Just an observation...


New member
Aug 24, 2011
New Jersey
Female Dusky Conure (Kayak) Female Sun Conure (Carlisle) Female Budgie (Meister) Male Budgie (Spooky Burd)
I am owned by 4 cats aside from my beautiful conures. I learned today just how much I appreciate the fact that bird poop does not stink like cat poop. I was doing laundry today in the basement and was very excited to have nice bleachy clean sheets (hey, I'm a simple person :p) when my very gorgeous Siamese decided that mommy's laundry time was the perfect time to use the freshly scooped litter box. (its in the basement next to the washer and dryer) He is a very smelly pooper. It made me finish my laundry quickly and go upstairs and take my not so stinky birds out.

I adore my cats and have been owned by them my entire life. Today made me realize just how much I love my birds. They love me, they're easy to care for, and they don't stink. They make big messes but I'd much rather run a vacuum than scoop a smelly litter box after Lewis used it.
Cat poop is particularly stinky. Mine also sits in my lap and farts. They are silent but deadly!
Oh my goodness, lol! I also love the fact that my GCC's poop is so easy to clean. It practically washes off with a bit of water and a paper towel. It doesn't stain, either (I know better than to let her out after she's had blueberries, though).
I can completely relate to this!!! My boyfriend finally agreed to letting me get my parrot, so when he talked about wanting a new puppy I couldn't fairly object. Now that we have a new puppy thats "potty training" I really have to appreciate Tates poop! It's nothing like a nasty steaming pile of vomit inducing puppy poop! Lol, sorry to be so gross, but it's so true I had to be dramatic.
I love my cats as well but HATE their litter boxes! Con is so much easier to clean up after and doesn't shed all over my clothes.
My brother has 3 cats. The other day he was over my house, and I had 2 birds on my shoulder. One of them pooped. Just a small little nurdle, on my shoulder. I thought that my brother was going to throw up! I said, laughing, "I can't believe that makes you sick, when every morning, before breakfast, you scoop out 25 pounds of cat poop!" I had to change my shirt because he was gagging so. Unbelievable! :D
My brother has 3 cats. The other day he was over my house, and I had 2 birds on my shoulder. One of them pooped. Just a small little nurdle, on my shoulder. I thought that my brother was going to throw up! I said, laughing, "I can't believe that makes you sick, when every morning, before breakfast, you scoop out 25 pounds of cat poop!" I had to change my shirt because he was gagging so. Unbelievable! :D

OMG ! Some people can be such prima donnas , lololol.
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Cat poop is particularly stinky. Mine also sits in my lap and farts. They are silent but deadly!

Oh man! My Siamese (the stinky pooper) is guilty of this! He is a heat thief and will flop on your lap. This is cute until he farts and stinks out the whole room. Now whenever something smells bad my father goes "Lewis, is that you? Dude your ass stinks!" 9 times out of 10 it is him. The vet has given him a clean bill of health multiple times.

Of all cats I've had or met in my life he is by far the cutest and craziest cat I've known. We found him in a parking lot. Who gets rid of a beautiful Siamese? We discovered why he was probably dumped somewhere. He's got such a personality but is also a total nutcase. I've found in him a kitchen cabinet (to this day I still don't know how he got there) on top of the fridge (only after he swatted me on my head when I opened the door), on the counter behind the toaster oven, he's walked across the stove and caught his tail on fire, he's been in the washer, on a shelf in the hall closet, climbed in the dishwasher, in the dryer, and destroyed my parents' box spring by climbing up inside it. I love this cat. Everybody who meets him loves him and wants to steal him. I do not love his stinky poop or farts. OR the fact that he is the worst around the birds and as my mother puts it "Moo (his original name was Moo Shu but he never answers to it... my father started calling him Lewis and it stuck) wants to help you play with the birds... with his teeth and claws" He is forever banned from my room. :mad:


You can never stay mad for long at this cross eyed freak of a cat. All he has to do is look straight at you and you can't help but laugh at him.

He will sit at the kitchen table with a bib on hoping somebody will feed him something. His favorite food is chicken but I'm sure he'd settle for conure or budgie if given the chance :(
Lewis is adorable and sounds like a character. Ok, don't misunderstand me and think Sadie farts nonstop (that would be my ex bf). But, sometimes we are just sitting there or watching TV and I suddenly smell this overwhelming smell of cat poop. Of course there is no poop anywhere but in the litter box. So I know she farted. Then everything will be good and fine for a few minutes and once again the cat poop smell invades my nostrils. My mom didn't believe me that cats fart, lol! Then my sister said, "OMG mine fart, too, and it's horrible!"

She also belches in my face, and gets hiccups rather often. She is the only cat I've had that seems to get hiccups.
I could just squish him :p He looks like he needs a great big hug !

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