Lovebird Entertainment Help?


New member
Nov 9, 2013
A male Parakeet & female Lovebird
So I recently got a female Lovebird and she has no mate to really keep her company and she really doesn't enjoy my young male parakeet.

But I have realized she is extremely smart (she is my first Lovebird) so I've been trying to challenge her with some toys I find around in my old toy bin but I really am thinking of making some fun puzzle like toys for her out of things I can find at home.
If anyone has done this I'd really like to know what you used and what they looked like and what not or where you've bought any as well.

-Thank you if you can help!
i do these, my birds have them figured out easily :)

[ame=]Munch Foraging - YouTube[/ame]

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