeets. She lives with her husband and no kids. Works from home and is home most of the day and is looking for a companion.

She's narrowed it down to the Nanday conure and the Jenday conure. Noise isn't much of an issue, though quieter is always better. Looking for more of a social bird that enjoys company and has a less aggressive attitude towards people and other pets. It's usually just her and her hubby but occasionally they have quests and would eventually like to let it interact free range when they are home so she wants something naturally more open to new people and not so aggressive.

Obviously each bird is it's own personality. But in general, which is the more social and adaptable of the 2? Any pros and cons? Online only gets you so much info so she looking for the inside of people who know them.

I tried talking her into a green cheek but she isn't too fond of them :/ she's seen my green cheeks demonic side haha. My GCC had become attached to me in the way he isn't too happy when others get to close if I'm there, but still bites me every chance he gets... Odd little thing he is haha.
Well, I don't know much about Nanday's but my Jenday(Lola) is a great family bird. She likes both me and my mom and will tolerate my sister. Lola is definitely a bit *****y at times too. I think all birds can have their "demonic" side lol. Just like us, they have mood swings and might through the occasional tantrum. Another thing to warn your friend about is that bird companions are super needy little things. If she has always had birds I'm pairs, then maybe she hasn't realized how demanding they are. My bird ALWAYS wants to be with us. And while she might say noise isn't a problem now, if she is working from home trying to concentrate and has a loud bird (Jenday's are freaking loud) screaming for her to come pick it up, it does get tiresome. Don't get me wrong, they're totally worth it in the end, but a lot of patience is required.
Six of one, half dozen of the others.

Nandays, Jendays, and Suns are all in the same family of conure, with very similar overall traits.

Honey, I shrunk the macaw.
Six of one, half dozen of the others.

Nandays, Jendays, and Suns are all in the same family of conure, with very similar overall traits.

Honey, I shrunk the macaw.


I didn't think the Nandays were related to Brazilian species.

I read an article where the normal "triad" were considered the Sun, Jenday and Gold Capped Conures, while the Nanday being a close relative that sometimes breed with the Sun/Jen/Gold Capped.

The Gold-Capped, Jenday and Sun Conures | Voren's Aviaries Inc

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