Learning Curve

baileys mum

New member
Jan 2, 2011
illawarra australia
alexandrine, gala and a lorikeet
Hi just wondering if someone could give me some advice. Had my 3 month old alex for 3 weeks now. He does that baby screech to be feed when i get him out and doesnt stop and settle. He eats on his own and has done since ive had him. Will this stop soon? Also when i take him out of cage to sit on perch he tries to fly off but only flutters to the floor. Is he too young to be let out of cage yet or will he just learn not to fly off eventually. He is still cautious when i get him out of cage, has latched onto my fingers a couple of times, but i just calmly say NO!. Cant wait till i can handle him more and pat and snuggle with him.
Hi, welcome to the forum!

Many parrot behaviours are learned. He knows how to find the food bowl clearly lol. The screeching is just a habit that he should grow out of but if not, you just need to find yourself a trigger phrase. Mine is "no shout".

He is learning what his new environment is all about and at 3 months, although very young, he is capable of flight. Unless his wings are clipped?

All I would suggest is you work with him inside the cage with step up. Use a wooden chopstick if he is hurting your fingers. You can teach him no bite from there. Once you can get him out comfortably (that goes for both of you lol!!!) then you can show him the wonders of his new world.

If he wants to go with you, that's a great sign, it's just for safety and bonding purposes, it may be nicer to get him to trust you more first.

Additionally, leaving the cage door open and sitting beside the cage might help. As will ensuring the floor provides a soft landing lol.

As always, remember to listen to your bird, take their lead and with endless patience, love and LOTS of talking, you will soon be snuggling.

Hope that helped.
There is nothing wrong with hand feeding him a little soft food. I still feed some food to Rosie from a spoon. This too helps with bonding. AT 3 months a bird can be clumsy but fly unless he was weined before fledge (flying). Work with him on the flying over a bed so he will not be injured. Most of all have fun. You did not say what kind of bird it is.
Our red-front macaw still makes what we call "baby noise" now and then and she's 1 1/2 yrs old. We actually look forward to it because it means she's happy and comfy.

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