lutino rainbow lorikeet


Oct 27, 2012
north qld, Australia
alexandrines : Oxy, Bruno, prince (was princess)
i have a breeder down the road from house. they have a mixture inc, sunnies, lorries, ekkies, ringnecks, alexs, cockateils, gcc,quakers, crimson wings and rosellas.. they may have a few others but they are the ones i seen today.

niw back to my story :)

i called past there yesterdayvas i seen an add on fb about some birds for sale inc a hand reared male ekkie, and a friend of mine is after one. i thought it was them but it turned out its thier neice's add.

i got talking to the gentleman (cant remember his name) about his birds. he pointed to one of his aviaries that held a beautiful bright yellow bird. i was i awe of the colour, he then priceeded to tell me it was actually a rainbow lorri. i had never heard of, let alone seen a yellow lorri.

today i went down again to have a look at the baby ekkie for my mate. i arrived earlier then their neice so had a look around the aviaries and a better look at this yellow lorri.

on closer inspection i see it has the most beautiful bright reddy orange under its wings, im still in shock of how beautiful this bird is.

so karla (the neice) arrives with this beautiful baby ekkie, and to my surprise another lutino lorri. the lorri was also for sale, but i exoected a normal rainbow. this little lorri had more of that reddy orange on him, mainly round the face and breast (the normal blue areas). it was so cheeky and cuddly. i enquired about him for my sister, but at $500 he was way out price range.

unfortunately i didnt think to snap a pic of these beautiful, what i belive to be rare gems.

sirry for the long post but just wanted to share
here you go :) I hadn't seen them before, they are beautiful!

I looked around online, there seems to be quite a bit of breeders in australia but very few out of it.



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how beautiful is that colouring. i think they mentioned the first one i seen was a split, not sure what tho, it only had the red under its wings.
i think if i was personally in the market for another bird and had tge finances i may have taken that littke v=beauty off her hands
That would be a beautiful and unique add to a flock. I love lorikeets, but I wouldn't want to deal with their poo lol

Here's two lutino Lorikeet, the info on them said
"Left: Normal Right: Bred from Aqua type Rainbow. Note different head colours "

and there is also the lutino scaly breasted lorikeet that only has red under the wings. Could this of been the bird you saw?
oh those are gorgeous!! I love my Green Naped Lorikeet but he is a handful I was not expecting him to have such a big personality and it changes often lol! I love him but he is not a bird for everyone as they are incredibly messy! he acts like a two year old given wings and a bucket full of sugar!
beautiful birds, ive never owned one so i couldnt say great attitudes or anything. i've heard they are slightly messy though:p.

Slightly messy is an

They can be very destructive and super messy birds!!!! Their nectar diet can be quite costly! As several others have stated with me, the males seems to be more aggressive during hormone season and can pack a nasty bite. Training them can be a pain but they can be trained. They're nothing like your other parrots!!!!
Well I take that back a little I did meet one and worked with it a little. Lol I sometimes lose tract.... Yea I know they are really messy I just tried not to make them sound soo horrible but really you need to be extremely willing to take care of them.

Zu preem makes the nectar for them it's like 19.00 dollars for a 3 or 4 lb bag. So not to bad I guess.

When you start feeding them nectar on a daily basis, that goes down very quickly. In order to get mine to eat his fruits and veggies we have to sprinkle some nectar on his food too. And he gets his warm liquid nectar everyday.

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