Looking to get a chihuahua puppy what to expect?


New member
Nov 12, 2016
African Grey Timneh
So I love dogs and plan on always having a 4 legged friend. Not sure if it's too soon I've only had Timneh for a year now. Bella my puggle seems a little lonely since I lost my lab. I'm not sure if I want to disrupt the house Bella is such a good girl. I've wanted a chihuahua for awhile now and almost got one a few years ago but backed out at the last minute. I've gotten a little lax with Bella but I think with such a small dog I'd almost have to worry more about Timneh hurting the puppy than the other way around. I have a friend with a chihuahua and Bella absolutely loves him. Thanks for letting me bounce some ideas around on you guys. This little puppy is so cute. I just can't seem to help myself.
Iā€™d say the House dynamic will change sigfnificantly! Not because of the puppy pet se but chihuahuas are crazy! Iā€™d actually fear for a bird with almost any chihuahua. Theyā€™ve got such outsized personalities, typical napoleonic complex. I lived with one for several years. Sweet but definitely opinionated about most things. Little too vocal and bully like behavior for me.

I need a more sweet, docile personality. Iā€™m a huge fan of cavalier King Charles spaniels (total love bugs, golden retrievers of the small dog world), and of course I love my yorkie :)
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I'd agree with chris. Every Chihuahua I've met has been a very nippy snappy dog with more energy than they should be able to muster. Combine it with a bird and it could be a recipe for disaster. to be honest I'd be wary of adding any dog to a home with a Grey considering their reputation for being neurotic it could very easily upset Timneh
Billdore, I'm sorry about your lab, I know how much it hurts, we had to say goodby to our female golden retriever almost a year ago and it still breaks my heart.

I agree with Chris, bringing in a new puppy, any puppy will change the house dynamic. I think it's a matter of being willing to take on the extra responsibility and challenge. It's hard to choose a puppy, some are far more challenging than others as I'm sure you know. As far as how Timneh will react that's difficult to say but I certainly think you could make it work. The breed seems to be a matter of compatible personalities, I love golden retrievers and yorkies but we've also shared our home with a Saint Bernard, a German Shepherd and a Border Collie for their entire lives. We now have a ten year old female yorkie, a nine month old male golden retriever and a fifteen week old male shi-tzu/yorkie cross.
Ive only got Enzo and just a single grey with no other pet consumes so much of my time and attention I couldnt even imagine having another member of the household, im actually worried about how much time i can dedicate to my new GF lol.
yeah but your GF knows she's got the lower peg whilst Enzo has the higher peg
I found a Chihuahua / Italian greyhound mix for my mom when I went off to college. She was an okay dog. She sometimes nipped people and she barked a lot, very shrill and obnoxious by dog standards. She was energetic and fun though when she liked you. My experience with pure Chihuahuas has been worse, but I've never had one in the family. Personally, I'd want a bigger, calmer dog for the sake of my (and my bird's) nerves, but dogs have their own individual personalities too, so who knows.
My chihuahua was far from the norm...living with 2 bigger/older dogs, he was not aggressive in the least, and by far the one who barked the least. He was absolutely terrified of the birds...the only ones he was ever in the room with were my finches, and I brought him in to sit on my lap and he was scared to death of them!

When the time comes and we add another dog to our family, it will be another chihuahua without a doubt. We still have our Pekingese and Min Pin, and at this time I wouldn't trust Church, my Peke, with a puppy. He is grouchy in his old age. If Memphis, the Min Pin, was our only dog, we would go ahead and get the chihuahua as I think he would not do well without a canine companion. I am so sorry for the loss of your Lab, it's been almost 2 years since we lost Chaz and it still feels like yesterday.

I wish you luck in whatever you decide, and of course we want pictures if you decide to add the chihuahua to your family!
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Very true they are little guard dogs. My parents have two Yorkies one is super friendly and the other is really mean to my Bella for no reason at all. Their last Yorkie only liked the people that went to pick him up from the breeder. Bella was amazingly hard to train and my lab was amazingly easy everyone said I got lucky with my lab wasn't till I got Bella that I realized how right they were. Timneh living in the pet store for a couple months seems like it socialized her to other animals. She could of cared less about my dogs when I brought her home. Timneh really is amazing, I don't want to upset her. I think she enjoys having Bella around for company they don't interact but Timneh will ask where's Bell Bell when Bella's outside in the backyard. It would definitely be more work than getting a puppy would normally be. Thank you for the help guys. It really does help to hear everyone's thoughts on stuff like this.
I have 3 chihuahuas. They are all very mild mannered. They do bark at every noise they hear, but they are in no way aggressive. They sleep all day long pretty much. Two are short haired and one is long haired. The short hairs value warmth more than anything else, year round. The long haired just does his own thing. None of them are super small. I would hate to ever have another puppy though. The easiest one was our first chi, Lola, who was adopted by us when she was almost 6 months old. So much easier than the youngest one. Middle one was 4 months old when we got him, totally trained. YMMV.
Thereā€™s no doubt every dog is different. I will admit a bias against chihuahuas.
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Speaking to the breeder she's most worried about Bella. Being and older dog with a chihuahua puppy apparently isn't easy. lol she says she can help me to make it a happy loving home but maybe I would be to selfish in adding another family member right now. But I want one I want one I want one and I want it now!!! lol something to be learned from old Willy wonka.
Would like to say that you and your little Bella both might enjoy the companionship of the little chihuahua. They can be wonderful, loving little dogs, each has their own personality. As far as changing dynamics? Adding another dog always requires more work and attention to give to the new pet but? If you are willing and wanting to add to your family? Go for it! As far as the birds and dogs getting along, I have 6 well trained dogs, 7 birds. I donā€™t expect them to ā€œget alongā€, I watch them very closely and make sure none have the chance to hurt the others. I donā€™t see a need for the dogs and birds to interact. Occasionally a bird will get off a playstand and thankfully none of the dogs here bother with the birds (at least never have but you never know!) The thing to do? Is make sure each of your animals and birds get the proper attention, love, and care they each deserve and enjoy your little blessings! Our pets are all so special!! This advice is coming from the proud owner of 4 little chihuahuas, 2 German shepherds, 5 African Greys and two linneolated Parakeets! šŸ˜

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