Marley's going home in a few weeks....


New member
Nov 1, 2014
Middle Earth
Ethyl the cockatiel, Henry & Clarke the IRN's, and Skittles the lovebird (my daughters)
And that's okay :) Gonna miss him though!

He's my Mum's bird, and they had to move into a much smaller property while they built a new house - unusual circumstances and new property desperately required.

Her two option's were to sell Marley, or send him to me. I was pretty stoked! The idea was he wouldn't adjust to change at all and therefore he'd be here forever.

Thing is - he adjusted quickly, and well. He loves it here and he loves chatting with Henry. He is more then happy to hang out with us in front of the telly for daily scritches, and he adores my husband. So, you'd think he'd stay.

But then Mum walks in. He's probably been here at least 6 months - but without fail he calls out to her, and just melts all over her while she's here. It's so so clear that the strength in that bond is still very real. And he still feels like Mum's bird too.

So when the house is ready, he'll go back. If he doesn't adjust back so well my door is always open for him, but I guess in reality this so far has been a dream situation for sucky circumstance. I think he'll do just fine on his return. But I'll miss having a bigger bird around! It'll be interesting to see how Henry responds too. As long as Ethyl can still get her spot on the curtain rail for flight time, she doesn't care less about the coming and goings of other parrots :eek:

Just sharing - it's on my mind a bit atm.
This is such a sweet story! Thank you for sharing! I know you will miss Marley but it worked out so well. Your mom must be so grateful to you and so thrilled to be able to take Marley back.
Ah can sense that you will miss Marley, you have been a good mom to him for six months. He clearly loves your mom and I'm pretty sure after he adjusts to the new home all will be well. Perhaps you can remind her to play real estate agent and take him on tours around the new house to get his bearings and help settle in. I used to do this with Plum, he takes himself on one now, knows all the rooms. Ultimately this experience will have been a good one for him, it is good for them to be socialised. You never know maybe you may want a RB2 of your own LOL? Cheer up now you will see him again and he will be pleased to see and will remember you!
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That's a heartwarming-ly bittersweet story for you. It just goes to show how deeply the bond a parrot forms with his human flock can be. Such a great thing yall were able to do for him, and it's always nice to see when people put their fids feelings first (try saying that 5 times fast) Bravo to you, just goes to prove, parting can be such sweet sorrow.
This so touches my heart. I can only imagine how hard it will be to see Marley go, but what a wonderful thing you did for both Marley and your Mum:)
Do you live close enough where you could visit Marley <and your Mum of course lol> on occasion? Sounds like Marley has feelings your way also and that he has had a great time with you. :)

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Yup Jim, we're only 20mins or so drive away :)
Marley has settled well back into single life. Henry and I went to visit him the other day. They had a quick game of peek a boo before Henry tried to throw himself at him with his kisses, and Marley just looked at me as if to say..."really? You had to bring HIM here?"....
It was a pretty awesome experience all around, gave us a taste of 'big bird' life - although Plumsmum if we got that route I have my eye firmly on a Grey...or Grey....or an amazon....I think a grey....
Thanks to everyone for keeping Marley safe and secure. What a great story! Sad but happy. I have to agree...a grey for sure...a grey...

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